Milán, May 5. -John Clark lias the wall for his new hcmse lairt np. -Charles Can field is in a very low condltion witta consumption. - Mrs. Wm. Whaíey is visiting a sister wtao Uves in Montcalm county. -The first banana fruit brcwght to Milaoa for sale was received by Kelsey & Co. this week. - l'erry Eobison hr.s moved irom Mooreville to Milao, in rooms in Mrs. Whiting's house. -II. M. Burt has put in some handsonie new shelving on the east side of liis hardware store. -Had. Burnham has moved to Raisinville, at the paper mili, whefe he is engaged at teaming for the mili. -A largo portjpn of the cellar aU of Sly's dru 5 store feil in during the rains last week. This is the second tumble it has indulgcd ia 'siuce being built last feil. - The lawsuit of Morton vs. Morton before Justice Rainoy. which was adjourned to April 30. was further adjounifil on account of the illness of .Mrs. Morton, eomptalnant. - There was a ehurch-cleaning bee here on April 29tlj, and although a very rain; day, a few energetic laáies and a couple of gentlemen persevered until the building was thoroughly cleaned. -There is more danger to property from the presence of Hobbs, the. lightning rod peddler, than from lightning itself; and every household could be amply protected from his sharp swindles by taking and reading agood newspaper every week. Two attempts to swindle partiea near Monroe last week by contracting in writing to put doublé pointed rods on buildings for 55.50 per building, and then (liarging S3 cents per foot for the rod in addition to the $5.50. But righteous indignation and an ax annulled the contract. - A man by the name of Charles Pepper, living one mile west of Milan and luis tiie rcpr.talion of beating his wife, was indulging in onc of those brutal recreations on April 80, when a man by the nam i of Wüliamson happened to arrive at the door just then, on business, got so interested in the affair that he feit it his duty to give Pepper a thorough poundiag, and which he proceeded to administer immediately. During the melee Pepper put one of his fingers in Williamson's mouth for inspection, and got it nearly bitten off daring the examination. We understand Fepper has a warrant out for the arrest of Williamson, issued by Justice Jackson of Mooreville. Pepper was arrested on the 3d inst. for whipping his wife; he was brought before Justice Doyle and plead guilty and flned $10 and costs.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus