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Estaieof Selden Marvlr. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wiwhtenaw, ss At a bpssIoh of the ProbateCourl foTtheCotmtyöf Wasbtensw, holden at ,l,e Probate otli. -e In the city of Aon Arlmr, .... l-'rUtny, the tbirtieth (Uy o April, m the yet .netbousaiidelKhtbuuaredandelshty. lre8ent.Wllllani D.Harrtnn,JiidefPro. In the immer of the estáte ol Belden Marvin, 'eComrtJ k F. Hi tho BÏn1tfOT of Bald estate comes court and representa 'hat lie 19 t c..rt, tl. to be holdrn at tl.e ■ Vrnb.ite . „tica tu the pe.sonf. interexted in wifl fst..te,ot tbè pendenejr of üd ftcoount, nd the henring niereof copy ol thw oider to bc pubIM,„iin 'the Axn ARBOn AbOU, a mpvspaper w-k3 SSAÏ S.WHARYmAe57g" [ A tin. copy.) ' T.ulge ol l'robate. Wm. O. I'oty, ProbRte Register Cornmissioners' Notlce. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY 0 of Waihteoew. ss. The anderigned havg h.x. nted by lho Probate Cuurt lor id UouotT Commiisiouer to reoeive, eiamioe, ud adjust the ollke of the JudKe ol l'iobate in tl-e city uf in 1 'i, I ' m Mid county. on Wh„ ,,!,, the twe ty. i-hiliday of.Tnlj-,'indn Tliuisdiiv, the twe ty'.',"1. ofaid duya, to leceive, examine, uud uJjust 'J' HUMAN H. OOIlDSPEED, THOMAS NINPE, 19w4 u.iiniiin-:oner. pARM roa sale. Forty nerf)-, cultivable evevy nero. and located ,1, mi twe milos northeas of the uity In A dd Arbor '"r dly FE5&BLH&AJW, 22 Thompson 8t. Adb Albor, Feb. 10, 1880. '- JACOB HALLER & SONa WATCHËS7 GLOGKS, Jewelry, Spectacies, PLATED WARE AMD GOLD PENS 24 South Main Street, ZCTIET AEBOB, ZMUCSItfg- Rpecini ittPiiüou givcn to lepairlng watches clocka.and jewelry. OPRING FASIIIOXS -OF- Choice ÊViillinery - IN - GEEAT VAEIETY, -AT- HUGO HILL'S, 78 WoodTrord ATenue, DETROIT, MICH. Y 1XSEY & SKABOI-T'B Bakery, Grocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Vw ltp''p consf ii;t ly on linml BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. I'or Wlinlennle and lU-tail Trade. We Hhnll alao keep ft supply of J. M. Swili A Co's Best White Wfceat Flour, RyO X'loïir, Tïufkwlifiit Lltnir, Corn Bical, Feedi &c, &c, &c. At and re t all, A general stock of G20CERIE3 AND PEOVISIONS constantly ot haod, Wliich "willbesold on as reasodble terms aa at nny ot her house in the fiity, ' iish iwicl for Buttir. Egga, and Countrj Produce generalij. i; Gooda Selivered to any part of the city with . out extra oharge. KINSEÏ & SHABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, It79. Kin EMPOBIÜM And Artist's Suppiy Depot. 217 Woodward Avenue, Detroit. AITDBEW J. BBOW, Proprietor, Doalor in Pictnro Frames, Looktug (lasscs, Oil PatnMitgü, Engrivviiurs, riirinnos, Artist's .11, Heríais, and Art Specialtles. OL FRAMES RE-GH.DED. RAILROADS. ÏIICUlttA1 T1ÍNTRAI, ISMLHOAD. N n'EMBEB 1G, 187. i M I a I'S - I ï I ■iatio. = „ -& L" II j?_ ?_ t_!_ É_ i!. A. M.A. M f..P....H Detroit, leave, 7 IM1 !) 35 5 5S 4 OS 8 1 9 :(. O. T.JiiTiction. 7 Ifi io Di' '0 4 ifi s M 10 !(. WuyneJunctioc 7 52 10 S8 6 42 4 4( 8 57 Id t Ypailunti, 8 2" 10 48 " OS 5 08 9 -2 U 07 öeddes, 8 ii' 2" Vnn Arbor, 8 -l'i 11 00 7 :!5 5 22 5 3S n 24 lielhi, 858 7 4H Dexter, Hl 7 SO 5 S8 - Chelsea, 9 22 II B SiflO 15 Grasa Lake, 9 60 8 35 1 6 M 38 I P. M ! A.M JrkBon, 10 9":1? 15 9 no R 85111 00 12 US lbion, 11 4 ÍS 5ti ó " W" r'u 1 3:i Mwíhall, 11 1 80 -j o 8 08 12 ió i 55 Bnttle Creek, 2 1 M ? I!) 12 Ó á 20 Galetburg, 12 32 9 10 I Ï0 Kalrttnazoo, ' 1 Ís! 2 37 A 00 9 80 1 38 3 02 Lawton, IBS 5 S8 IU Deciitur, 2 lo ( ü SO 2 M Dowaniao, ? :!- III 2 " Nile, 9 l5 4 07 6 Si 3 3 4 88 Bnchunas, 3 10 i 7 07 i 48 Three Uiiks 3 49 " 82 New BuffiUo, 4 o3 4 58 7 4S 4 27: ■Luke, I 5 13 6 02 i 53 5 IB 0 ::. KensinRton, B ou 6 50 9 10 0 JO, s 18 Cliiaii.'u,arrive. 6 50; 7 40 10 i.0 1 7 301 8 SU GOIUG EAflT. d i f iá 5 j J_ jM el_ _ _L_ A.M. A. M. P. M. H.M. p. M 'hionoo, le.ave, 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 a ld Keoaington. 7 Si 9 50' 4 50 6 06 10 no [iS]te 8 88 10 30Í 5 42 6 60 in 4Í Miohignn City, 9 20 II 13 6 W 7 ♦ 11 M New Buffaln, 9 lii 11 35 6 68 11 .v: Tliree Oake, 10 OS 7 18 Ia. m. nuchnnan, ,10 32! 7 40 Jfle 10 45 1 12 IS 8 10 9 0(1 12 44 DuTHgiu, ll is, S :;S 116 IteottttlT, II 19 05 - 140 Lnwtcn, 11 V üï!i. M. 1 5T K-ilnmnzoo, 1 40,10 Otlj 6 50,10 !f } t Oalesburft, 12 5' 7 0"! Bnttle Creek, 1 28 2 15 H , 7 40 11 Ut 8 18 MarshaU, ÏJ610? j 8 08 U 37 ) 3 46 ;A:M. Albio'n. Í M 3 21 A.M.j S 35U M) 4 12 Jackson, 3 4i 4 OS 7 IS 9 80 1! 4- 5 00 Graan Lke, 4 1"! ' : 9 50 5 25 (JlielHP:!, 4 J0 Í 8 03 10 07 Dexter, 5 "0 8 liï 10 lil 8 05Delhi 5 1 ' R -ó Atin Arbor, 5 92 5 07 8 45 10 ;!5; 2 05 6 !3 Gedde, 2!) ' 2 ; Ypailantl, 5 M 5 2:1 'J 10 4" 2 ) 6 1 ÍP, ut l,mt., 0 0:!, 6 4S S 23 H W 2 t4l 7 05 O T June, a SS 8 M 9 68 11 U V 7 45 Detroit. Ar . (i S0, 6 So;10 '0,11 WM 8 85 g ()0 Muminy!.exoepi,ed. itiaturday and uuday eipttvi. timly. H B. LKDVARP.Oen'l Maras:er, Tletroit. H. C. VVentwobth. O. V. Sc T. Agt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Takins eilect SunOay Tubruary 22, 1880. nomo Honra. [a souTn. Kxp-i Mllil EV - - . STATIONS. 1 ! M v M I' M A.M.[r. M P.M. 8 10 18 05 (i 10 TOTiF.nO 10 0" 3 OS SI 8 18 1208 il lü North Toledo 9 57 3 on 8 07 x "il 222 B 2(i Detroit Junction 9 50 2 47, 58 Ba128 BSO llawtlmrn ' ■" 2 ; ' s 14 48i fi 40 Samarte ' "■" - M ; 8SH' 110 8 8Í Lulu 9 19 68 7 24 8i)S 11!) 7 O Monrne.Iunetlon 914 1 '1 IJ 9 06 185 7 1 Duoda 0 186.710 9 16 1 .-,7 7 22 Azalia R M. 1 13 , 6 00 o-o 217 7;!.'. Mllnn S-n 1SB0 r, I 9 37 2 i 7 42 Nora 8 S 12 3S B :t4 9 4 ■ S5 7 47 Urania 8 8 12 ÍS Jij i)M Sl7 7 5S Pittsfleld JUBC. S 2 12 IV, 6 1 ul(i:4-. '. AXN_AKBK_j h 08 II 40. 0 "o All trains run by Cnlnrabu time- 7 minutes fitster thau Ann Arhor limo. J. SI. A81I1.EY, JR.,Superintendent. DETROIT, I1ILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWE8TBRN KAI1.ROAD. To tnke efiect April 4, 1E80. OOINO WEST. EART' Mil.lMnllËxPExp.lMnilJMl.' STATIONS. ... ,.,!.. A.M. M. P. '. 7 80 8 28 S 46 YprilMti 10 41 5 IS 8 10 8 (lili 8 44 0" rntsfleld June. 1" 22 4 f.8i 7 SS 8 811 B67 0 19 Min 10 K' 4 48 7 12 h no 916 BSO BridrewBtsi ?5'ïK On 9 89 648 M.ini-liwter 98fl 410 V' 111)1! 20 f '22 Hillwlme 782 M 1 1" 11 80 8 30 Banken 7 80' 2 81 '' 1 ' TrBine run by Chicago 20 minutes slowrr than Coluuibns lime. W. F. PAKKER, Snpt-, Ypdilnuti. V' The Only American Uonte Tlirmieh (anuda Train k'avc M. C. U.K. Depot, Detroit, city time, as followê: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to MtbnyBxpnwi, daily, 12 noon, Wagiier car to Ni'v York nul Hoston. i'i ..htniii"Kxircw.rtailyexcpptSun(Iay, 11 10 p. m Wanner car toHiiflnlo and üochestor. ïoMn tntfn leave ; r0 a. m exwpt Sunday; 3 10 p m. d'iily ; in p. '" except Biindny, For Fayelte 6 30 p. '"■ eoept Suiiday. I-'nr itifiimuli and lii-fcots apply to II. W Hayw, mtent M.C. R R-. Ano Arl.or. 'jt r. ROAfTT Pw. Agent. Ttetroit. fBANK B.8NBW, Cieu. Tass. aul Ticket Agt. Del ruil. nriT WESTIÍin IIII WAT- IjT Depots foot. of Tliiia nnd Brush streets. Detroit timo. Detroit time. Leuve Arri AtlmtifFtDiera, a.m. )1M"p. m. Nhw York and Feston ,p,.,.„s, -7.00 p.m. t9.45n.ra. Steiimhont ExpreM, '-00 m tnaily. nnilvPxooptSundnv. tKxcrpt Momiay. Forinfortnntinn nnd tiokets ppjj to II. W. naves. A"ent M.C. R. R., Ann Arbor. W H KIKTH. WM. EDGAR, Western Pas'r As'. Geneïal Poea r Aeent


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Ann Arbor Argus