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Law Is n cobweb which imprison frimts but Iets the wasps aud horuau ÜlltiUglt. ïhc Universlty of Brussels hw Tot tlic first timo ttdinitted a lady as a sclüiio-c student. In Boston thevo are five gujnr rcflnerios employitig nu activo capital of over 83,0lK,ÜUU. The man vrho dcllg-htcth not !n th pnittle of cliildren woukl rebuke hi mother's Uindnes8. Lite is a river, nnd our good deed the bridge wliieli span it, over whicll tbose wlio ibllow m may pass safely.. Inquisitive people are the fnnnels of conversation ; they do not take in anv tliiiiz for tbeir owu use, but nicrely pass it to another. Countcss Massf na, tho dau inlaw ot tno i wsi ís ipneou-s i a slial of that name, is now reported a doniestic in a Salt Lake lamily. Honesty has never been commemovated in iimrblo. Man'a grcatncss and posto rit y 's honiagc are indicttted in other features than tliis, the uoblest chavacteristiu in humau life. Artesian vrclls are bccoming'commoa all over California. An expendituro of 1250 will produce genorally a suppl y of pu rest wa tor to the aiuouut of SöÜ.öOO g:allüii3 daily. Tho first nnd most danrous in. road upon the human systoin, made by stront drink, is ou the liver, and U not, at the outset, at all observable,, even to the victim. Ifapiece of meat that has airead y oohimcncod putrcfyiiy be sprinkied With clrireoal, it will not ouly object to the moot putrefyinjf nnv further,. but it will gwoetoii that which has aU rcudy uudei'ifono putixsfaction. Tliefá are 60,000 loconiotives in tho United Stiltes, nnd eacli contalui twenty-cijfht luindrcd different pieces, req'uiriug rencwal evury ten or twelvo years. Tliis couveyi an idea of the iu dustrics which raiinxids foster. A ncw museum has been opened at Pari, which contains all the artistio funiiture beloiljfillg to the Kins of Franco front the time ot Louis XI1L up to the present day, and which wa Rccunnilated in that unique buildlu known as the Qardc-Meublc. A private letter from Mrs. Juli Smith l'urker, of Glastonbury, Coniu,. who was married lor the lirst timo at 07 ycars of age, is siiR'd with her niaiden name, Julia E. Smith. Sho eays that she bore that name too lou to recogí) iüe auother as her own. It is no exaggeration to say that the g-r.'at mnjority of l'emale studonts u modern ftuuui are distinuished by thoir indiisU-y, tilent, and williii.iiiess to jiiiike ony sacril'ue, and enter uponthe pnnuit of kno wiedde wlih i'ar greater oanicátness than tho youujf. uien. Through the excrtlotw of the fncuU tv of the Drew Theoloical Öeniiuarr nt Madison, N. J., the endowment fund. oi' oÜÓ,OUU, wliicli was lost by tho i'ailuro of Daniel Drew in 1870, h;is been imide to til extoiit of tiítíl,OOO,i. to which fund additious anj buíi DUtuO all the time. The efteet pruduced on most people of weak luinda by roadln ntedlcai tvorks iu wliicli different maladies uro dosoribcd, is well kuowu. It ut'u-n li:i]])oiis n Btndying diseascs of tlio cyo [lüii, the fear of amaurosis itrikhiy lite hmijfiiiation, the light tinally bocomes alloctcd by that l'ear alone. Tlio ËmpreM Elteibeth of Austris, wlio lias n gvwkt iomlucss i'or Kiilih liieratuiv, lias sent lo Mis. Isabel ííiu-ton, ilic win of Captain líurton, ,i liamlsoinc gold locket, witli her nionugrain and un iiiipcrial crown iu dia inondl to mark her nppreciation of that lady's buok on the "lmicr Liio of Byrla." Miss Mary Allen "VVcst is Superintendent of Schools in Knox Uounty, III., and hor schools have taken six of the eigtot premiums offered in the Educntional Department of the Illinois State Fair. The Superintendent of the educational exhibir, reuommendcd tho State Board of Airiculturo to grant a medal to Miss "West. It is stated of postal money ordir tliat not oven one nghtful claimant ha lost a shulo dollar tliis syutem froin the date of its oranizatiou until tho present timo, altluuih duriiy tli last íis:al year alone the Postoftioe Dopaitineiit i'ssued over $'JÜ,OjO,ÜOU worth. of theseorders. Of ïnisdircctcd orderar or orders not callad tbr ou accouut of death, the aggregsta vrorth uovr amounts to over $7uo,uOÜ.. A Bostonian has done somethinj to amcliomtu t!ic ooodltlon of tho youug American, who is the victiua ai til anibi i ious paren t tlint calis hini stupid,. nml rcminds him of eertain great Americans who cntered colloe at 12 aud 13and were gtaduated at 17 and 18. Tlia currioulmu ol' Yalc for the year 18 lü ia cxhibitcd, and t'rom it the deduotion. is made that ''a liigli-schoo) gradunto oi' to-day, it' fitted for Harvard, is itut a great way bohind tlio Seuiurol' 1810." A travcliny has been-arrested at Wairiiytoii, Englautt, loi-stinmlating tho law of supi)ly and dcuiand. llis methud of oreatlng trade was to tlirow a stono throuh a window. ia the ereuing and then appear iii tUo moniinz to olTor his services. . But iib ovcrdid the business wheii he srnashod seventeen panes ot'glis3 in the churel. and carne noar IiíUÍUíí the laidoil witli tho bowlder throwii tlnxuijih a plate-glass wiudovr oí tho BiiU's Jlcad. liin. At the Bavarian Industrial Mmeura thero lias recently been exhibilod a new kiml of flooriiig: tiles nade fren Mphalte in a very simple way. . Tha dravring of the intendod design is íirst inadi) on coarse, heavy paper. Tlien it is eovercd with bits ot'cliina and glass,, so as to fonn a niosalc. Lnstly, a border is made to the sheet, and liquid uphalte is poured upoii it. Alïor tliowholo haa been covered the i. taken away witli cold water ajid. tito in flnlshed. Tliis floorin is said. to be handsoine ia appearaiire. and U ïcsist damp tbr au iudcliuitepüriod. . Statements havo oecnsiomlly beon. pnblished, of late. yeara, that the youn Women in the Auttriai) province ot' the Xyrol wero iu the habit ofeatinj arsenic to improvo tbeir complexion,, and that tho puisonutis snbstauce, so far from Injurlus the honltli, promoted au iucrease of flesh. Tliis dauerons romance lias recently been exposed by Dr. Danberj-, in a paper read belbre' the British Association. Ha says uo faithis to be put in tlio statement, notvvithstandiny it had fouud a phioe in Dr. Johnson s "Chemistry of Common Life." The reverse of the statement V In faot, true


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