B uxn. May 3. -Mr. A. Glover is building a new bturn at his residence on Henry sti-eet. - Mr. Lev i II. Reynolds is putting a new roof on his residence on Ann Arbor street. - Notwithstanding the wet windy weathér the town was as full as usual last Salunlay. - Mr. Thos. F. Snears has retumed from his work in entucky, on account of poor health. - Our corporation "dads" arelooking pretty sliarp afterthe saloonists. First of May you know. -One saloon minus its usual display of lighta on the evening of May lst. What is the matter. Fred? -Mr. E. D. Webb, corporation asssor, has moved to his farm three and a half miles south of Saline. - A blackamith working for Schairer Bros. was badly kicked by a colt whito shoeing liim the other day. -The Rev. Mr. Ilnbinson occupied the pulpit of the M. E. Cliurch on Sunilay last . in the absence of liev. Shier who vas altsent. - rrof. Dickey of Albion spke on temperance at union school hall on last Sunday evening. The Young People's T. A. condueted the meeting. - Dave and Jolmy secm to be perfectlv happy as long as Diek and the barber keep away. But when they get in the shop there is sure to be a roust about. -John Schafer is laying out more money on his saloon at the corner of Ann Arbor and Chicago streets than he wil] get back in sometime if he stays in Saline; if he ever gets it back at all.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus