The Old Story
The Old Story.
The morning sunlight looked in through the silken curtains, lighting the room as with an angel's smile, suddenly enveloping the face of its occupant with a strange brightness and transforming her pale brown hair into waves of glistening old. Said the sunlight: "Maiden, I missed you from the garden where I used to find you every morning, and I came here to seek you. Summer will soon be here with her roses almost as bright as your cheeks?" Are you ill?" "Oh, no!" responded the maiden, warming her thin, bloodless hands in the sunbeam, "only a little weak; I shall soon be out in the garden to greet you - to-morrow perhaps! l was just planning how I should arrange my flowers this year, when you peeped in. Are my lillies up yet?" "Yes, your lillies are up; I have just been warming them". I have tired you," said the sunlight, as he noticed the wearily drooping eyelids; "I will come again to-morrow if you are not in the garden" -and silently withdrew, leaving the fair slumberer alone in the gloom. A few hours later the moonlight stole softly through the silken curtains, which were gently rustling in the night breeze. "How cold!" said the moonlight, as she touched the pallid brow and then gently laid her hand on the the pulseless heart. "Dead!" she shudderingly whispered, as she withdrew through the softly rustling curtains. It is the old, old story of consumption. How she flatters her victims at morning with hope's honied words, and at evening makes them the prey of the spoiler! Statistics show that one-third of mankind die of this disease, and of these, far the greater part are young persons between the age of fifteen and twenty-five, in the dawn of manhood and womanhood. For many years, consumption was generally believed; be incurable. But medicine in her triumphant march against disease has already added consumption to her list of conquered. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures this dread disease if resorted to in time. For a full consideration of this disease and its rational method of treatment, read the article on Consumption in the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, the most reliable popular work upon Physiology, Hygiene, Diseases and their Remedies, yet published. Price $1.50. Address the author, R. V. Pierce, M.D., World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus