To tr-y tlie BEFOKE YOU BUY. ItisSimpiyWonderiul IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SOHÜH'S Hardware Store. J)OIÍ'T READ THIS! Iíuy Your OF SCHUÏT. Tip-Top Chewlng for 40 cents. CIGAES CHEAP BY THE BOX Corner Main and Hurón Streets. ANJÍ ARCOR. GET YOUE PROPEETY INSÜEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - MICH The oldest agency in the city. Estabiished a quarter of a century ago. Eepreaenting the following íirst claes comoanies: Homelnau ranee Co. of N. Y., Assets over $6,000,00( Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asaets over Ï3,OUO,OOC Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets $1,4 12.40( 'Girardof Pa., Assets over $l,0UO,00( Oriënt of Hartford, Aawta S700,00 Commercial Union of London, Assets $3,0CO,ü;( g Rales low. Losses liberally adjusted anc proinptly paid. C. H. MILLEN. INSURANCE GOMPANÏ. Capital, - - $3,000,000, Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,64:9.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $4,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includ"L Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,032.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includin; Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. 3IACK, Agent, AnnArbor.. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. rnilli LABGËST A1M U BEST STOCK OF PAIHTS, OILS, ALLlKINDS OF Painters'MaterialSj&c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WI2TDOW GIsASS All Sizes. -AJX1 SOIESGKS. 6 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEEOE. Ëggs! Eggs! Eggs! THE PIjYOTOUXII ROCKS, one of the bwt breeds of poultry, is on sale by WM. HUSH Superior, P. O. address Aon Arbor. Priee $2 per dozen, or $3 for two dozen. This ia ihe Corblp, Xcwinpton,Coun.,bteed, aiuong the best for eggs and table. MR. BUSn bas on Bale, price 75 cents, the book of 11)0 pages on Plymouth Eockscontaintng lu 11 fllrections for matlnif, breedlng, oáTe and management of thia variety ot fowln If is an admirable work for amateurs. No oncean aübrd to be witliout it. personal or lumiiy use. wlth over 1,200 Iljastratlonft. We se.l all voods at wfiolesale prloes In quantities to suit thr purchaser. The oulj Instltution iu America wilo Diake this their special hu.siness. AdüJ-ess, MONTGOHKKY WAKD CO., üü? & ZO WubaaliAï., Chicago, X1L MEDICINAL. nervquITebílity. GKAY'S SPÏCCIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARÍ-Tiiecroatlín.TRADE MRK. JÊÊÈf sz? Jftttn iln;llrií cure hÜu. L jj' Weakness, tWí &!& -, ' j matorrlicíi,! mr,CniTeral Laasltude, Pain in tbs Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Af;r,:ind many i. ostlti'.t lpud to lnsanity, Oonsumption and u Pre in;itiirf irave. tiSf Kul! piirhrulnrs in out pamplilets, which we desirt' to send tree by mail to every one. The Spcniiir. Medicine ta sola by uil Dtuggistsai $1 perpacknge,orsix piirkücs ior $5, or vnllbe sent by mail on rffijit of the TnoneV y ulcilvssing TUK CRAY MEDICÍNE CO.. No. 10 Mechanica' Bloc.k, Detroit Mich. J-?nldin Ann Albor by all Druggists, and by drns-iïtH everywhere WnEÊÊBSBSSSi HBBBffBBEBMSSI'fetf"irtfi'i BLOODi Lie SYBDf, a poerles rcmedy for Scrofnla, White Swcliings, Caucer, Erisipelas, Gout, Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, Car?tincles, Salt Khenm, Malaria, Bilioiis Complaints, and all disonsen Indicatinff ar. J in iire Condition of the ISlood. This (rand IJeiaciij' is a comiiouud of vegetable extract, the chief of whtch are SAKSAPARIIXA and STILLiMJIA. T!ie cures ell by SCOVILL'S liLOOD AND LIV1ÍK SYHL'P are absolute and their record is undisiiured by failure. ior sale by au Ursiggists. ütts . The hú CatM Vcgatabla Enlato?, Tíí1 reef i f tg torpidity of the Liver. The ij give tono. 1o the Stomtich. They act, without gripingt upou the hoircls. Ute; lirmove bile frotn tie hloorï. They purify, rcfutatc, invitjurate the body. Xhcy etire all bilious complaints. ROSËRS' WORM SYRUf instantly deatroya WOKMS and is recommended by phyaicians as the best Y.'ORÜ MEDICINE iu use. WMÍ PI! WM: ■UHlBBHBBKU9BHBHBBHQjHBfiiL&9flB forJflJSJYand ISEJR&T. For External and Internal Use. The greatest Pain Reliever of the Age. tFor snlc by aH Druggists, JOHN F. HEXRY, CUR11AN Se CO., SOLE raOPBIUTORS, 24 Colleee Place, New York. To Nervous Suflerers- The Great European Eeiuedy - Dr. J. Iï. Slmpson'a Specitic medicine It isa positive euru for fpermntorrheft, Seminal Wealïnes8f Impotency, nnl all ;ise;ises resu'ting efoke. MenUl Anxiety after. Loss of Memory, rff "-., W' e and dits, vV L ?A5# that 1('ll t( LL' MBumption, inaanity -) -, Hiibm enrlycTtive. Fa t ; ei tic iX-"" cine is bi ing iw"ïJ-"r witb wonclerfu] Btiecesa. Pamphleta sent freetoall. Write for ihem and get f uil particular. Prire.S; eciflc, $1.00 p( i package, or fix pckayes for $j.uu. Addresa nl] ordprs to .). B. SIMPLÓN MEDICINE CO., Kos. 104 and 106 Main Ktreet. Buftalo, N.Y. For snip in Ann Arbor !y Eberbach ft !on, anp by all druggista everywhere, H4MIÜ0D: How Lost, How liostore.1. --s Just published, a new edition of Dr. - Calverwell's Celebrated Ksay on jy-V1 tlie radical atre (without medicine] of sSffw Bpjbrhatobrh(ea oí Seminal Weakness, i ii v(ilii!it;uv Seminal Losses. Impotkncy, Mfiii 1 and Phyiical Incapacity. Impedimeuts to Marrtaare, etc.; also, ConrümptioHí Fpilepsy and FlT8, iuduced by sell-indulg-ence ov sexuul extiavagauce, &c. The celetrated author, in thls admirable Essay, clearly (loinoiirttratrs. l'nim a thtrty years auecessTul piactioe. thal tbealarmiDgconsequences of Belfabusc may be rfldically cured without the dangerOU8 use uf internal medicine or the applicati the linife; poiotinj? onl h mode of cure at odct simple certain and eflVctufll. by uieaus of wbich every sufíerer, no matter wbai hia conditios miy bet may care himself oheaply, privately, and radÍCÜ '.'. Tïiis Lecture p1iot]M bp in the haiiiis of every youth and every man in the land. Seut, uu-Ier aeal, iu aplain envelope, to any adpost-paid, on rectipt of six cents ortwo postagestampB. Address the Piihlishers, THE CULYEBWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Anu 8t., New York ; Poat Office Box, 4586. rJTlie Universal liatli4i fe MAM BATÍIS fes,r j Jvr d wrZ CeWnisI Awanl aP". - ' ? AS Medat and Diploma, EraSjpj snd for Circus. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Hich. For sale at the Drug Store of L. 8. Lerch, Cnok's Hotel block ; alao by C. Eberbach iV 8on, South Main Street ; and nlo by the manufacturer, E. J. Enowïton,No 24Norlh State Street, Ahn Arbor, Mi oh, to whoni IJ corresponde! ce should be addreaaecllislate of Joliii Adam lirusz. STATE. OF MICHIGAN, CüüjSTTY Of Washtenaw ss. At asesaionof the Probate Court for the Couniy of Waahbenav, holden at the Probate Office in the city oí Ann Arbor, on Tuesd:iy, the twonliotli day of Aprfl, in the yoar üne thouaaod eight bundred and eighfy. Present Williara I). ITiirriman, -Imltrp of Prohte, In the matter of the estáte ol Jobn Adam Bross, deceased. OnreadinffondflHagthepetitioii, duly veiifled, of Auron fj. Feldkainp, aeent of Anna Mary Brosz, pmying that a certaiD Instrument now on file in this court, purporting to be ti. o last will and testament of said deceaaed, may be admitted to probate, and tfaat smd Anna ary Broas may be appointed executrix thereof. Thereupon it is oruered, that Mondny, the seventeenth day ot May next, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon, oe aasigned tor the hearing of sjiid petition, and that the deriaaos, lagataes and heirsatlaw of siiirt dt'Ci'ased, and all ot her persons interested in said estáte, are reqmred to appeur it a session of said Court, then to bo holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aiiit M'bor, and show cause, il' any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner 8h OU ld not be grunted: And it is iurthcr ordered that stud petitiouer give not ice to the persons intereited in said eatateof the pendency of said petition and hearinx thereof, by causíng a copy ot this order to be published in the Ann Abbob Ai;Írs,a newspupex pnnted and circutated in said coimty.threesuccessive weeks previous tosaidduy of hearing. WILLTAM D. UAIïRlfAN, (A trtiecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wu. U.JJoty, Probate Register. Kstate of YVetzel - minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oï Washtenaw, s. At a session of the Probate Court i'or the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Friday. the ninth day of April, in year one thousand elght bnnored and eighty. ent, William D. Barrlman, fudgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Sophia Toggenburger, (now Wetzei) minor. Leonhard Grwmer, the guardián of said ward, i 11 1 ti couri and representa tliat be íh now prepared to reader bis nnnual account as eucb guardián, Thereupon it is ordorrd, taal Ttieadar, the elevsnthday of May next, ut ten o'clock i tlie forenoon, be as.siLned for examlning and allo ing such account, and thal tlie next of kin of .said ward and rII ottaer persona Interested in sald éstate, are requlred to appearat a session of said court, then to Bq holden at the.Ptobate Offloe in Die city of Ann Arbor in said county, and slmu cause, il' any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said guardián notice to the persons in teres te d in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof. by causlng a copy of this order to bc publili. l [n the Ann Aabob Argcs, a nfwspaper printedand clrcuïatlng in said county, tbree suecessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM V. ÏTAKRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm, G. Doty, Probate Register. LEGAL NOTiCES. Sata te of WUllam John Kvhn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waáhtenaw,, Ai. a aeaaion oí the Probnte Court for thf County of Washteunw, holden at fch Probate Offlee in the city ot Ana Arbor, onTnesday. the twentietfa day ot' April, in the year one thousfind ei"ht hundrcd tind eihty. Present, Williiim [. Harrimun,Jude'e of Probate. In Lhe muiter of Lut; eatatc of William John Kuhn, deceaaed, Williara Merkle, exrcnlor of the lust will anl t isi au ü-i; t of .sa i i deNaaed, oomss ioto court and represent th;it lio is nuw piepiirfcd to remler his final account as imofa eJCttCUtor. Thereupon It is orderett, that Tueeday, the etfrhUentn day of May next, at ten o'clock in th-1 forenoon, ba Q ligned fur exatnfningand allowIntc such account, ana timt the devisees, iegut es, and htrir tt law of s&Lti deceased, ;ml all othcr persons interested in safd estáte, are required, t( appear a1 a Bession of said Court,then to Be holden al the Probate Office in hv city ot' Aun Arbor in i county, and. show cause ir an y there be, why fcfee sa ld accouni should dmI be allowt d : And il té further ordered that &aid ex ecu tor give notice to the peraona LuttrestPd in ;ii estáte, ol t bc peodency of sa 'ui account and the hearing thereof, by causing acopy of thli ord(r tn be publlsbed in the AiïK Abbor Í ipaper pVinted and cftcu Ij r i in' i n Kaki cHiii! y, i li it.'i' succoBsivfl weeks previüus to said day ut hearing. WILUAM D. H ARRIMAN, (A Inte eo)y.) Judgu of lJrobute Wm.G. lii'Tv. Frobate TïeiM-ter. ISatate of Km'Iis- -minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOTJXTY of Washlenaw, bs. At n seseton ofthe Probfite Cotí -'t for th County of Wahteuaw, hold. c Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuca day, the tventietb day of April, in the year one thoueaud eiffht hncdred and eigbty. Present, William I). Harrimar.,Judge of Vr tbatf In the matter of (hn rat ate oí km tnoel H. Koen Mary K. Konh, and Eliza IS. Kot-h, minore, Aaron L. Veldkamp, the guardián of said warda intocourt and repr Fteitta fchat lie i.s now pi-t- pared to renderhis ann u al acuouut as such guar liilll. Thereupon itisordered,tbal Monday, tito Beven teen th day t' My next, at ten o'clodt in the foreaoon, be aaalgned for examlnlnji and allowing sucl account, and tbat the nest of kin aï said waida and all othcr persons ínterested in said estáte, are required to appeat atasesaton of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city o Arm Arbor, in said cotmty, and show canse, il ani there be, wbytbe said account should nol be al kwed : And ii is further ordered, tbat said guardiaj give Dotice to Hip persons ínterested Ir raid es tate, of the pdfidency ol said aceouni and the hearing thereof by causing a copy otbls order tt be publisbed in the anx Abbob Aröü, i nevs paper printed and circulatiog in s:'.iti county tbree suceessivo weeks prevloua to said day o hearing, WILLIAM P. HARRIMAN, [A true eopy.] Judgfl of Probate. wm. (J. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Robert Ferguson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY k3 of Waáhtenaw, ss. At a bosbíou oí the Probate Courl tbr ihe Couuty of Wasntenaw, holden at tb Probate Office in tbs city of Ann Arbor, on Monday the nineteenth day of A]ril in the year one thous and eighthnndred and eigbty. Present, Williaiu D. Harriman, Jadgeof Prtbate In the matter of the estáte of liobert Ferguson deceased . David Webb, the Eifltninittrator of said estala comes into conrt and representa that he is now prepared to rendex his final account as sueh na miiiibtrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Batuidfty, the eigbtb dav of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asslgned for examining and allowing such account, ana thai tbebeirsat lmv of said deceased, and all otber persons interested ín said estate, are requlrcd to appear at a session ot said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause 'if atiy there be, why the said account Bhould nol be allo wed: And it is further ordered, that said adminístralo! give notice to tbe persona Interested tn satd estáte, of the peodeuey of said ml and the hearing causing acopy of t his order to bepiiliHshed in the An AkbobA ov.ñ, a bttwspaper priated and circulating in said county, two succesaire treeka preriooa to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D.TTARRIMAN, fA true copy.) Jiulge of Probate. Wm. G, Doty, Probate Register. Efttaife of Mary K. í'íilmer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a seaaioo of the Probate Court for the County oï Wasbtënaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, ou Thunday, tbe eighth Öf of April, in the year 011e thousand eigbt buudred and eifthty. Present, Wüliam 1). H arriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Bfary E. Palmer, deceaaed. Henry IÍ. Palnier, exeentol of the last -will nnii tost-aiiHMit. cf raid deceased, ooxaei mto court and represente tb:it he is now prepartd to render bis Ünal account as buch executor. ThtTfupon itis ordered,that JTonday. the (bird day of Muy nest, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assinied for examining and allowins such account, and tliat the devispes, .legatees, and heire at law of said deceased, all other persons interesred in s;iid estáte, are required to ;ippej-.r al a session of said Cuurt, then to he bolden al ihe Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, urd show cause, if anv tberebe, why the said account ghould not beallowed: And it is fmther ovdered. that said exeeutoi jjive notice to the persons ixttereeted in said estáte, oí the pendency of eaid uccoitiit und the hearing thereuf, by oautnng a copv of thiB order t.o be pubhshed in the KN Albor ARgus, ti newopaper piinted and ei reu lating in said county, three suneesaive weeks previous to said day of hearing. "WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy). Judge oí' Prubate. Wir. G. Poty, Probate Register. Estáte ot Jacob C G -winner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wathtenaw, 88. At aseshion of tlie Probate Oomrtforthe Oounry cf Wawhfenaw. holden at t hn Probate Ollice, m the city of A mi Albor on Fi iday, the seeond fiay of April, in the year one thountuü ei -in handred nnd eighty. : iea nt.WilliamD Hiirr1inan,Jud(reof Protate. In tlie matter ol the estáte oi JaoobC Swinner, deceased. On readiugand filingtliepetïtinn, dulyvet ot ( lal ter, pmying thuj uh 01' Mime initable pereon muy be appoioted aJiniiiistrotrix "t tlie t-!:iii' i f said d ceased. Thureupon it is ordered thut 'lorulay, the third Ukv of May nt-xf. ;it ten o'clccli in fehe forenoon, be nssigned tor the hearing oi Kiid petition.and that t ïil hein at law ot aid deceaacd, umi allothexpersonaioterested in said estáte, are rcquired to appear at a aession of said court,rhen to be hiildfii at theProbnte Office in the city of Aun Albor, and show cniise, if nny there be, why the pi ayer of the petitioner ehouid not bt granted : And it a fntthcr ordereil that Bttid netitioncr give notice to tlie persons interestet; m siiiti estáte ii the pendncy of said petition and the hearing thcreof, by caasing a cop of tina oTfler to be publifthed in tiie Ann Abbob Akgu, a newspaper piinted and oircalated in s.nd eonnty, ttirL'e aucceybive weeks previoua to aiud dv of hrajinp. WiLlIAM 1). HAKRIMAN, ( A true copy.) Judge oí Probóte. Wm. (i. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of MTafietta X. Seaman, STATE OF MICIIIuAN, COTJNTT of Wasiitenaw, ss. Notice ia herebygi ven, ".hfc1 by an order of the PiobntéCourt lor the Couity ot Wa8htenuw, made on the serenth day ol Arnil, A D. I880,8ixmon.lhs trom that date werx-aliowed for creditoxa to pi-ent thejr claims agaiust the ettate otMarieltav. Searaan,lteof Baidcounty.deceated and that :iil oreditora of ;iid deccased arcrequiree lo pivi-iii thtii i-liiirns to said l'robute Court, nt the Probate ufflee m the city of Ann Arbor.foi examination and al, on or beforethe seventl day of Oitober next, and that such olnima vil be heard before aaid Court, ou Wednesday, the seventh day of July, andon Thursday, the scvonth day of October next, at ten o'clock in the foielioon of ia h of h1 diiys. Dated, Aun Arbor, April 7, A. T. 1. W1LL1AM D HABRIMAN, 15w4 Judge ot Fiolate. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE in the conditions of a certain uortgage bcar iii!;d;:te the twenty-fiiet day of January, A D [876, made and exeented by Clmnocey I!. Millón and Sarah M. Milieu his wito, of the city ol Ann Aibor, in the eouuty of Waabtenaw and sL-ite ot Michigan, to Wiliiam 11. Parlrer ot Loweli, MassaI husetts. and recorded in the oülc; of the Kegistur eds of Wasbtenaw couoty aforewid the erenteenth day of July.A. D. 18T8, at 11 40 o'clock H lo líber Wof moitgftgea on page SH, and tnt, nmount olaimed lo be due at thed .te ot thia notice is fourteen lnuidml and twenty-üvs dollars and ;w. iiiy-, igbt ei nts, alao d.ilhirs as a ri Rsonable aolicitor's or attorney's fee, in additfon to all other legal conts f any proceedinga Bhould be t aken to foreelos thia mortgtage, and no proceedings at law or in eqaity havmg bi-rn Intltuted to recover the same or any pnrt tlieivof. Notice la therefore hereby given, that by virtue ot the power of sale in said mortgage oontained, I hall sell on 8ATTJBDAT, THB 8BVENTKEMÏB OAY OF .TuLY HKXT, at twg o'clock in the ifternoon of Baid day at public vendni' to the hlgheat bidder, at e soutli front door ot the Court House in the eity of Ann Arbor, oounty of Waahtenaw aforeaaid (thet being the buildJDj wherein theCircnit Court for WoshtenaT is held), all thoso certain pieoea or parcc'.s of land Bttuate In the city of Ann Arbor, in the county ot Washtenaw and state of Michigan, and described aaiollows, towit: Keinj; tots NO. tour, live and eix in block No. six (6) according to a recorded plat of Bansom S. Bmith's 2nd addiüon to said city of Ann Arbor as recorded in the Kcgister's olHee of said county of Wasbtenaw Dated. April 32, 1880, WIU.IAM II. PARKER, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. Mortüajje Salt. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE in the conditions of a certain mortgage bearïngdatc tliilirsi day of ,lune, in the year of our Lord one tbouaand eight hundred and Beventjr-sil, made and executed by Channcey II. Bfineo and Barah M. Mlllen of the city of Ann Arbor, eounty of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, to Amanda Kjce of the same piare, and reoorded In the office of the Kegiater of Deed i of Waahtenaw eounty aforesaid on the tenth day of Juno, A. D. 1875, al 51 o'clook p. m. of aaid duy, in liber 5'ï of inott). Arid tlie amount cluiined to be due at the date of thia DOtioe is thirteen bundred dollars, and no proceedinrs in law or equity baving buen instituted toiecover il"1 s;uTie or auy part thereof: Netioe i, thenforc hereby given, that by yirtue of