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The Hiram Arnold Will Case

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The following is the condltions of the adjustment effected between the proponent and contestant of the probate of the will of the late Iliram Amold of Scio: First- The instrument propounded as the last will and testament of said deceased disaüowed. Second- Ileirs adjust as follows: lst, Eugene lï. Arnold receivea ttie homestead farm, cons'sthig of about _3;0 acres; the west half to himseif during his lifo, and after his decease to his heira, and the cast ïmif ring lúa 'jfp, togetner with all the personal property belonging thereto. 2d, Mrs. Green ïvc:-i-,cs all tlic personal effecta of the e tate not connectèd with the homestead farm; frona which, lst, slie secures in trust in thé hands of Christian Maok for her son, Clay Green, to be paid to him on his attaming the age of 3U years, $10,000, reserving interest to herself. 2d, assigns to her daughteï, Luella Beanian.'tlic sum of $5,000, and secures in trust tor her in tlie hands of Phihp Bach the like sum of $5,000, to be paid to her when she shall attain the age of 35 years, reserving interest. 8d, aërees to pay to Sarah Bagley 2,000, to Josephine Bagley $1,000, and to Georgiana Bagley $1,000, to be reeeived at their option respectively in satisfaction oi' all claims against the estáte. ïhis is substantially as contemplated by the instrument, except that a mavterial change is made in respect to the intereats of the Uvo lieirs at law, the son and daughter of the deceased. The instrument was propovmded by Mra. (.reen represented untü adjustment was attained by E. D. Kinne; 1!. f. CfTángrT réprebtíUWO tire cot staat, Eugene B. Arnold; and X. W. Cheever, one of the persons named as execator, appeared in behalf of himself and his co-executor, Edward Treadwell, to urge the allowance of the instrument. It was hoped that as an adjustment had been effected entirely satisfactory to the persons chieiiv interested in tlie estáte, a protraeted and expensive litigation would bo avoided. Messrs. Cheever and Treadwell ave taking steps to apappeal the case to the circuit court.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus