Ypsilanti Department
Ypsilanti Department.
- John J. Robison was in town Saturday.
- Chas. Yost is home sick with the measles.
- Charley Foster is expected home in a few days from Dakota.
- Mrs. E. N. Follett has been very sick, but is convalescent at present.
-George Haschell of Detroit spent Sunday with his friends in this city.
-Mr. Mills of Beading, formerly of this place, is reported dangerously sick.
- J. Crane and wife have our congratulations, it is a girl and weighs 8 lbs.
- Walter Bucklin and wife of Canton, Ohio, are visiting their parents in this city.
- D. W. Thompson is at Moscow, his brother at that place not being expected to live.
-Mr. Sherwood, who has been prospecting in Colorado, returned home last week.
- S. M. Pultney was buried Thursday, having gradually failed since his release from prison.
- According to the common council proceedings Chauncey Joslin has become deputy marshal.
- The moving season has commenced and by the number of loads of goods on the streets people like change.
- Dr. Post has purchased a residence of Mr. Mills on Huron Street. His office will be located in the Laible block.
- The item in last week's issue which reads, C. Tinker supreme ' time ' keeper of the Maccabees, should be ' finance ' keeper.
-The city attorney has been instructed to prefer charges to the Governor against Justice Skinner for being drunk, &c.
-Frank Draper who has been so long in the employ of Wm. B. Martin, starts for N. Y. this week and is not certain of returning here.
- The crazy man was taken to Ann Arbor Thursday last, and by the rough handling he got it is not desirous to be afflicted that way, for that reason if no other.
-James Curtis's son, who formerly resided in this city, was brought here from Kalamazoo for burial Monday. His remains were interred in the old cemetery.
- M. S. Peck of East Saginaw, Miss Inez Fitzgerald, Mrs. Stam and Mr. Hoy of Manchester were in attendance at the Firemen's hop at Follett hall Friday evening.
- Two new cases of small pox was announced Friday, two children in the family of James Hagerty. No satisfactory explanation of how they caught the disease is known.
-The Register says Wm. Deubel has purchased a residence of Mr. Wilkinson and will locate here. Mr. Deubel says he Was not aware of it until informed so by that paper.
-Charles Lewis who has been at Ann Arbor so long having his leg operated upon by Dr. Maclean returned home Thursday, and expressed his pleasure in the hopes of the recovery of a sound limb. It is nearly a year ago since the accident occurred.
- A week ago Sunday Rev. Mr. Boyden preached in the evening at the Baptist church and solicited a subscription for the Baptist seminary of which he is financial manager. His popularity here could be seen by the crowded house that welcomed him.
-F. A. Hunt has purchased the interest of C. & C. H. Wheeler in the gasoline lamps, and in the future instead of lighting the paths of his clients with legal lore, he will take an interest in dispelling darkness from over the city by having them lighted with gasoline lamps.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus