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- Calhoun co'unty wiUTiave a newjail at Marsl all, t cost notover$30, 0. -James Reid of AmbeT stal ion, Mfison county, died Of trichina, from eati;;t' raw pork. --.! k1.iii ci;i!!( y lias been arrested at JackBön for Kfiling a fftrmer named Scanlan, near Grand Rápida, Lastfall. ::. O. Nfillson of Muskegon n1 ly got rid of a tape worm 150 feet long. He Imd borne the afBiction three years. -A 400 pound raeteoric stone Eell upon the farm of Andrew ;. Kilpátrii Woodland, Baixjc county, ;i feu I O: - Réneselaer McCutcbon oí A'liion and father of Jivdge McCu Charlotte suicidefi n ganda; by strangulation. - Tn Otsego con'iíy la:t winter : ■' 5,000,000 feet oí loga were put hito Áú- sable river, and Braatíord anJ OUego lake?. - Tni Cönkli, of Charlotte asted Tl. comtnitted suicide Sjrday eveniiTg by shooting himselí ia the head with a shot sun. -Dr." Campbell of Charlotte lias invented a railrósd velocipede witb which lie has ridden 12 miles in 37 minutes on an uvítihi!1 railroad. - Chided by lier mother for marrying without a legal separation fromher iirst liusband, Mary Vreeland of near St. Jobos, Buicided with gtrychnine. - Turnes Wiley and Mra. Sarah Wiley were raarried at Bellevue on Fii.lny. Tlie bride was wife of Mr. Wiley's brother and a sister of Mr. Wiley's first wiíe. -Te nifn"i"" Vi-.uiror M. 3. rttrïnin;j; attempted to whip a Grand Haven editor for alleged untruthfnl oriticisma and got íLe worst of it decidedly. - Albert C. Slmw ot Keed city, an attorney, shot himself through the heart Tuesday. He had been iin-ested on a charge of forgery but had theretoi'ore borne a good character. - C. F. Bingham, day operator and freight elerk of the Chicago and Grand ïnmk road at Lansing was arrested Monday chargedwith opaning the depot safe and abstracting S36. -Burglars broke into the Paw Paw postoffice Ffiday night, drilled the safe door, put in a heavy charge of powder, blew tte safe open and obtained about 1,000 in money and slumps. -A youth níimed Cleve of Cooper, Kalamazoo connty, played circus in his father'a barn by hanging himself np. A horse in tlie barn did not approve of the exhibitíon, and kicked the performer so badly that lie will probably die. - A married woman, whose htisband woirks on the railroad, spent S7 for whisky last week- money that her husband had left for provisions. On his return he found lier drvmk. and has notifled the aaloonists not to sell her anv mure liquor. - Battle Creek Moon. -The jury stood four for convietion and two for ácquittál in the trial ofKate Burke chargèd with slaiidering the Bev. Father Van der BomTpaBtor of St.Mary 's chui-ch.nt Eist Saginawin imputingto him adultery with Mrs. Wm. Colford and fornicatíon with defendant Burke. -Dr. Campbell left in the Xews office the oUitT''ay somenew potatoes alleged tohave beengrown this year by Mr. Tryonof Alaideon. They wereplaated the flrst of January. In a warm sandbauk, ;ii!d have been large enough to for severa! days.- Ingham Cóüntj News. - George Budwit was taken f rom Jackson prison Wednesday and retürned to Howell, having beea granted a new ferial. He was convicted in 1879 of ni urd er and genteneed to eigbt years imprisonment. The grounds on vhich tlie new trial is granted are that the offieer in charge of the jury remained in the room viihthem wbile making up the verdict. -John N. Tngcrsill, the vet eran editor of the Shiawassee American, it is thought, must pa;s the remainder of hislifeint talblindness. Ileissuffcrjng from contraction of the pupil of the eye, and the virulence of the diseas and bis age, 63 years, causedDr. Fro) I ingham of the university, after a car ful examhuition, togivehiin BÜghtfcop of recovery. -On Friday forenoon a flre commenced in the lnundry of the Potter house and consumed botb that ediiice and the Williams hotel building, witb. aearly all the structures for half a block around. The walls of the Potter house feil in. ïhe Baptist clmrch wasbadlyscorched. Help was snmmoned by telègraph ironi the lire departments of Kalamazoo, Marshall, Albion, Charlotte, and Jackson. The total loss is about fflO,COU, Insurance $22600.


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