the powr of sale 111 said mortcago eontalned I aball iel] m Saidsday, the Twelfth DAY Of JuHE, 1880, at 2 o'clotk in the afternoon of Baid da-v to the higbest bidder at the -nu: b (nor ot the ('ooit House in the eity of Ann Arbor,county ol' Washtenaw aforepatd, (that being the building wherein tbc circuit court foxWaahcounty is held,) all t bat certain piece or parcel of land aúnate in the city of Ann Arbor, in tb f county of Washtenaw and state of Michiuun, and rollows, to Wit : Lot number nine 19) n block nnmber seven (7) soulh of Huron street range number thirteen (13)east, aceordtng to a reoordi d plat of C. H.Millen's porchas of the louthea t partofthe Land Company aadition to the City of Ann Arbor as recorded in the Keglstcr's 01liiêof Waahtena county, Michigan. Dated, March 25, 1P80. AMANDA RICI-, Mortgagee. John N. Goit, Attorney for Mortgagee. LEGAL NOTICES. Alortgcge S;ilc. DEFAULT HAYiKQ BEEN iiAI)p In the eonditions 6t a certain ruui ■-,..,. i iij data tbc twenty-flrsl dat „f Sopt. moer? í? 8t!5, made and eiecutedby Thomas, Goieaiid'v lis i wife uf Norlhfli tl.e eouuty ot Wuhu"1 ud State ofMicl.igac, to Sally Ai,n Prav „,. " lerior, oouiity ufor, ?aíd, aud recorded in llí „u" of the Register of Deed of Wasbtena ,te il'orfsaul 0:1 tl,e2íd day of September A Tí J il -■, o'olock a. m. of said cí liber 33 of nïï' rages on page S7twhich stiiu roortími-e was,h7 ikne.l 1,5 George 8. Whetler, administra,,,;"1; the éstate of Sally .u,,, l'ray, decebid, t0 gZ," Pray of Ionia counír, Michigan, on the itu h" ot .liniary, A. II. Is7l,aud recorfled in thu oír' Of the Ueeister ot Deeds oi said connty 011 the? dayof Febrnary, A. i. 1880, at II ', o'cloct ! . f said day, in liber No. 6 of asaiKnmeabï ■ .111 pagH 436. mul tha( said (ie. P, ' oí. I3th duy olSeptembcr, A. I). 1,-71; asiS otit-Uiir(i part of said mortgaped interest, Edgar 8. Geer, [nir.nJmn of Addie O. Ucer t m.rly Addie O.Tock, which snid issinnmení , rccoided in the office of of !.().!! Siiid county of Washlenaw on the I3th dar i Jamiary, A. 1). 1877, it ! o'olock m Iibejt2 .i-ni'iiiii.iiis of morteoges, page 327, and ,?' amouutclaimed te. bedueatthe dite ,f tl,inW;' I Un ram ot tbirteen hnndied an.l Dinetyi dollar and Bit; eihl ccnls, and DO proeeedraiH la bnvebcea inutitiited lo mmtt the -,n7e 1 any part thereoí : Nolioeia tfrrrefore hereby ti, en, tlmt by virtne of the pow of ule ii ,,ú' iu(irf;afre contained weshnli srll onSATcniiAï j„, Kji irm day or Mat NtxT,at2 o'cloik in tlieji leruKOn ot said day, to the bighes t ljidder at tk Ronth ffont dooi ol the court houae in !he tB)8 ADn Al-hor county of Washtenaw afuri'saidJiW l.eing the building wherein the (irmii cointM Waehtenaw county i beid,) all that oertaiB h2 orparcelof land known ard describid anfaUtü lo wit: The soiithwest quarter of the iKirtlu quailcr ot eci-tinn nnmber ten (10) in townsk nomherone ti ísouth of rouge number uix lOi 2 id the stat oí Michigan. Dated, February 12. I8Ü Rl OEGE TRA Y and EDGAR s. GEER, ás.Mgneee of MortfiJ _ Joitn JT. OoTT, Atl'y for Ass'gneis of MortJB lt:;te of John Friederlch ZalTrT OTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNÏÏ ÍO ol Wiifihtenaw, ss. At :t Hoi'in of (he Probad (; iin t for th. County of Wuslitenav, dolden t (b Prohate Office in the city of Arin Arbnr, on Tu. day, the thirteenth flay of April, in the year obi thousmi'l fi-_lil bnndred and eigbty. Preaent WilliumD. í;irrraan, jndge of ProbBJt In tlit matter oí the estáte ot' Jobn Fxiederhh Znhn, deceased. On reading ;rnl ftlinfthe petition, dnly verifipii of Jobn (r. Feldkamp praying tlmt a eertaiu intr! ment now 00 riu. in this coun. purportinii to betie i.isi frill and testament of said deceased, may admitted to probate, and that be may be appoioy execiitor tli'rtof. Thureupon it 15 ordered, that Monday, tï tenth day of M;iy nezt, it ten o'clock in 'h forenoon, bo a#slgned for the hearing of said p tioD,and th;r thedeviseea, Itíga'ees.and beizvul ot sriul deceased. anti uil other persona intetesUa said estáte, are Tequireü to ;i]pear it a fie!sion (( id Cour', then to be holden ut the l'robateoffi, in toe City of Ann Arbor. and sh"W oaue, if aai there be, whr the prayer of the petitioner shony not be granted: And it is fnrther ordered tint said petitioner giTenotice to the persons iuiemtej in uiil estáte, of fehe pendency ot said petitici, ar.'l the heariMP théreot by causinff a copy of ■ order to be puhlistafd in theANK Abbob Ab newpaper printed and eircnlated íd eaid coubj, tlirte succeöBive weeks previous to said day 4 hearing T7ILLIAMD HABRIMAN, ( A true eopy.] -Tu tpe of ProbaU. Wii.i-ta.m U PoTY,Probate Regitter. K.ttatc oi Oivea ÍI-Intt-e. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUHl tO of Wasbtenuw. as. At n si'-ionof tlie Frotifcj t'ourt for the l'imiity of W'.i Itfciinw. dolden altk Probate Ofiiee,r the city pt Ann Arbor, on Til day the thirteenth day of April, in the yearH tliousand ei'li! hurjdrt-d and iig)-ty Present. S li. n. I). üuiv.m;iii, Judge of Prohitt' In the matter of the et:ite of uwen Mclntee, ilecr-iised (Jn reading and üline the petition duly verifiedo] Aün Mclntee, prayhig tbat luiih Cassidy, Jr, some other Buituble person. may te appointed it ministrator oí tlie estáte oi ai.l dceased Thereupon it is orderea, tiiat Monday, th tenth d!iy oí' Mat next, at ten o oIock ín f torenoon, be assifnd tor the hearing oi tti petition, ;iiid that the heirsat law oi said deceasai, tnd all other persona intAested in said required to appeux ;it a weuniou ol uaiá eonrr, m to be holden wt the Probate Office in the city of An Arboi, and show cause, ü any there be, whytkt pruyer oí the petitioner ehould pot be gr&&H Ana it is turther orderef1 that snid petitionsrn notice to the persons interested in suid esUit, oí' the pendency of said petition and the he int tbereof, by eánsing íx copy oí this order to I published in the Ann ARBOB Argus, ft newspaps print ed and circula.ed in said county, thrtejw ceasive weeks previous to said day of heurinft. W1LUAM D HARRIMAN, CA true copy.) Judge of Probate. "Wm. (t, n v'y, Probate Ratritrfcer. Estatt of Morris GregL. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COT7NTT IO of Waahtenaw, sa. At k sesaion of the Pr bate Court foi the county of Wabhtenaw, holda at tbc Probate Office iu the city of Ann Arbor, Fiiday. the nmth day of April, in the year w thousond eight hundred and eighty. Present, Williani D.KaTrtman, Judgeof Pro Tn ihe matter of th estnte of Morris (jregg, On reading" and filinp: the petition, d'T , ■ ■ aylng tr:;a m ■ i auitable ptreon rm.3 be irranttd admiuiafw ot the estáte oí tbe said deeeased. Therei)],on it i ordered, that Monday, tt! tenth day oí May next, at ten o1 doek in til forenoon, bo ;isi:id for the heining ot Bbid ]■:■ tion, ind that the heirfl at law oí ?aid decensft, and aU o;hcr peisona intereeted in eaid a are required to arpear at a session of sa oourt, thuii ío be holdett tbc Probate offlui Lhe city of Ann Arbor, and slio1 cause, iiöf thciT bu, viy the prayer of the petiuoner tloid uot bc pranted : And it is fnrther ortleredrt said pi titionpr givt notice to the perh&ni teieted n saï.l est te, or the pendency oí".; peí i ion, nnd tbe hearina tbereof. by causingaaif of Lhis onler to ipnblishd in tbe AUN Akhoí gl's, u niwHpaper priuted and circulati cour.ty, tb ree successive "weeks previouc tunií day oi hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIJTAÏ f A tmecopy.) ludye ui Frobu Wm.Ö. I tt. Probate Register. _ Estáte of Erastug Wbaly. STATE OF MICHLGAN, COUNT of Washtenaw, ss At a sessior of the r Court fortbeCount of Vashtrnaw,holdn rhe Probate Office ín the city of Ann Arbtf, Wednesday.the&pventhdayo! April, in tbe J oiie thouiftnd eight boud red :it,(i eigbty. Present, IVilliam 1. Uarriuiuu, Judge of ProWIn the matter ol' the estáte of Erastus VM deceased. , Oeorge W. TornBull, iheadmlnlsferator (ie bot non of said estáte, comes into court and represes11 that he is &ow pre pared tt rendeT bis fiual tf count as euch adminfstrator de bonis noa Thereupoñ M t orderefl, that Batujnif, flrat day of Muy aext, at ten o'ulix'k i forenoon, be nssigned forexaminirg and áftowi such ftccount, and that the huirs at lw ' BHid 3eceased,and all other person interestetii tate, are raquired lo appear at ís. sessioDi said court, then to be holdt-n at the Pío Oifice, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said CH and show cause, it any there be, why " s;iid account sliould not be allo wed, Aafll tuit her tuxieinl, that said ulministrator PJ notice to the peisons interesled in sai tlie pendency of said account, and the beurff tnereof bycftnsinita cnpy oí thia order to bep liahed in the Ann Arbob Anous, a newspüí printed and eirculating in said county, tbreew' ce&áive weeks prsrioua ta iid day ol hp WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, (A fmecopy.) Judge oí Probat. Wm. ti. 1'oty, Probate Register. Estute of Fdward Pacey. STATE OF MICHIGATi, COU'fl Ata session of the Fr uri iurilie Gou at y of Washtenaw, holden w1 Probats Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on W day, the ürt day 01 A pril, in the year onethwu eighthundred and eigbty. Present. WUlbunD. Ilarriman, Judge of Prooi In the matter of the estáte ol' A-.dward Pa deceasi d. , tGeorgc C. Page, executor of the laat will aojw taraent of said deeeased, comes into court and r resenta that he is pow prepared to render final Account assucti executor. t Th e reu pon it is ordered, that Saturaay( firat duy oi" May next, at ten o'clock in turenoon be assigntd lor examfnlng nnd iw1 such account, and that the de-visees, leaatoM J heiru ut law of said deeeased, and all uiherpen fnterested in said estate.are required to apptar sessiijii of said court, tlien to be holden ai tbE E bate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in saidcej and show cause, if any there be, why the said count should not be allowed : And it is fuitner dered that said exeoutor give noticeto tliepe interested in said estáte, of the pendency ofï ■ 3 count and the hearing tbereof, by causing " oi tlus onler tobe puolished iu the AnS Aflï Argus, a oewspaper printed and circulatUl said county , threesucceeBiTe weeks previoostw dav ot' beariiiLT. „ [A true copy] WILLIAM T. n A i: MMAN, Judge ol 1' ■Vm. Ci. DOIT, Trobate Register. Keal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUIsI of Waebtena-w, bs. In the matter of the&t ut Wllliam MoCormiok, decesed. Notieeisig ■ven that in pursunnec ol nu order granted to undersi'-ned aclministratur debonis non '"" will annexed of the estáte of sitid Williara JJW raiek, by tlie Ilon. Judge of Probate for the Co ol Washtenaw, on tlie tliird daj ofApnl, 1880, tliere will be W)ld at public Tenriue, to' I iehofl bidder, at. tlie semth door of W blouse in the city of Ann Arliur, in tho couotr ai, in süid stat.', on BlTVRVili ■ TmNi ï-Si:ri..Nj) day OF Maï, A. D. lfcSÜ, ■"■ o'elock in the lorennon of thal duy (subject to encuuihrances by mortgage or otherwis-e exinw tbe time ol the léath of said deeeased) rw cribed real wit: The eqinil vided half of a patcel of land commencineW center of tbe rond leadinglrom Ann Arlor toJ"" son at a poinl twmty-nine (29) rods west M ■ s;iiil roinl ero sea the easl Une of Bection l'nlIJ n townsbip two i-'J fouth ui ian?e six (Jl j tlienee noith six diijreeseasr fifteen (15) rodi i , twenty 20) links theuce cast one and one l1'1 roda, henee lourt si f(i)dfreeswettoBiaw thencewest to the plaof of beginning tor "S n fommon uil. y to tbe paities and "J betraand aasigns. -lo the whole of a pij ..iid loiinii'-n v" at the norlliwest corner ot - . alley above descriiied and runnine thencj ' . eighty (80J degreea and thirty (30') minutes twenty-tw e--) rodg, thenco north rixty-two 'l( half k';J'í.) degrees w-t to the west line j eaat half of the northea! qtiarter ofaaid e tliirty (30 1. thence north on sairt line to 'h"ej line of said seotiun, thence east on the north "" : jaid section tlfty-fimr rods, thence south '""ja dl grees easl parallel to the east lino of sul.J%(i toa point at the northeast romer of sa "PJ tbence west mir and one half [1!-) rods t ( pil oe of beginning, in the township of Ann &' Washtenaw count j, Bliohigan. AP8'1880NOHMAX B. COVEKT Admimstrntor de bouis non with the will Wne
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus