New Liquor Law--annual Licenses
Last Monday was the lust day under the new liquor law of 1S79 for the payment of the tax upon tbc business of selliiiir spiritüoüs or intoxicatiag liquor Imposed by the act of isn. Under that act radical changos have been made in the marmer of levying and collectiog of this tax. By thérovis'ons oí' the old law the name of each dealer was returned by the supervisor of rué township or ward in which such on was carrying on business to the oounty treasurer, and thai official was lired to be and rema' n in his office upon the second, third and fourth Fndays of Juno in eac'u and everj year for the purpose ol receiving payment of the tax from persons so assessed. li' any person so assessed noglected to pay ■ led agafosi kir by the supervisor by the fourth Friday in June the cóunty treasurer must within live days thereafter issue his warrant io the sheriff fortlie collection of the sum so assessed against any delinquent, and upon this warrant the sheriff was empowered to seize any property of the person so aesessed, without regard to exempüons or indeed to any mortgages or other liens upon property used in carrying on the business. If the tax could not he raised in this manner the dealer upon the return of the warrant by the sheriff unsatisfied wasamenable to a criminal prosecution if he persisten in carrying on the business. Last year under this law the tax assessed was collected against every dealer in the county with one exception, and he was convicted and imprisoned in the county jail for tliirty days and tlieii went outof the business. Under thenewlaw all this is changed. No assessment is made by any one. Each person engaged in the business is reqnired on or before the flrst Monda; di1 May h each vear to make and lile with the county treasnrer a statement In writing and on oath the name and vesidence of the person and the townBhip, village or ward where he is earrytng ni his business, and the nature of Buch business, i. e., whether a dealer in spirituous or only in malt and fermented liquors, and at the same time to pay the required tax, namely, the sum of $200 on the business of selling spirituous liquors, and the sum of $05 on the business of selling malt and fermented liquors. Any one carrying on either business without having paid in full the tax therefor as aboye statod ia imbie to a criminal prosecution therefor before any justice of the peace of the county, and apon convietion may be heavily flned and imprisoned. And it is made the duty of each supervisor within the (irst live days of every month to report in ivriting to the county treasurer the n.ime of every person in his township or ward violating this act. And it is further made the duty of every sheriff, pólice officer, and every othcr n kñowing of the violation of the act to immediately notify the prosecuting attorney, whose duty it is then to prosecute such seller. Below inay be found the names of those licensed since the first of this month, where doing business, and whether selling all the intoxicants, or ale and beer only: ANN ARBOR. Geonre "Wadlech $65 John il. Gould "! ■ISOH -II Mr. . Vanderford & Werner 6J Frank Ruck 65 Eugone Oesterlin 65 Louis Schleicher 6{ (■ Ardner 20( John D. Heinrich (" A. JJ. & F. Besimer 20( N. II. Drake 20( Michael steeb (iAugust Ilerz 200 Christian Leffler 6 Wm. II. Mclntyre 2 John Frey, brewer oí Christian Sanzi 6 F. Kettieh 200 John Clair 2 Charles Binder 20 Ludwig Walz -0i Olrich Schaible 6 Geo. F. Iitz 65 Nleholas Pischer 65 Albrecht Gwinner 85 Chas. Haueser 65 Christopher Kapp 65 Jacob Hoffstetter 200 J. Jacob Koch 85 Jolin Goetz & Son.. . . . 200 Henry ilorn 65 Henry Binder 2üO BHIDGEWATER. Heniy Guthard 200 B. W'eiss 65 Preeman & Laiher 65 CHELSEA. Maria Gulde 65 Fred Gerbach Christopher Klein 200 F. & G. MeNamara 200 DEXTER. P. Fitzsimmons 200 Fred Jaeger 200 John Dolan& Co 65 John Dolan ' 200 Thos. AV. liurns 65 W . F. Scalanderer &3 FREEDOM. AVm. Buerle 65 Jacob Lutz 63 Chas. P. Yogel 65 LIMA. John Maultbetsch Cö MAN'CHESTEU. Joim Wierthner 200 Michael Brenner 200 W. Kirchgessner 200 Michael Daly 65 onrad Nauman 65 J. Kiechert 65 S icholaa Senger 05 SALINE. John Frank 65 föhn II. Ortman 65 John Schailer 2'JO SCIO. Michael Weimer ■. 0" Fred llauser 65 YORK. W. C. Ayres 65 YPSILAXTI. Xicholas Max 200 Jacob Tenis 65 (ïeorge A ment 200 Patrick Leonard ÜOO Collina & Smith 200 L. '.. Forester K: Co., man., 11-5 M. Eckerish 200 Joseph Maitin 2H0 W. II. Hawkins 200 .1. L. Stone 200 W. u. Lewla - G. W. Cady 200 Jacob Gron, man 6B Ephraim Bortle... 85
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus