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- Lenawee's county fair Sep. 21, Si 23,24. - Xo Ucense in Clayton, Deerfield or Clinton. -The Port Huron boat crew practice twice a day. - Thirteen divorce cases on the Lenawee calendar. -The flrst wool clip of this season was sold in Lansing at 40 cents per pound. - M. Julia Goodenough of Coldwater, is to go abioad as a Methodist missionary. - Harry Goldberg, a clotliing dealer at Fenton, has had his store closed by Detroit creditors. -On Wednesday next at uoiawaier there will be a ro-union of the celebrated Loomis battery. -The Pontiac girls have invited the Orchard Lake military academy cadeta to help them celébrate decoration day, - An effort ia being made in Pontiac to organize a joint stock company for steam supply, aiter the so-caUed Holly system. -The citizens of Blissfleld have decided to build a school house cosüng $2,500, to replace the one recently destroyed by Ore. - Father Uuyse of Jackson, has gone to Europe on a vr catión, and when he left his parishione: s gave him 250 for pocket-money. -Half a dozen Blissfield bloods bought a keg of lager, took it ot on the coramous and all got drunk. Tlien they got arrested and fined. - A Raisin boy, Fred Nichols, shot at a catand the ball stiuckMr.ltufusKelley, an old man of 70, jast above thelef t eye and went into the face. - Seventh annual convention of ir en's state chnstian temperance vow vention will be held at Howellon Tnesday, Wednesday and Thursday next. - Mrs. Maria Jones of Jackson, who died May 13, had neither eatea nor drank a partiële of anything for 35 days. She had sulïered from spinal diseasa two years. - Wm. Tongue, an old resident, of Howell, dropped dead in a street of that place Monday. He was an Engiishmna, with some property and no relativea ia this country. -Somebody immediately alter tne eouncil of Clinton muzzled the liquor traffie, stuck up placards outside the village with the words! " Stop, smallpox in Clinton." - ïhere were eighty-one licensed saloons in Lenawee County in 1879. So far this year only fifty-one have taken out licenses, and thirty-three of these are in the city of Adrián. -The Sho-wae-cae-mettes of Monroe are preparing to go to New Orleans on the 26th inst. with the Ilillsdales, to particípate in the regatta. The crew will be the same as last year. -A Jackson baby, 13 months old, rolled down a stairway into the river on day recently . The mot her sprang af ter, and leaping into the water waist deep, sueceeded in rescuing the child. - M. G. Stift of Holly, a prominent miller, has gone into bankruptcy, with iabilities all the way from 40,000 to 75,000. About 17.000 of the amount is due to farmers in Oakland Connty. -John Fuller, a Ufe convict at Jackson, being partially demented and therefore allowed unusual liberty, made a dash for freedom on Wednesday, but was captured three miles distant from, the city. - Six boys, of ages ranging from 10 to 14 years, were arrested in Lansing on Monday. They had managed to steal about S50 from the tills of half a dozen stores in the f orty-eight hours preceding their arrest. -Work on paving a section of Main street, Lansing, has begun, and horses and human beings will not be compelled to wade knee deep in the mud herealter on the principal thoroughfare of tha Capital City. - F. W. Putnam of Brighton 80 years of age, visited Lansing the other day. He helped remove the furniture &c, from Detroit to our new capital. He recently walked 18 miles carrying a valise and overcoat. -The total earnings of the Flint & Pere Marquette Railway for the threo months ending April 30, 1879, -viere $355,488.60. For the same period in 1&90, they were 503,769.80- au increase of $150,281.20, or 42i per cent. Xext Sunday those who worship at the M. E. church at Jackson are to b callcd upon to see what they can do ward clearing up a debt of S15.000 on their church property. It is reported that one man will shell out $3,000 for that purpose. -The bain of Joab Mallory, of Albion, was struck by lightning Wednesday and consumed by flre, together witb öOO bushels of wheat and a considerablo quantity of farming implements. Mr. Mallory was considerably burned white endeavoring to save a reaper whichwa stored in the bain. Total loss estimted at S2.000. -The Stilt failure at Holly ia now given as follovvs : So3,OUU in aeDis ana. $25,000 in assets ; $17,000 of the debt due to farmers, etc; two mortgages oa propertyheld by the banks, aggregatiug 827,000; 10 coopere and 12 mulera out of work. It is confidently hoped later and more thorough investigaron iaay make the affair look better. -The twentieth annual convention oí Michigan State Sttbbath Associatioa willbe held at Lansing in the First Fresbyterian Church on Tuesday, Wednesday and Tlmrsday, Jane 8th, 9th wxi lOth, commencing on ïuesday evening 7:30 p. M., withanaddresson-'TheCentennial of Sabbath Schools," and coatinuing through AVednesday, and closing ïhursday noon. - Thirtv-flve vears a dealer in wate in Pontiac, Dan B. Thurbermade au assignment last week. Ltabilitiea $25,000 in excess of assets. Aa Treasurer of the Odd Fellows, and holding 2S0 of its funds, he gave a chattel mortgage for tlie amount, and to hia cbief clerk, to wliom he is indebted S7Ü0, he gave a bilí of sale on stock,. Above 12,000 of the above amount is owinglo parties residing in Pontiac. - Thattrio of Jackson capitalista tanen in and done forby one KateLoranger will be happy to learn this woman has been arrested and taken to Boston on a charge of blackmailing. In the Ilub she is known as Louise Sylvan; in Detroit as Mrs. Smith the morphine eater. Her good looks, pleasing address, intelligent information in current news. united to make her a dangerous woman in the society of easy-tempted males. Her f uil name is Kate Sylvan Lyoos, and is the wife oi Ned. Lyons noted as a burglar and sa e blower, now;spening a Tong term at Sing


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus