Chelsea, April 28.
- Prof. Meek reads at the club room to-niglit for the benefit of the Pioneer society.
- Jaines Ilamilton the barber, left here last week to take up bis abode in Toledo.
-Legislativo timber is abundant around here and is beginning to figure in that direction.
-John R. Clark will deliver three lectures before the reform club on May 4th, 5th and 6th.
- An unusual number of fruit and ornamental trees have been received at this place this spring.
-The reform club is about buying a new $85 Packard organ, which it needs at its Sunday afternoon meetings.
- The store room to be occupied next week by the branch store of Tuomy Bros. of Dexter, is nearly ready for business.
- The peach trees in this vicinity are full of blossoms and the crop will be abundant unless some drawback comes to them after this time. All other fruit also promises well.
-James M. Kanoase who has been running a blacksmith business here some years, started for Denver last week intending to locate some government land and seek his fortune in the great west.
-The village Board is petitioned to repeal the ordinance forbidding the running of a billiard table in the same building with and in connection with saloons, and a numerously signed remonstrance has been circulated, and it remains to be seen what the board will do.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus