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Economical Hog-raising

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Many fermer do not seein to oo amre of the fact that tho ly nature U a rainir animal, uut lljat f tiirncd out to shirt for himselí will thrivc as well fts mi y tloiiiosücatedaniÍ mal, except the goat. Thero are as good reasoös for (mstaring hogs m for pasturing cows, slioci, and liorsos. Greon fbod, gttcL u eluver and ííra..-;, is not only the ehcapest but the best fuud lor oiiUnals dnriQjf warni Wethtr. It teuda to keep them hoitlthy, wliilc it ooutftios a giilftaiiint ntnouiit ot' Uosh ] und fut fortuin suboitiuicü-i to insure a goód gruwth. Hog that have tlienin ' of agood clovcr pusture ure imuh loss liablü to sickneatf tfian thoxe that are kopt in pens or yards dai'Lu the ! WBiTnest portions o!' tho yeár. A pasture mrroundod by a stroiig1, tiglit ibnee is cweutial for kecpini?hogs that are to i-ely on groen lood dui'ing the sumiller season. Au acre slionld lc allowod for cvory tivo hogx and pigs. Ked oiover, the comiuon or niammoth varietv, i'urnishes thu most and the best kinds of food. The groiind should be scedcd tho year befere it is to be umd tbr u pasture. Üruhai-d grasa furnislies excellent food tbr hogs ; and, ia it will stand frequent croppings without iujtiry, it is well adapted for sowing oü land inteudod tor a hog pasture. Á nog pasturo should contain sonio simde, and sonie protoction froto tho lieat of the sun is nccossary to their well-being. If the land selected and prepared for a hog pasture contains no trees or bushes, n shelter trom the sun should bc tnade from somo eheap material. A spring or spriujf brook is nlmoKt invahiable in a pasture for hogs. It niay be oindo to supply water in a trougli for driuking purposes, and also to rtll a sinall pond in wliich the hoga can wade and refrosb themselves when they are warm. A pasture of the kindabove described will attbrd abundaut food for hogs frum tlic lát of May till October, unloss a drouth occui-s. To funiish grecu food in case it is wantod in time of drouth sonie forasro erop should be raised ncar the pasture, so it inay be cut as occasion roquires ar.d thrown over tho tenue. In Canada oats and tares, own togethcr, are raised for the pur pose oí feeding to hos iluriug the biimmer. Swcet uorn U a good erop to raise for this purpose, as hogs will eat the ears, loa ves, nnd stalk?. Durin September tho suckers of field cora imy be cut and led to hoga to excclleut advantage. Ifoats and rya lodge in the liold tlicy niay be cut and taken to the hog pasture. Unripe pumpkiua and Bqua8Uea and wiud-lalls in tlie orchard can also be used for leeclmg hogs. It' the re is do old coni for feeding thcm during Ootober, and that in tho licld is not ripe, it will be best on niany accounts, to fond souie of it while it is yet green. ín the oarljr part of the üill hog's will eat.miiuh of the stalks as well as tlie leaves and ears of greeu cora. Wlien tho corn becomes ripe the hogs should be allowed to eat all they will of it. Hogs are more likely to remaiii healthy if tliey have the run of a large lot that is clean and well supplied with water, than if they are kept in close quarters, necessarily filthy and poorly supplied with water. There conios a time, sooiicr or later, in the period of fatteuing hogs, wlien they begin to lose their apputite lor rnvf oom. It is ofteu the case that their mouths become sore by helling the keruel 'from tlie cob. There may be 110 econoiny in grinding eorn or cooking rneal lor kogs iu the early Btage of the process of lattening theui, but there is econoiny in doing both aftec they have become quite fat, and their. appetito is impaired. Eaw meal mixed with water ormilk is an agreeable cfaange from whole coro, and tliis diet sliould af'ter a few weeks be íbllowed by meal cooked, and, if practicable, flavored with apples or some kiud of vegetables.


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