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-Dennis Kearnay 1-as .;■! a i imabieSl In tbe sapn -111 heultli has compelied Thomas A. Scott to resigri the prei of the Peiins l:;iiii;i railroad. Diuiiel McFarland of the McFartniless M in i Leadville hos] - Tiie young woaian who p;rmits herself to be diseliavged from a cannon in Barnum's cir per day. _T ie i '■''■'. naa deelde 1 1o send Cru. McE ■ !3 tO Uil' n reservation to ■ ■ c dlisipn with the wUites. ir JaniQS of Ne'w York cltj i .-. b 11 ti lered to paj i 0 damagos l'or using u pati lit canceling st inap withoiil authority: - BcÍ3ton boasts of á man who can writa a letter in Prench witli lus ]-ü hand and a business letter in Englïsh with his riglit hand at ti;.1 sabe time. - Young Kalloch, vvho fcifted De young, is an ordained baptist minister and severa! years agp ptiblíslied the "Kansas Evangelist" in Léavenworth. -__v :i"iv',o!i corumitted buícide at Shelbyville, Ind., Ure otlierday because the young man she loaréd was paying attention to another yöünglady. -In the little city of Nashua, Where the Howe sewing machine was iiivented, the woman still lives wlio usèd to wash Howe's shirt becaüse he was too poor to have a tliivd. - Frederiek ('rill of Sussex couty. New jersey, killed hisdausfhtef bei sho inaiatod that the ottshel ba shouldbe teftlnthe shedi-wJeress ut, wanted it kopt upstairs. - Fred Douglas's wife is a full-blooded, illiterate negreas, to whum he wa engáged v. hile a slave, and after liis esr cape a sentiment oí uoner lea uim do makeher hia wiie. Jle La greatly attaoh;1 to her. -An ( ahkosh woman wlio liad a qnarel with i di'cssmaUer, and to spite her irculated hand-biils derogatory to her ■acter and advjsing people aot to Jve her employment, lias been asaesged ,2,000 by a jury. - Blaine saya that, thoughhe tudled laW for two years in the office f onO' of the most eminent practitioners, n the United he has never bees n court as an attorney, plaintifl, dt-.Vulant, witness, or juror. - Some speculators recently offered lie sultan $2W),000 for the privilege of establishiag a lottery in the Ottonnin mpire, and he muignaiitly relusod because lotteries wew lmuwxah ïiy hen offered $1,000,000, and got Wbat they asked for. -Samuel Edgar Willard, n?;ed 15. son of a professor in the Chicago high school, was reproved by his mother for going to a theater. He thereupon went away from his home, deelaring tliat he would never return: but he did come back, after severaldays, and committed suicide witb a pistol. -James Sinith hurged and kissed a girl against hor will in a Galveston street, and she had liim arrestcd. He was fined $15, wbieb he paid, and went home congratuláting himself tliat lie had f?ot out of the scrape easily. But he was mistaken. His wife met him at the door with a rolling pin, knocked him down, and pounded him until he was insensible. - Sidney A. Shores, who manïed his etog-chmghtsr. aged 11. t Sonii'i-sri. Md., Iiüs been Bned $500 ior vtating a Statelawfort)tdding8uchwedloek. The marriage is also inválidated. The Ilev. Zaccheus Bowen, who performed the caremony, is very old, and, as he pleaded tliat lie did nat know the youthfulfteiss of the girl, the public prosecutor let him go unpuoisl ■


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Ann Arbor Argus