Nichols, Shepard & Co.
Battle Creek, Mich.
Established in 1848
Original and Only Genuine
Threshing Machinery and Portable and Traction Engines.
THE STANDARD of excellence throughout the Grain Raising World.
MATCHLESS for Grain-Saving Time Saving, Perfect Cleansing, Rapid and Thorough Work.
INCOMPARABLE in Quality of Material Perfection of Parts, Thorough Workmanship, Elegant Finish, and Beauty of Model.
MARVELOUS for vastly superior work in all kinds of Grains, and universally known as the only successful Thresher in Flax, Timothy, Clover, and all other Seeds.
ASTONISHINGLY DURABLE and wonderfully simple, using less than one half the usual gears and belts.
PORTABLE, TRACTION, and STRAW-BURNING STEAM-ENGINES, with special features of Power, Durability, Safety, Economy, and Beauty entirely, unknown in other makes. Steam-Power Outfits and Steam-Power Separators a specialty. Four sizes of Separators, from 6 to 12 horse-powered; also 2 styles Improved Mounted Horse-Powers.
32 Years of Prosperous and Continous Business by this house, without change of name, location, or management, furnished a strong guarantee for superior goods and honorable dealing.
CAUTION! The wonderful success and popularity of machines to our VIBRATOR Machinery has driven other machines to the wall; hence various makers are now attempting to build and palm off inferior and mongrel imitations of our famous goods.
by such experimental and worthless machinery. If you buy at all, get the "ORIGINAL" and "GENUINE" from us.
For full particulars call our dealers, or write to us for illustrated Circulars, which we mail free, Address
Battle Creek, Mich.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus