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The Length Of Life

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Dr. Richanlsou suys that the body shuuld be in Hs best cuiiJitioii at forty ycars ; fór tbirty years alter tlo orgauizatiou should baoonio mure perfect; at soveuty, oíd age sliuuld üegin und last tltïcen ycars, whcu trom eihly-live to one huudrod, thero sliuuld be ripe oíd age, without disease or pain, Luit marUed by a gradual Bubsidcuce of tlio vital funutious. This is lus ideal limit of lile where nature has itü undisturbed courso. The slackness of work in Euro po mul iLs abundance in America has iiiduced the Weavers' Trades Union of Eiiïland to set apart in their trades' societies a certain part of their funds to assist those who desire to emigrata to America. Among the Macclcslield weavers tiú amonnts to six tickets a weck, and tlieso are ballotcd for. A t'wo-hoaded cat "was oirned in Washington, N. J, The hendí wei distinct and well-formed - one jet-black, the other the color of a pure Mal tese. Tlie body wasdivided in color exactly like the hcads. It had only four legs and ono tail, over whioh each hcad seeined to have control. It the Maltese side was tickled the black hcad took no notice of it. and if the black side was rubbcd the Mal tese head purred con te n tod ly. Doth heads ate at the sanio timo ; but one slcpt whilo the other was wida awako. ■ The general results of the returns of births, deaths aud marriages in Franco for 1878 liavo just been pxiblislied. The total number of births was ÍK!;;,oüu, of wbioh 8i5ü,ooo were legitímate and 67,000 iilezitimate. The stlll-born nunibcred 48,000, and the deaths 889,.. 000. TllO births thus nxcerüW tlia deaths by 08,000. galmt 142,000, tho excess in 1877. Thero was. theretbre, a considcrably smaller inórense of pop- ulation in 1878 tlian in 1877. Marrioges, on the contrary, slightly increased. The re were 2Í'J,0'J4 in 1877, and in 1878 there were 27'J,8'J2 - a difference, huwovor, of ouly 8UÜ in favor of W78. Tho hottest water yet enconntered on the Coinstoek is iu the Bulcher, ou the three thousand foot level, whero the diamond drill Mas sent east to guard ag-ainst an Inflax. It is with ailllculty that its exact temporaturocan be taken, as the holo is horizont aL By holding the bulbot'thc tliermometer uiuler the drippiugs trom tlio holo tho memury riso to 1G2. Could tho exact temperatura of the water bc obtaincd by fas leu ing a bulb in tho holo it woukí doubtless add a few dogrees to the abovo. Ou tho ïaouutaiu water buils at 198. After tho circus parade two small boys inet on the street. One of thein, lus faoe glowiiy with excitement, saiii : 'O, Johnny, did you see that feljow ; with a snako around his nock?" No ' word frora Johnny. "Yer soea the nmu in tho üon's cago, of course?"j No word or sigu from Jolinny, save ' iiud except a cloud over liis brow. "rill, yor seen the ponics with ths red blaukete on, didu't yer?" "IiaT au' I didu't," said Johnny at last,bursting into tears. "I had to stay at honifl aiid miad our baby, but I kin lick the friuüla' out o' you : '


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