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GROCERIES AND PRCVISIONS. aHwIrqceIF! AT W EA81 HU RON STREET, GASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above locaiion, comprinini? evcryt hinp in the line at bottom prieel - and pufchaeeü exclusively forcush. From a lonp experience in the tniJe, retail and wholesnli-, hu believes üe eau ecllgoods aa chenp au the cheapest. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES All Uood.H Warrnnted First-CIass.) Farmer produce wanted for wUicli th higheet cash priee will be paid. ÍW Remember the place, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. EDWARD DUFFY, Wholesale and Iletail OROCER o A LnrRe, Xew, and Clean Stock o( Staple & Fancy Groceries A L WA YS ON HA ND ! Together witb a full and complete tock of BOOTS, SHOESS, AXD RUBBER ÜOODS, AIso a rhoiop assorlment of l.ndlrH' nuil 'IK' rndcrivimr, IFosioi 5 , UIdtcs, Ac. öpcciiil iuduccments ojïercd cash customiirs. EDWARD DUFFY, Cor. Main and Ann Sts., Ann Arbor. KT" CHsh paid for all Farm Products. MEDICINAL. JBEHT BI CHEAPEST1 LEWIS' GÖNDENSED STRICTLT PURE! We tcill ffive $1000.00 for nny jilum or OtílCf ful filU'i'a iioti foiiiltl ii th is FOWDElt. L& IndorsecTbF tho BrooMyn Boartl MBBBk of Health, una hy tlie best chciui_i3 ü ia tlie United Suites. :'■% ..,-:---. ji is s . ROTTCEn than f..,' '■',-i, v..y Yoakt Pointer In Í -■ ' -, !--A tho world. V .; t'-í.i A il SEVB!B PA 11,8 'o v','l f Ama!;o livlJt brcail v.ücu f VÍ.'A ts"i (l as fti-ictc.l. ■■ ■"'■-.; tl1 itiscosunsHBEDTvomr ÍÍ:,;í;.v ; iï. . ■ , ' ■ It ÍS an cntlrcly NEW IN V33N,Íi TloníjT.-r.iioutímycfthetadquaüi.-:i3 tica ct seda or s .lcrstus, yeast, or Yii % otiicr ba':ing poeders. Ja It tos l!i itsclf a tonrtency caiblSS s retem. Good food malies good health; andhealtti 13 lmproved or lmpafred lii proportiou as tüe lood we eat 13 nutrltior.3 or otlienvlse. Lkwis' J'AKINQ Pov.'DLB alwaya malies ■e;ool fool. Ona can of thls 13 ïvortli two of any other balcing compouud. It raalzes bread tvlilter anti rlcber. llore than half tlie complalnts of bad Cour arlse fro:n tlio usa of coinmon balclrvj powöers, wMch oitcn mako tlio best of üoiir turn out dirk bread. The mot delicate persons cari eat food prepared wit'.i lt witliout iirjury. Kcarlv every otiicr baking poeder la adulterated ond is absolutely Injurious. TliJSlá made from Reíined Grane Crean of Tartar, and 13 PERíí'ECTLY PUIÍE. It makes tlio LiiSST, lihtest, and most nntitious BREAD, BISCUIT, CAKE, CRULLERS, E'JCKWHEAT, INDIAN, AND CAKES. A fItitIo t: j .1 wül provo tile superlority of tbls i'owder. 3ffA2íTTFACTUnED ONTY BT QE0.T.LEWI3 & MENZIE8 S0. PHÏ1.ADE1PHIA. PAINTS.OILS, ETC. pui. LAUUKST AND BEST STOCK OF 9 9 ALL. KINDS OF ?ainters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEEjNCH WIÏTDOW ClaASS AU Size. -T1 SOSG'S. '2.6 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. BS7V. NOT FAIT, tn sthI "fS f"'' "iir I-i-i.e List for Ka BB lRso. l'r.iK to sny "f'1 ív ;.i J tss upnn ;(!- ■'■V (":# üi sorlptlolis or cvt-ryi&jr Ui mr reii'ilrwl fir personal ui fiuuiiy ne, witii over l.MO Illnstrailon. We rl ii puruls :it wliiilflt'P pi-i-."S ifl qunnlÜ.P'i to uit tin piin-h .ser. The only Instiintlon in Am f rica vl" ui 1 hl i In ir si'.Viiil ItiiftlnFAs. Adders, MONTÍ1OMKRY V , I! I) ( O., SS í 39 WMl.aih Ave.. Cllll-Mo. 1M.


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Ann Arbor Argus