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In Justice Court

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In Justice Court.

- John Raisch proprietor of the Kossuth House, tried before Granger, J. P., on charge of selling liquor to a minor, a son of Jeff Davis, after having been warned not to do so, was convicted and multced of $25 and costs of $12.75. Total $37.75. He appeals. -

Louis Needles and Jack Bedford for creating a disturbance on the Toledo and Ann Arbor railroad Saturday evening w.ere arraigned before Frueauff , J. P., and received live days each at jail. These parties are residents of East Milan, were drunk and disorderly and were obliged to stop over Sunday in jail before they were sober enough to appear for trial.

-John D. Godfrey, of Grosse Point, a cousin of the late Lorenzo D. Godfrey, had an interview with Police Justice Miner yesterday, and procured a warrant for the arrest of B. Frank Bower, reporter of the Evening News, for manslaughter by violently pushing, hauling and throwing Lorenzo D. Godfrey on March 31st. Mr. Bower, who was still under bail to appear in case any steps in a criminal direction were taken in the matter, was informed of the warrant yesterday afternoon, and said he would obey it as soon as offically informed by the Police Court officers. - Free Press 29th.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus