MEDICINAL. To Nervoua Sníferert- The Great Kiu-opeaui í.cmcci.v- -!)!-. J, 15. Slmpaou'a í-pi-cific .frticine. II Itti positivo euro tor i-pernmtorrbea, Pf-minu) Weuknfm, Impotency, nnd all diteaaei nsaltinf trom 'ÍHlf-Abuiso, :a fci'iiE. Mental Anxiely, ■ fSSm i'.iins in BnckO1or dpgö3"S !( 'hat le"'l t Cnn(.t-v,. . X fÖjKiumptlon, iusanity J) S ' - 'T "dnn i'iulv íruv6. Va'- ií The 8peciflc ModiJJX.' wifh woudíTfnl snoPna Pmnphleta t-nt iree toall. Write for tiiem and i{el fiill pnrticalari. Príce.SpecíBc, íl.Ofl per package, 01 six paekugff for$5.Ü0. A'Vlrnsp Jil] OTflprs to .T. r?. si MI'.-OS M RDTCINE CO.. Nos. K14 aiul 10C !,!n Street, Hufliilo, N. Y Forsalc in Ann Arbor liy Kbprbuch & Son, anp t)V all dl'Ulíftistfl evcrj'w hei u. ÑIoüSDimLTTY. CRU"S SPECIFIC MKDICINK. TRADSMARK The (.rvt En.TRADE ARK ■ sN-íli Hnieiiy, fSL Before Tak'Sfll aIJIE nnlveral Laasl tilde, Pgln In the Bock, Dimneníof Visir, n, l'rrmaturr (lil Age, and monj utherdiseRS-.- tlial It-iiil to lasanlty, Conaamptloo and 11 Prcrnutnrp Ornve. &$ Full pHrtiruinrp: in our pumphlets, which we lsire to send íree by malí to every one. The Specific Medicinéis soki hy ail Drufraistp :i; fl per paokuge, or ain pnckpe 'for $5,or will lie ent by mail nv. refcfipi of the niotir'-i v iHUlrraamií THE HBAV MEWJiTE CO.. No 10 Mechanica' Blnck, Detroit Mirh. CS-Poldm Ann Albor by all Druggists, and by Iruiíists everywhere Cures C'olsls, Pnnnmonin, Bronchitis. Asthnyi, Ooup, Wlioiipin-jr Couirh, aud nü diseases of the Breatnlng ürgaus. ltsott!ies and Ucals Sleinbraue of the Liüiijs, infiamed and polsoned by the distase, and prevenís the and tightness arross the chest trhieh acconipany it. CONSUMPTION is not m incurable raaladjr. It is only necesary io have fhe rlght rcinedy, and HALLS UALSA9I is thatremedv. DON f DESPAIR OF RELIEK lor th is benitrn Bpecifle wiil cure yon, even though professional aid fails. HENRY'S 6í!!n-T[2tVu'7:-"T''-'.'vi.r:J--ir,"iif ESE ,- .-■-jayj-Á-Jr.":y--.--a-725oS'-- Lc Most Potverfirf Jlcaling Agent ever Discovered Henvy's Carbol ic Salce cureú the worsc orcs ITe7ti'f's Carbolic Salve allays the xa-tl of tutrtts. Henry'g Carbolic Salve cures all crupttOHS. Ilenry's Cnrholic Salve heals pimples and bloicheftt Ilenry's Carbolic Salve tvill cure cuts a mi bruises Ask for Henry's, an-i Take No Other. Z3T BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. _Lfl ïllTlCHli 10ME CURES I1V ONE MINUTE. A SUBE PREVENTIVA OP Contagióos Disensos, Co'-ds, Hoarseucss, Biphtheria, find Whooping (Jough. XHeasant lo the Taste. JOHN F. ÍIENRY, CURRAN & CO., '...: 1'Küi'UlliTOÍtri, 24 ColJearc Place, New Vork. 1WHOOD; How iiOKt, Him Kestorpih iCjJi .T n sh publi1ifí1, a ncw edition of Dr.. %t?t Culverwells Celeltrated Kssay on aIj "ie radical cure (without medicine) of sS Sp);KMAToiíKiia;A or Seminal Woaknc6s. TiivolnntHry S(?ininl Losc. ÍMPOTSHOY. Mentil and IMiyiail Inrapacity Imppdimonts to Marriaíre, etc; alsn. Conpitmpiion, Kimlepsy anl Fitp, inrtuced by stlf-induJgeuce 01 sexmil extrovapance, &c. The Cí'lerated authoT, in this admirnble Esay, clpjirly deiuoiistrates, from a th'rty yeurs' auccestíful piactiee, tliai thealanniíig o'inscqnenfes of eclfabu may ne rudically red without the dlangerou8 use "f interna] medicine or the nppllcatlon of the knife; pointlnff out n mode of cine at once simple oertftin ai.d cü'ctnal hy nienus of wliirh evcry suH'erer. n ninHer wiiat íñf con-Ution may be, may cure liimaoli cheaply, privatcly, and radica 7(. Si5_ This Lncture shonld W in the hands of every yoüih and eveiy tiihii in the 'and. tíent, uiKler seal, in a nlain envelpf to nny addrss. post-j aid, on receipt of six cculs or two postagestunir's. ' , Addreps the Tublii-herp, THE rüI-VEHWELL MEDTCAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Office Box, 4586. TTlie Universal lïnth. 4 f fe ÏAST RATIÍS fc. a }-.P..r ■■;' ;-"- L ' FriiV fíi'fillif'l "1,1 n-iins KnWwt, ' 3 AWtrOr! E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. Forsnle at the DriiK Storn of L. S. L,er'h. Cook's Hotel block ; also hy C.F.bei1h Son, Hoiith Mitin Btreei : nut nlo by the n'nnifacture E. .T. Knowlton.No 24 Nortli BUte Etnet, A.m Arbor. MicL'. tu wlujm "11 coiTcspoiKleLct 8hju il lie addrfinsed. GET YOUft PIIUPEEÏY INSUEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, AJíXARBOU, - MICH T!i olilrat fiyency in the cify. EataWisliPC ■i quarter of a oeutury tifio. Htreseutingílu tüliowiag first clua cop'imni-s IIomeTnsuranre Co. of N. Y., Assets orer ?r..onn,nm Contlnentnl I n-. 'n. of NT. Y., Assets ovcr s:i,000,00( fUasam Fro Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets S1.442.ini Oirardol l'n., Assets over 31,000,001 Oriënt of Hartford, Assfts % "Ofl.OOt Commeroial Union of London, Assets $o,00,(i( ( Ratea low. Losses liberally adjusted anc promptly paid. C H. HILLER. . . . WILXIAM KEID, jSS V ya )■ ?■ I fll tWY' Hll ft Wbolcsato & KeUildinlrT ia iifilBti BripTaíi Window Glass, Píate Eiass, I La Bff i lPVTakil Skv Litrlns, Gut uud Ki:m! a D 13 fifAl clcd Glitas, Sllvcr Pmtci Id 8 I BBV B 1 V R O I ñnhl1 Frenoh and Gir1 1 m _J_JH_rth_iM- n I niao Liokiug (-íliss Platea. 1 1 " fe3n351ÈH ■ÍSmEbiI ! I'ead lll"i Oil, Color, Putty, 12 & 14 Congress St. Eaet, Detroit, Mich. EYEEYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THB Boss Pliotograjilier of Ann Arbor. Fourth ;Street,East of CourtHoose, ltfloor. TT o try the SCWiUfi 1ÊÏ ax w l i lilt. JUS JLtiLI JUL.1.E.U BEFOKE YOU BUY. It is Simply Wonderiul IT IS SOLD AT F. SCHUH'S Hardware Store. IIURA11 COMPAM. Capital, - . $3,000,000, Aesets Jan 1, 1876, $O,792,69. SS. Losses Paid in 55 Years, L4,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includ'- Ke-Insuntnce Reserve, S3 4,735,092. SS. Net Rnrplns over Liabilities, includini Ke-lnsurance anü Ospitai Btock, S 1,735,092.3O. C. JIACKiAffenti AnnArbor, SHerïfPs Sale. STA.TE OF AÍICHIGAN", COLrNTY of WashUnaw. ss. Hy virtue oi' n writ ot executiun issue! ou! of' and unrli-r the &eal of the circuit court lor the enuniy of VVayiie. direeted oud delivered to tli Bhentf of WaubtenHW C'ounty wherein Georye Bnhcock is plaintifï'aTid .! han na (iutzrattn is aefendaBt. I did on th twenty-flrs) day of April A. I 188f, levy upn nli the npht itle and interest of tl ie defcndants theretii numerl in and to the follnwiim dtscribcd Beal Eh me ro wit;a parceJ of land cummneisg two chaina nnd sevpnl ytiv linlíH. uní h ftf the south-wt'sr corner ot Dnvis nddition to the city of Y pallan tí, tlicnce east three ehüiis. I henee souih out ciiain theiice west ihree chttws, menee no'th on ohain to the p'aoe of bc riitinc In the cily of Yppi'nmi , foun' y of WaOit1iiiiw nnd state of Mlclifffat. Which proprty I fthitllt'spoFo tor sale at public veiiHuu to tbeliignet-t bidder at the? sonth anor of the Pourt House in the city of Ano Arbnr in bhM county on Fiiday tho eiyhteenih (18) day of June A.D. 1880 at ten o'clouk Ín tlie füieiiuun OiMiid dv. .TOST AH P. CASR, Sheriff. By P. W. Thompbok, De] tut y Sheriff. Clakf.nce Tiskf.ii, FlalntÜTs Atty, Estáte of Colet- minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of W aahtenaw, ss. Ata se.ssion of the 'm! ate ( nnrt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at tb e Prohate Office in the city of Aun Arhor, on Tuesday. the twenf-wveiith Aay of April, In the year onfthousand elght hundred and eignty. Present, W II Ham I. Harrimao, Jurtee of Probate. In the. niattter of tl pttntp of Walter M. Cole, Grove Oole, and uan M Coïe, minors. K. M Oolc, the guardián ot said warde, comes into court and represent that he is now pre pa red to rentier his nnnual accnuni ms such guarnían. Thereupon it is ordered, tliat Salurday, the firiet-nih day of May next, at ten o'elock in the Foreiioon. beasslenen for exaraininff and allowiDg Ruch account, aod that thent'xt o kin ol'said aids, and allother persnns interested in 88 id estáte, are required to appearat a session of said court. then to to be holden at the Probate OfiBce in the (-ity of Ann Arbor Jn ftíd county, and show cause, if any Chere he, why the said account Shnuld not le nllowpd. And it is fnrther ordrred that safd guardián five notiíp to tho peronf int ovos trvl in i:iid estnt1 o( the pendency of said account nd the 'ipnrinf tlifr-1of. hy cauMng a copy of this order to be pnblished in the Ann Ar nou ARr;rs,a newspaper printed and eirciitstlog in said county, two successive weeks previous to said day of heg fin?. WILLIAM T. HARRTMAX, f A true copy.) .Tudgeof Probate. Wm.G.Doty. Probate Rogïster. Chanoery Sale. State of Michigan, the Circuit fourt for the County of Washiedhw - Tn (Jh incery. Luther Jutiies, coTuj)]ainaiit. v Kdwin Lu! her MoGee K.nfie V McGoe, .tamei C. McC-c, Chaihs II. Kempf, Hfuht'n Kempf, James lï. Wntson, Jane A. ( urey and Oavid Weiland dffem'ants. In puiBiiance :ii'd hy yirtue of the decree of this court made and entercd in the above entitled cm use o the 7th day of A pi il A. D. 1M, the undei-sitxned, a circuit coutt C(jminis-iouer in and for snitl County ol Wa-hictmw. will .-ell at public vcndup. to (he hlsheai bidder, at the south front door of thei ourt House, in the city of Aun il or in sid cmniy. on Sa t urda y the 2th daj of Junencx' at one o'clock in tlu1 ternoon of suki flay. the fotlnwmí fo wit: nu those oertuin pi ces or parcela of land si t na te in the tmvnsliip di'Hharon. Cotinty of Washtenaw, state of ■ichitran and descrïbed ns folio ws viz: the Bouthwest quitrter ot the noiOi-wcst qua Her oi' sectiin Ivreniy-two (2'"), the north-wett quarttr of tli north-weatqiiarter of section twentv-wYen (27j and twenty-four cr s offof the west. side of tUr wel hrtlf ni the south w-t quartor of wolion nuïoHr thirtf-fotir 8i] in towii?hip r.umher t1 t-e south or mime number tlire1 east containinir one tkundred iiiui tour a res of bo the same more or lees aa di sciibed in said decree. Dutcü April 9 1880. FRED A.HTJNT, Circuit Court C'omratssinner, Waahlenaw onunty. Mich. Geo. 'W.Turn-Büll, Complalnaut'ëSolicitor. Mortjrnge Sale. TEFAULT HAV1KG BEEN MADE JL in tl ie CHiiditions of' a ceriain mortf-agf bearing dttte thetirwt day of Jitne, in the yéox of otir Lord one thouaand elght hunnred and weventy-Bix, niaie and exfcuted by Cliauncry TT. Milieu and Knrah M. Millen of the city ol Aun Arbor, rouniy of WfisliteiiHw and suite of Michigan, to Amanda liu-c of the 9,v& place, and recordad in the office of the ItegUter of Uetda of Waahfeesaw eounty nfureaaid on the tenth duy of .Tuno, A. 1). 1876, ;it ñz o'cl'ick p. h. "f !-aid iiay, in lilier .'2 of niortiiiüe-i. on paffe B86. d tb amount elaimed to be doe at the date of thts notice is thirteuu hundri'd dollars, and do proevedinfta in law or equity liaving been instituttd to iwovcr ihe sanie or any part thereof: lotice is therefore hereby jriven, tbat b Mime ol Ihe power of sale in sa ld nioittifii?e conlained I sl-all s-'ll on RatukdÁY, the rwKLFTR nAYOF.Iv.NK. 1880, at 2 oYlork in tlie afLeraoon of said dav to the highest bidder at the snii'li door of thet'onrt House in The city of Ann Avbor. eounty of Wash'"naw afonsaid, (ttiat bei(í the b'illdliig wherein the o:rouli court for Washtnnaw cotinty is held,)al! that certaln pieceorpar(M'l i.l' land símate in the city of Ann Arbor, luthr eounty of Vasl'tenaw and state of VlebiVHn. and iiöw-rihed as toJIowo, tOTflt: f.ot numlier nin '9) in block nunihir sfven (7) south of Huron streel range mimbei tblrteen U3)ea-t, accordfnjr to :i reeorded plat of ('. H. Millon's purebase of the southvn t ■art of tlic Land ('otniany's additior. to the '■ïty ol Ann Arbor as re irded in the itegistex'l Ofüet'of Wnphlennw connty, Michigan. Dated. Maroh 23, IP80. ABANTA TïTTE, Morfgagee. Jorn N. Gott, Attorney for Moitngee. Ciijinrery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRenit Court for the Cotinty of Wnehtenaw. in Chanoory. LutberJiime, coniplainant, vs. Er nestine Hoiir, Allre't ,T. Buchoz. Con rad Kiapf, and Chatios H. HhopardT, detendantoi. In punraanee and by vlrtne of a decree of sair! eourt made imd enteröd on thelOth day of April, if8 In theabove entltled cause: Noticè is herby iiven, that l shal) sell at public ftUCtinn to the hiiriKt bidder, nu MONDAT.THK FoCKTKKNTII DAY OF JüHK. lM at 10 o'cfork In iht; forenoon, at tne cast front door of the Con rt FTouitein the city of Ann Arbor, eounty of Wnshtentuv and etute ol Mlohigun, Iho follttwin ir ávtioHbed rü estaré, beinjf the same mentionpd and desortbed in said decree, to wit : Being all thnt eert at n traet or pnroei of 1 ind known and described sfolloxni, to wit: The north fractional half ol soction Ño. slztown or.e south ranp fíx east in the towiwhlp of Xorthfield. eounty of Washtenaw nnd state of Michigan, except the pan-el deedod to (i.W. l'exter f mm the northoast cornnr thereof, nnd alsoa triangular pleoe of land conveycd by O. L. Sheppard to William Cook by deed dated November 18,1856, and of reeord in the eounty of Washtenaw. enntnitune ïü all three hundred and thlrty-six acres of Itrnd more or less. Ana Arbor, April 3, 18W. JAMES MoMAHON, Circuit Court Coramissioner in and for Washtenaw Connty, Michigan. John N. Gott, Esq., Solicitur for Coiuplainant. LEGAL NOTICFS. lístalo ul Wiliiain Joi :i J'.ulm. OTATE CH? MICHIGAN, 0OUNTY O of WMkkMW.H, At ll mbíoh o! li.e l'robnte ti rlli Cuunt) ofWiwhtsnaw, noiden at the Probate Office 11 hecity of Aun Albor, üu'juesdny, th nreniUtb. d..y of Apnl, In the yetir one thousand ei"it huudred and eigbty. Present , William D, Harriman, Judie ofProbsts l;i Uie matter of tho eatutt of William John Kiihn, deoeow d. William llürkla, extcntor of the last wlll and testiimeot nf suid dcueiued, oomes ioto coart and representa tliat he inow piepured to rende] bis nnai account as Hurli exeoulor. Thereupoo it ij oidereU, tliat Tuesday the eiKhtteuth day of .Muy next, at ten o'clock in tlietuivii.M.n, beaMlgoeri forexamiDlngand allowIne Buen accouot, and tliat the devtsees, legateta and Iimis at law ot aid deceased, and all otbei persons interested in aid estale, are requlred to appear at a Mulon of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor in uid connty, and bow caimeif auy tlierebe.whv the skkI account should nol be alto wed And il is further ordered sald eieoulor give notice to the persons Interested In aald estáte, of the nendcncTofiaid account and the hearing tbereof by pausiDg a copy of iliis order to be publlsbed in tlie A.nn Abbob Asees, a uewspaper prlnted and irculatlngln saidcounty, threeeucceulve weeks previoustosaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAREIMAN, (A truecopy.) .Tudge ufProbate. WK. G. Doty, Probate Ue;;ister. i:st:ite of Bobert Fergniton, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ of Waahteoa, ss. At a leulon ol the Probate Coorl for theCouuty of Waalilenaw. holden ut the l'robatc Mitiee In the oltyof Aun Arbor, on Munday. the olneteenlh 4ay of April in the yeur one thousand Pighthnndred andelghty. Presenl, Willialii 1). Jlarnniiin, Judgeof Prohate. In the matter ol' tLe estáte ot liobeit Fcrguson, deceastfi. David Webb, the sdmlnibtrator of said estnle, comes tuto eourt and represent tliat lic is now prepared to reudei his linal account as sucli numniü-tiator. Thereupon It is ordered, thot Saturday, the eigllth dav of Muy next, at ten o'ciock 'in the forenoon, beasslgued for exnmlning and ollowing suh account, and tliat the hei al law of said de ceascd, and all other persons interested In said estate, are requlred lo appear al a aewion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, in aai.d eounty, and show cause if any there be, uliv the suid account diould not be alloved : And II ia f urtber ordered. that aafd admiimtrator give noties to Ihe persona nterested In Haid eslate, oí" lh peedency of satd iccoun and the hearing tbereof, by causfnft a copy ■ ! thlB order to be puhltabed En tbeANK Aitnnn An qp8,a newspaper printed and ctrculatïng In sald ■'■iiniy. hvo succf.'ssivu weeks previa to said Jy oí' hearing. WTLLIAM D.lIMïHIMAN, f A truc copy.) ludgd ut Probate. WM.G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of John Adam lïi osz. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY O t Washtenaw m. At aaession of thePvobnte 3ourt for Mie Oonnty nf Washtiionw. holden nl the Probate Office in tlie oifcy oí Ann Arbor. on Tues lay, the tMredtiètb day of April, in the year one ;hontinnd eijrbt hundred and Pighty Prcspnt, WilliHin I). [{irimiin, -ludpeof Prohnte, In the mntler oí' the estille ol Job n Adam Bio-z, ïeoeated. On readinj? and fllinj? tl1 petition. duly veiificd, of Aaron L. Feldkamp, ajtent of Anna Mary Rrosz, rayinfj that n crttin ii'rnmrnt now on file in lus court, piiiportiim to be tl;e kist will and tesiunein of sflJd aercftned, may bp admitted toprob:ite, and thai aml Anna ary Brosz may be appointed exf-ctitrix therrof. Thereupou it i ortlered. that Mondny, thp seventeentb day 01 Maj next, af (fn o'eiock in cha oienoon, ueRM'jt't'n ïortlie hcain. of suid petiion, and that th devisres, leñatees and heirnattnw )f sai'l dpopascd, and :il] itbei persono inlcrested d Baid estáte, ure reqmred to appenr at a seseion tf siiid Court, then to he huMcn t thp Probate )rtioe in tlte city of Aij!i Arbor, nd hIiow rviuse. ianyl.herphe.why tnt prayeT of the petitioDer hould nrt be srrnnted: Anrl ït ii lurther orderéd hat saul irrf úmlíco io ihe Mmont ntereeted in aaid estáte ol the p?nííeiicy of bh id wtilion hti(1 the hearínfc thereof, by rrmsinp n copy o) tb ia order to bp nnhlisheri intbe Ann Akboi i:r,is,a newttptvper pt-inted anti circiilated in said oounty, three 8UCC6M1V6 weeks prurimistoaaidduy of hearing. WILLTAM D. HAKRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Ju3gfl of Probate. Wm. ï. Dory. Prnhnte Rpiripter. Estáte of John G. Grot ziiiíírr. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O ot Wabhtenuw, ?s. At h sesainn of tbe Probate Court tor 1 ]e County ot Wawhtenaw, holden at Mie Probate Othcc in the city o! Ann Arbnr, on Tuesday, the twenty-ftpvenfh Anjr%f Ainil,inthe year one rbousuind piirh' hnndred and efffbfy. Present, WiUiamD. Tlarriman, Judire of Probate. Inthemüttt-r of the estáte of John Cï. Groezlaser, deopneed. On readlnjrand filincr the petition, dnlyverified, of John George Koch, ad min intrato r, praymif that lie may lie llcnsed fco hoII the leul estáte whtreol Bttid deeeaeed died aeized. Thereupon it is thnt Wed ñenday, the twenty-sixth day of iay next, at ten o'eiock in the tnrenoon. nssíjfDeci lor the henrin oí siud petitioii, nd thitt the hrirs at luw ot said ü ;■; iod, and al] other personé ïntersted in BAid etnte. iws required to appear at a session ot' dftid Court, t.heii to be huiden at the Probate ÜrKce in the city of Ann Arbor, and shmr ?nuse, it' anytliere be, why the pniyer of the petitivnei should not b irunled: And it is fnrther nrdert-d thnt 8nid petitioner inve notice to the perrons interesf-eii in waid es'ntp. of thp pi'tidfnpy of mud pi'tition, and the liearine thereof. hy cuiisític t oopy f t hip ordi-rio b-pnblisied in the Ann Aiíbdr A liftu , x newsjpiippr printed and ri' cuJuicd ti s;iid connty.Hiree aucciissive weelts previoua to taid ch'.y of hearing. WILLIAM D.HATIRIMAN", f A truecopy) Judsre of Probute. Wit. G. Doty Prohafp Tireisier. Estáte of 'ames lïnsli. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wurthienaw bs. At a fession of the Probate Court for tlifl Conniy of Wnshieiuiw. holden at the Probate Otftce in the city of Ann Arbor. on Tuesduy, the twenty-seventh duy of April, in the ye;ir one tlionsand eWnt bu fliefl and plghty. Present, Willinna U Uurrimnn. Judge of Probate. In tlie muiter oí the estáte of James Busb, deceased On remiingnnd fllinfrthppetitioTi.dulyverifled, of Caroline Busfa prnyiug that adminisiratioii of said cstaie may b6 granted to heror some othe.r suitable periton, Tlieii'upon it is ordered, thnt Mondny, the twenty-fourlli lay of M;iy next, ut ten o'clock in the foVenoon, be nwiond for the hearinp ot tnid pptition.ttnd t);nt ihe hoirs at law ot süindtceast-d, and all nther persons interested in Raid estáte, ure required to a:penrnt a sesión of said court then to be holden at the Probate office in the city nf Ann Arbor, ii nd .show eimce if any there be, why the praverofthe petitioner -liould uot be ffianted : And it is further orderefithat paid retitioiier pive notfca tu the persone interested in stiid catate, ot the pen'Ieney of said petition and the hearitiLr thereot'. by causinp p copy of tlnaordei to -e published in the Ann AllBOH Aitors. : iiMwspnper printed and circulnted in nid connty. fhrresnccessive weeks previout to su id d.'iy ot henrinp. WILLIAM t). HAUK1MAN, ( A trne eopy.) -ludge of Probnte. Wm. (j. Doty, Probate Re'jiter. Estale of Kellogg- minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtenaw. At a session of the Piobate i'ourt for the ounty of Waahtenaw, liolder at tlie Probate utïice in the oity of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday the twenty-seven'h d-y of April. in tho year on1 tboueand eitrbt hundred and i i y. Present, Willmra Ü. H mman,Tu 'jr of Probaie, ]n the matter of the estáte oí Lizzie Kellogg, minor. On readineandrllinK the petition, dulv vori fipn. of Albert :. K llogg. guardián pryin(t that he may;, lie licensed tü sèll certain real est;ite belonging to s;ml minor. Thereupon it is ovderrd, that TncsrTay, tlie twenty-fiflh day nt Muy next, !t ten o'clock tn ttu1 ion norm.beaRisijiiied forthehearinproi aaid potition. -mí tha tiie next ot kin ol said minor, iind all othei per iii interwted in said estáte, are reqmied tu appear 'it a pewion ol said Court, then to be hol, leu ai Uw Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. and hovcHuaft, If any there be, why the pmyerof the petitioner should not be graoted: And tt M tii'ther orilercd thut said petitioner inve notioe to the persons intiTonted in said estáte, ot the pendency of said pctilion nn.) the beniinu thereof. by ctmsing ii c py of Ibis order to be punlished m the Ann AiiBim Abous, a newapaper printed and cizoulated in smd county, thrre succeesive weeks pievious to said day of hflarin W1LLIAM n. HAR1U1IAN, CAtmecopyJ. Judsxe ot Probate. Wm H Doty. Protvitp Tïetrifter. Strtf(agre Bal. DEFAULT HA VING GEEJÍ MADEin tlin conilitiiMi "f n "■' l-'ave bear Inirdate tlie twinty-tiist dny of January, A l). 187C). made and executed by Cliauucey 11. Milieu and Sarah M. MilltUUla wile, ot the city ot Ann Albor, in the eonnty of W'ashtenuw and stut o ot Michigan, to W lliiiin H. I':ir!;e 01 Low 1, Matsachusetis. and rerorded in the otlic of the Hegir-ttr nf Deedsof W'ashtenaw county fnrwttld the rv. enteemh dny of J ly, A. l. 1S78, at 1140 o'clock a. m , in libér 5Bof muTtgftes on pageSSJ, and tht:n ■cunt clalnied lo be dun at the il te of thls notioe i fon r teen hundred ud twenty-five dollars and tweniyoiühtcent, nlBo thlrty ddlliira n :' rcasonülile w'ilieitor'sor attorney's tec, in additlon to all o'-her leal eots if any pniciedtaga ahould be laken lo fenecióse thia mortyoge. and no proceedini'sat law or in equity having been institnted io recover the n'e or nnv part Hi.-icof Notiee is therefore herehy jiven, that by virtne ot the piwer of i-alein aid inoitiinue containe'i, I shull aell on ATDBDAY, Ttlf SkVENTKF.NTM DAT OF .'UI Y KEZT, al t o o'clock in the aftemm.n ..i said day at public rendue t" the highest bidder, at the winth front ojior ot Ihe Oonrt Il"iise in the city ot Ann Arbor, county of Washtenav aforesaid itht i-lnï ihe building wherein the' "ircnil ''ourt for Walitenaw I held), all thoge cenain pieoea or pareéis ot land ttnntein thecityof Ann Arbor, in the county of Waihlenaw and'state of ïlichiiran, and aesrTilM'd n lollowi, towlt: Beins lot No. fonr, five ond six in Wock No. six (O accordinjr to a recorded plat ofRnnsom 8. Bmlth's ïnd additlon to said city ot Ann Arbor ns recorded in the liegister's office of said countyof Washtenaw. Da'ed April 2!. ISkO. W1I.LIAM H. PARKEB, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. Eggs! "Éggsl Eggs! THE VfjYmOTJTTIl HOCKS. oneof the best breedsof on sale by WM. BUSH SufOTior, P. O. address Ann Arbor. Trice $2 per dozen, orS3 for twodozen. Thls is the Corbin, Kewinjrton.Conn., breed, among the best for eggs and table. MR. BUSH ha on sale, pr'tc.p 75 cent, the bonk of 100 pasjes on Piymonth Rock?, containinsr fnl! directions for maling, brecding, care and roanaccment of thi variety ot fowla. It. is an admirable ■work for amateurs. No one can afford to be without it. LEGAL hiOTiCES. Mortgajje slr. rpPAÜLT IIAVING HEEN AM, J ln theconditionsoí a Main ■„„,, A)-C nj ante toe twenty-flrst day oi HeXíf%W 1865, made an.i executed by Thwiia , "'■ ' Pr..yol IoniaoíuDt.y,Mch1V,roñ t ,'P Í-H rtayof Febroary, A. u. lRso , t i tty.':" 'ili of suM dar, ii libe, No.'ó W LlCOClt''? morí gages on page 43R. and tliat „iri g ei"' i on the lSth duy olSepicmber. A V i T" N oiie-third part of „) mort,pd f;"1 raRftr S. Geer, ruardinn of Addie O 'üH ï recoided in tho office of Ihe Rígister n i, Íi :,id county or Washtennw On ihe mhÑ January, A. D. 1877, „1 U4 o'clock in mM awiiinmoliti of mortftages. pape 327 t?y amountclaimtd tobeduéattfie d.le'ol'11; S Utho ram of thirteen hnndred .md nini, dol nr and tilt, eicht cnls, und no pröctod lawhuvehccn inrtituted tó recover the ÍÍ5 anyparttherco! therefore here "'' en, that by virtuR of the power of -U . ■' mortpBg. cüntainedTe8h„ SatodS leniooi, ot 8„id day, to the o(íhm I luder ,' south front dooi ol the court h.,u8e n t he cl Am Arbor county ol Wasbtenaw aforesU lij Uln the building when-in tl,e circuit S1? ashtenawcounlyiBheld.) „Il thnt ol-rtin J Dated, February 12 is? OFonGE PRAT and EDGA1! 8. GEER, Estáte ,f , olin Fiielerich Zahñ " OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTí KJ ot Vni,)iteraw,s8. At n seMiol Ihe Vní,, Cf.iut fur thf County of Wnshtenuw. noldemtiL Pruliate Office in the cily of Aun rboi1, on TV day, the ihirteenth day of April in Ihe ynu m thouafinH efchi hnndreci mi' ptghtr. frenent Williain D lifimmun, JudfreotProfou. In the mtittei oi the estáte of John Iru-deiid ZahD, defeneetl. On reniinü and ñlinv thp petiüon, duly YeriiW of J.hnU K'.-Wkiunp praying Mint :i o-rtiñ) huS mS,.t ni'W fm lil ln tmH vuurt, jmi yvrttUK fot "h, last will mid testament of sfiid deceased, nu y u admitted to protiate, uDdthathe ïuay be npnoinw -x'r:iitnr thereof, m Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, g. tfnrh rïay of M'iy next, at ten o'elock in [ forenoon, be apsifmed tor the hearing fif eniO wj, tion, and thrt thedevisees.Uïsra'pes.nnd heirpatl oi aaid deceased. and uil othei persons inïeresUjj pjnd eatntp, art required to uppenr it a ftpnsioi Baid Ctrart, then to be hoiden ai the l'rolmtc oftk in the City o! Ann Arboi and atv-w crne, if m be. why the prnyer oi the pptitiomr ahoulj not be pranted: And it is fnrthpr nrdcreii ih p:ii(i pf-titinniT fiivp nulicp fo thf persrns inlfrmej in s:iid cstüte, of the penflenr 01 raid peiinon anil the heHrine tln-noí ''v CHiim h cnpyr.f t order to be pullislied ii the vn Arior Mn newpappr printed and enculHte ir snifleouiT blir'-e successive Treek s previi us i" aaid day hearing. WILI.TAM D. IIATiíí?MAV, (A trueeopy.) Ju ip ■ oi l'robate, WixxiAM ( DoTY,Probnt Register. Kfitate oi Oven Molnte. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTI Of Wnshtenaw. ss. At a o.jon ot tJ.. oW Cuiirt for the Cnunly of Wa-htenaw, bolden til ProlmteOflioe.inthe city ot Ann Arbor, oii Tus rtay, the thirtefciitli dy of April, in the yi-ar ot thousand eihl Imndn d and eigl ty Preseni , wüMi tm D. Uuirimu. Juclpt' of lrotj ïn the mattei oí the eatnte oí ÜWtu Mcíni dt-CitiSf(i On ivadinsraml filinirthe p?tition dnïy verifiedii Anti MrJutpp. pra)iiiK tlmi Iliigb Cassidy, 3i,4 gumu olhtT pet sou. ïmtj !(.■ a pp" lütt-d niinitrutor of the estáte oi saui decenned Thereupon it is ordena, tliui Mondsy, tii tenth düy of May next, t ten o'clck in tht ííjyiioou. be aasipned tor the hearing ot míj petJtion. tind theheirnat law ol id deceasei, and uil other pereons intoreteri in auid f ■ requir d to Hpper at a session of oaid eourt. üj to (e huif i ah t Probate Ofüce in the city of ín ArboT, and how cnuse, ií híiv theie bc, whj tü pi-ityrr f rlie petition#r shouïd nt bc piapbi And it is turther orHerei3 tlmt snid petitioiieipt! notire to the persons iterested in md esUn, of the pundency of siiid petttion nd the tic intr tbercot, by c;iusinjr n oopy ot thiR order to tl pubhiflied in the Ann Ardor A noes, a npwnppi print ed and circula ted ju síiid county, tíinesu;. cessive weeks previoup to nHid d:iyot ïienrinp. W1LLIAM 1) HARBIMAH, f A t.rue copy.) .ludgeot ProbaU. Wm. U. Doty, Probate Reirister. lístate of Mnrris Greg-g. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTT iD QÍ Wttfbtenaw, bb. At a si ssion of tlie Pmb;ite Couri for the coonty oí' Wa&htenuw hoWn at the ProbnieOÖicft in i he rity ot Ann Arbor. ■ Fiiday, tbc ninth dy of' April, in the yenr om thoupanri eight hnadred nn1 eïglny. Present. WilJiiim D. Utirrfman, J. dpenf Trobnit Id the mutteiol tlie estatf ot Marris tiregg, dece.'is(d. OnrcadinfrnndfliiiiethepctitioTi. duly wrilH of Aiijiiistu (iregfi. praving ttiat she or sfime othtt guitftbïe p rsoii may he frranti d adraiiiivtraiioi ol the estitte of ihe -said dceaed. T tiPrcitj-oTi K is uTiu-ic!. injir r" onriy, ii) tenth d:iy ol May next. at ten o'tlock in Ik forcitoon. be aasivned for the heaiing oí rrtition, nd that the heirs at ]w ol g'iíd dpeeasH, and all other persons interpi?td in mid ed nre reo !1 i red to ap:ear at a aession of td court, then to be holden ■ the Probnte ofiicïi the city of Ann Aríor. nrd ahow cnuse. il ui there be, v iy tlie p ra y er of the petiiiuui'i slouli not be pranted: AnU it is further ordeied tto siiid pi-titioner jrivf' noliee to the peront ifr teiested in sairi estáte, ot the pendency ol wil petitioD tnd rh e hetirins thercot. by CttUflinp iiflffl ot' this order to ne published in the an Akboba gus, a newypnper piiuted and circulftted insü county, tbreesuccessive weeks previou to ld day ol hearing. WILLIAÏI D. HAKHiMA!, CAtruecopy.) ludge oí Frola Wm.G.Dcty. Probate KeglatiT. Estáte of Wetsel - minor. STATE OF M1CUIGAX, COUNTT ot Washtenuw, s". Ata session of the I'rubitl Peurt tor the '"ounty of Wnshtetmw, holden t ik Probate Orh'ee in the city ot Ann Arbor, on ï' day. the ninth day of April, in the year ow thousiind eiffht hundred and eighty. Present, Williain D. Ilarrimah, Judpenf Probill In the matter of the estáte of Sophia Toegffr burger, (now Wet zei) minor. Leonh.ird Gruner, tlie guardián of said wrfl, comes lnto court and representí-tliat he i nnw prpared to render his aumial acceunt as sucb gnurdiao. Thereupon it is ordcred that Tuesrïay the de enthday iifHnyt,l t-n o'cl. k in H noon, be assined for examloing and allowïng suc account, and that the next ot kin ot ssiitl waiA M( all other persons interestid in said fstate. ure re qulred to appear at n session ot said court. thenl be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Am Arbor in said couuty, and show oatise, If any ther tie, why the said account should nfl he nllowrAnci it'is fiirlher ordered. that said BUiirdian f' notice to the persons interested in said osta'.'" the pendency ol said account and the hrlj thereof. by causinc a copy of this order to V P1 lisbod in'the Ass AhBOE Argcs. a nfP8! printed and circulatins In said eounty, tirrei ecssive weeks previous tn said day of hcjnng. WILLIAM D. HAKraMAf. (A true copy.) .Tudge d Probate. Wm. G. Oiity. Probate Rosrister. _ Estáte of Kochs - mi.iors. STATE 'OF MICHIGAX, COUNTi ot Washlennw, S3 At g seoion of the l'nb Court for the Couuty of holdm ' ProbiUi-dffleein the. city of Aan Arbor, on 1t riay.thptventieth day of in the yeal ' thousaud eiL'ht huiftii. d uno (lity. Present. Wil!im I. Hnrrmai...7u(!fre of Pr ■o In the matte] of Iheest.iie ot Km mud II. Ai Mnry K. Ko-h, and Kliza U. Koth, minors. Aaron L. Frldkitmp, the puavdian ot siud comes into court and represent th„t he is nm r pared torender his account as such gu Thêrcupon it sordered.that Monday. the e' teenth day of May next. at ten o'clnek in the tor noon. bc aasigaed for eianiiuinj! and allowiup si accouüt, and that the next of kin ol said aii and ill othei prrrons Dteresttd in said eitawj renuin cl to appear at a session of said court, tn til.e holden at the Probate Office, in the ciiv Aun Arlior in said county.and slunvcBuse, 11 there be, why the said account should tint nfl lowed: And il is furthcroi-'erid that said guaro give notiee to the persons intereslid in snia ' tate, of the peiideney ot said aecount ana hearing thereof hy caulng a copy 01' this oirtrri be puhllshed In the ann Arbor Argüí. nf"; paper printed and rtrciilating in said coiin'. tbree sucoesaiTe weeks previuus to said day1 hearing. WILLIAM D. ,IARUIMAN, [A true copy.] Judge of Probt. VVm. G. Doty, Probate Recister. Real Estafe tor Sale. STATE OF aiirfUGAN, COOTl of Wtht( nnv. ss In the maller ot Ihe R- ot Wllliam MoCormick, deceased. Kotire is hf civen tl'at in purettance o h order pmnted to ' undersigned admli.iatrator delwnif n'ti "h ' vvül aniexid es'ule ot snid Wilham Mot mick !;? the Hun. Judire of l'robate for the Cou ot WasMetniw, on the third daj of Aplll, ■ l.xsil there "ill be wld at public vendue. to " lduheat lidder, at the south door of the f o House in the otty of Ann Aib'ir, in tlie couuty1 Wahteiaw, in said siat ■. on Pati kpai, 1 TvKNTY-SErijVD DAY OF MAT. A H 1MM). tW o'elork 111 thi'tr.reni on of thal day fnhjfol ' enrurnhrnnces by mortpape or otl-.erwi ■ exiftirP the time of the 'irath of said deci '■ ") the folW" Ing deseribed ml estáte, to wit: The eqnul " vided half of n parcel of land fomnicncin I? '' center of the rond lenrltnc lrnn Ann Artor toJT son nt a pon twenty-nine f?f') rods west of w ■iid rond eiwawi tlie'eaM 1d of section thirtj I IntownaHptwo Í2J souih of ranee su (61 thenoenoith fix desees ift fiftecn (I) ro(l ' twenty '20) linies thence caft one and ore halt"' rods thence fouth six fl) di erees west to taifl rJ thence -west tn the place of bcginninp for the P pose of a ermmon alley to the pailies and " heirsHnd Hssicns. Also the l'le of a V"" bind cnmniencinir nt the northweft corner ol allev aboveiiesrribed and riinni'-r thrnce 1. ei"l,'tT (R0l deerrep and thirtv Í3') minutes twenty-two (2i) rod. tberce north sixly-two ' half IR7:,) drgrers west to the west line 01 en- hal f 'of the nortbciist qnarter of aid soc ( tbirty f3ni. thence norih on said line to tlie 1 , line óf piiid section, thence enst. on the north iip - said section ilfty-four rods, thence south f}T'"ntt degrees cast pafallel to the east line of '"'",„ toa pnint at the north ast correr of said ' ' therce west one and one half (1) rod t plrce of besinninï. in the townsbip 01 Ana r Washtenaw countj, Michigan. Aprü3,l?n. S0RMAS B. COVERT Administrator de tjonis non wlth thetriU ann"
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus