Dot Railroat Mans
-A líirge real estáte owner in v Jersey was savin toa Grerman brewer from New lovk tliat the farm was jiist tlie one ne ouglit to huy, becauee it was expected that a railway would soon run rignt past thedoor. "Vich ou der road streets, aif you bleeze, it vill bo passing aot vay vouvili teil me, I exposé?'.' KWhy, saidth 3 dealer, "on your side ir you wantit." Oond dot depot, hey, it vi kopast terdoor?" YeB, indeed, and all acres around here will be cut ap intocity lot s and have streets througn them." "Ishdot boY Veil, mieter, I am looking for a plaizes abowet üle milea from arailroat."
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus