- Oakland like Washtenaw county is for Blaine.
- J. R. McGlone a prominent lumber dealer of Flint has removed to Toledo.
- Flint's two Chinamen have folded up their pig tails and silently stolen away.
- Litchfield, Hillsdale county, gives a bounty of 10 cents each for woodchuck scalps.
- His daughter suiciding, drove Albert Wilcox of Adrian into temporary insanity.
-James McGuire plead guilty to body snatching in Oakland court on Tuesday.
-Clinton has a 19 year old lecturer, young man devoted to temperance and woman's rights.
- Four windmills have recently been blown down in Concord Township, Jackson County.
- Measles, chicken-pox, whooping cough, and struck by lightning all in Hillsdale last week.
-The Port Huron firemen want a change of bed clothing- haven't had change in two years.
- Mrs. Almon Parish, a young married woman of Flint, died suddenly in convulsions on the 25th.
-Port Huron has $29,000 school bonds outstanding. School appropriation asked for this year $17,100.
- Lightning struck the M. E. parson age of Dundee, the bolt hitting a chimney and glancing to the ground.
-Mr. N. Halsey, lawyer, and A. B. Wood, carriage maker, both resident of Adrian many years, died lately.
- A sum of $300 has been subscribed in Adrian for the aid of Mrs. Lyon, widow of the murdered policeman.
-Mrs. Felton of Clinton gave a party to aged widows of whom there were twenty present between the ages of 70 and 85.
- Christian Bonning of Monroe died of cancer of the stomach leaving a wife, nine children and a policy of $3000 life Insurance.
-Mrs. Jane Service of Adrian discharged from Pontiac asylum attempted suicide by cutting her arm and bleeding to death.
- Fruit-growers predict a heavy crop of apples in Ingham county unless Jack Frost should make one of his unwelcome visits.
- It is stated that ex-Governor Bagley has had to pay during the last five or six years some $75,000 on other men's bonds and notes, which he signed.
-Adrian Times: The $500 reward offered by the county for the capture of Doremus Aiken, was paid yesterday to Messrs. Trupp and Church.
-The Pontiac Bill Poster says that on Monday a Pontiac lady found that a pet canary had gotten a long hair from its nest around its neck and was hanging in its cage dead.
-Doremus Aiken, the murderer of policeman Lyons of Adrian, was captured Monday morning, after secreting himself over Sunday in a carpenter's shop in the heart of the city.
- A cooking club has been formed by the young girls of Holly. Perhaps not one of the dear creatures ever thought of the fact that her mother's kitchen was a good place to study cooking in.
- James Ireland, treasurer of Hay township, Otsego county, claims that the town funds were stolen from him March 16 last, but he has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement all the same.
- Mrs. Daller, of Spring Arbor, Jackson Co., took a teaspoonful of strychnine on Sunday, with suicidal intent, but the dose was so large that her stomach would not retain it and he will not die this time.
-John Millholland of Raisin put in about 500 cubic feet of ice last winter, costing him counting labor and all about $10, and sold it the other day for $80; now the question is, how much per cent profit did he make?
- There being seven republicans, five democrats and four greenbackers in the Jackson council, and each party having a candidate the election of president is at dead-lock. Monday evening" sixty seven ballots were taken.
-Frank Luce of Linden, Genesee county blew in the muzzle of a gun when the other barrel went off the load entering his mouth and blowing the whole top of his head off. Deceased 24 years of age leaves a wife.
- Applegate of the Adrian Times longs for the time when he can sit by his hearthstone, and by aid of telephonie connection with the church of his favorite preacher, listen to sermons as long, as he feels like it, and when he doesn't cut the connection.
-One Hobbs, a lightning rod swindler, was arrested last week by Sheriff Ellis for putting rods on the buildings of a Monroe county man for 7 1/2 cents pet foot, and then after getting the latter's note- "putting up" an 8 along side and in front of the 7 1/2 cents. Hobbs secured a settlement, however, and went in search of other victims. Look out or Hobbs? - Monroe Democrat.
-One hundred men, headed by the father and former lover of Emma Ort went from Bloomingdale to Allegan Tuesday, threatening to lynch Smith the alleged raper or seducer of Miss Ort, the girl who drowned herself a few days ago. There is a theory that he drugged her, and the examination of her remains will be made with a view of ascertaining if such were the case.
- Eugene and Augustus Mann, of near Fowlerville, were driving past the home of Isaac Simpson, and took occasion to remark to him that he " want ed a d- d good licking." Although he denied it, they got out of their wagon and "licked" Simpson, and also his wife, who came to the rescue. Their fines and costs amounted to $86, to which was added $100 given to Simpson to quash further proceedings.
- While the Wilkinson troupe, who played in this city last Winter, was stopping at Holly last week, Mrs. Wilkinson, wife of the manager, concluded that her old corset had served its time, and flung it out of a back window of the hotel. After the party reached Muskegon last Saturday Mrs. W. happened to remember that some time ago she sewed $250 in greenbacks into that same old corset. Topsy's mischief never created half so much commotion as this after thought did, and a trusty member of the troupe was dispatched to Holly in search of the cast-off garment. Soon after the arrival of the troupe in Big Rapids Monday, a telegram was received announcing that the corset had been recovered, having lain undisturbed where it was thrown till the messenger found it. Of corset was a great relief to Mrs. W. when the old corset was recovered.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus