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Fire-proofing Cotton Fabrics

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In a paper on somo conditious of inflammabuity, read bofore a sauitary couvention in Michijpu, Dr. Kedzie, ot' the istato Board of Health, said that cotton clothing COUld be prmvnied froni tak ing fire by tlic usoot' burax in etarching - a teaspoont'nl to each pint of staren ai'ter the water hua beenaddcd. Tlic bórax can havo uo injuriou.s ciïbot u pon the clolh or upon the vvenrer, and is so cheap tliat all can allord to líese it. Dr. Kedzie sliowcd expciinipnts Uint ïüuslins and tfirlctans, tlie most inflammable goods, when tiated with borax starch, could not bc. nüuln to burn with il blazo. It'all cotton lros?cs and nndcvclothing, and especially the clotliiiig of childron, were trca'.i'd in ibis way, a greát nnmber ot' Hvos and mach suffering would be s&ved evciy year. Dr. Kedzie said he expected onc of these days soine shrewd fellow would use tliis receipt, mix starch and bórax, and solí it, as "asbestos starch," or with gome othor catehing name, at iivo hundred or six hundred per cent. proüt, and ct rioh out of it.. The pcople could just as vrell do their owd tnLxing and save the proflt.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus