The County
- Ypsilanti wu$s the shops of the Detroit & Ililisílale Railroadi - Ilenry Palmer hns been appointed sunt. of schools of Bridgewater in place of Slade Lazell, resigned. -John Hall, au old and wealthy farmer of Dexter township, Washten'aw covmty. died on the 80th. -The ypsilanti Ssntinel aasert that senator Childs '■ Bxing tilines for ■ i ongressional nomination. -The Goodyear House of Manchester ehanged handa on S kturday, Mr. Bren iipT sncí'eedins -Tas. L. Stone. t bas. i - Wcolward willbe clerk. -Prof. Meek is well please-4 a Wl succes of his entertainment in Chelsea, one evenir) last week, under the auspices of the Pioneer society. - With a liiU' ]c: en the whole lurap I íay be lehvened now thnt the owner of lie Dexter Li ader is ;t clergynjan. Ye innera of the cóunty press,takenotice.. -A few days ago William Gadd, of Jridgewater, moved a corn ctíb, wben, ) the aid of a good dor, there were tghty-nine large rats slaughtered, beide a number oí small ñy.- Clinton 'fvs. -Prof. M. IToward will give alecture it the Catholic chnrch in Northfleld for he benefit of St. Patrick'a temperance ociety .ni Sunday, May 18. at 4 r. m. Subject- "Life and Times of Edmund !urke." Admission five cents. -Supervisor Purtell of Northfleld, oncluded his annual aasessment on Friday. Time spentwas ten days for naking assessment and two and oneíalf d:iys in copying rol!. What supervisor has done better, oí so well? -Bishop Borgesa has assigned Eev. F. Msesfrancx of Detroit, to duty in Ypsilanti. ïhe reverend gentleman as fully recovered from the injuries bv being thrown from his buggy sume iine since. cxcept taat Ma sense of ïearing is impaired. - Twrnt y seven cit izens of Manchester jetiüoned the common council to pass in ordinance prohibiting cattle, horses, swine, slieep. &c., from running at large within the corporate limits of tliat village, and the matter was referred to a committee. The cows run, just the sarao. -The funeral of Mr. S. M. Putney, was rpinarkable as being the first Catholic funeral from a protestant household, in this city. Xo etïort had ever been made to inlhienee the religious views of the deceased in tluit direction, and it waa a surprise to his frlends, when a few weeks since he desired the visit of a Catholic clergyman; Father Haire, of Flint, with whoin he was acfluainted while a student liere, being his choice. Fatlier Haire, however, could not come, and Father Bever cheerf ully answered the cali.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. -Few men can give more interesttng personal reminiscences than Ilon. Cluuincey Joslin of tliis city. Once on a ome a Dexter man was on trial for crime. The man in this county who would like tó be governor thought he ought to be convicted and asked Mr Joslin to assist in the case, which lie lid. Somelimt' alter Mr. J. being convinced that there were mitigattng circumstances laborea for hia pardon and issful. The futura Governor was very tnuch incensed and upon the intation of the bill $25, wrote J. a rterfeticly shárp leliei. TBe i in the law office proposed to go straight to A. and lick him. Xo says Chauncey, "Iwill fixhim." lie liad some extra Bibles on hand and lie sat down and wrote-" Dear I send you this day by American expresa a Tibie. Read it medítate upon it and may its teachinga restrain you from ever writing suth a letter to me again." The next time he saw the Governor he was as sweet as molasses, as good as pie, and soon
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus