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RAILROADS. uquiuAS Central kailroad. NOVEMBEa 10, 137. ______ 'OINO WEbT. ! 1ájf i. . s á 4a i-s l L2 ï_ ___ 1 -j_m_ U ♦ a „ . . , M.! A. M f.M. p h P.M.pH Detroit, leare, 7 o.,, ;, BS 5 M 4 05 8 1 : %"-, ff.l.JuncUon, 7 IS 10 Ofl 6 10! 4 7,0 8 2 10 1 WayneJunoÜOIi 7 62 10 28! 0 42; 4 tl 8 571 u ,0 AnnArbox, k J J}Ua._ill OMtn, 9 (II : 7 M 5 3S 9 wC Ch-1, 9 22 . ; s i, ( ,j ,0 ,.5 Oriibs I,ake, 9 50 j 8 35' 6 lï H 3M; Jackwn, ia soiie'ie a no; e ss n íwIis'm Albio.j, 11 n4 u so j 7 4„ , 5a , 3 HuriMU, 11 80; 1 0U g os,12 2SJ 1 55 PuttlcCreek, IS 1 1 55j?-S I 8 :p í ■ jr Gaiewburtf, 13 S3 9 10: 1 ÍO __ A. M.j Kiiliimnzoo, 1 U 2 37; 5 ik. b SU) 1 38 3 02 Liwton, 1 J3 1 s 33 2 u! Decutur, 210 1 d 60 2 si i Dowgiuc, I 2 3'. ; 8 19 L_ ''l, SOD 4 0; r, BÍ 3 lii 4 38 Uuchtinan, 3 19 1 7 (17 3 4,5 ThroeUako 3 49 , 7 32 ; New HuffnJo, 4 i.3 4 M 7 4,1 4 27 Micliignu City, 4 80 5 211 g lu 4 jj 5 5', Lake, 5 !3 6 02 S 53 : S IS fi Kcnoington, 6 00 fi 50 9 10 R 40 8 is Cfaienyo, itítp. (3 r0 7 40! 10 S0 ! 7 30, 8 30 QUING EAHÏ. U 1 j ü i &■ áj 33 ia ■ ?:_ g w8 h . j_ A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M. p M Ohicafro, leave, 7 6 II 90 1 4 00 5 15' ij ]n Kenaiugton, 7 50 9 5(! 4 50 6 06 1 10 0 I.ake, 8 38 10 80 t 43 50 10 43 MicliiRim C'itj-, íi 20 1 1 IB 6 : p 7 411 n (' Xew Buffalo, 9 4i;i] JJ ; ss !ii .., Tluee üake, 10 u 718 Tíuchaiiau, 10 'M 7 40 !_J . Nilea, llO 45 12 16 8 10 9 0Ü12 1 Dowagiao, ]n 18 g 38 p 1(; Oecntur, ill 39; 1 !) (W ! 1 40 Lawton, 1 17 1 9 22a. m. ' I K fCiilninnzoo, 12 S3 1 40 10 00: 6 50 10 2H; - -h Galesí.ur", 12 5' . 7 o Battle Creek, 1 281 2 15 7 40 11 1" 3 18 Marehall, 2 21 3 00 L 8 08 il 37 J 3 46 A.M. Albion, 2 52 8 21 a.m. 8 35 il 59 4 12 .Tackuon, 3 44 4 05] 7 15 9 3OJ12 4S 5 00 firnss Liikc, 4 10 ; 7 38 9 BA b 25 Chelscn, 4 40! ' 8 02110 07 Dextor, 5 00 i 8 ifi'lO 19 J 6 05 Delhi, 5 ínl i 8 26; I ' Aun Arbor, 5 19 5 07 8 45 10 35j 2 05 i 6 25 Ge'lcics. fi 29; 1 8 52 ' ; . Ypsilanti. 5 38; 5 2Sl 9 U010 4i 2 201 B , Wuyne.Tunc, 6 02 5 45 9 23 11 os 2 44 7 05 G. T. June., 6 35 6 15] 9 65 U 3. 3 MÍ 7 45 Detroit, Ar., l_6 S0 6 SO 1 10 10 11 50: 3 351 8 0 Suiidays excepted. ISaturday aad bunday exepted. tDailv. H. B. LRDTARD, Gen'l Manafter, Detroit. H. C. Wh.niwouth. 0. 1'. Sc T. Agt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbcr Raüroad. Taking aflfoct Sunday February 22, 1860. QOING SOUTH. G0INO SOUTH. ËïpTlMlxTMYii - IMttf IH '■ !Exp. i STATIONS. [ , A. M.:P. M.IP. M. A.V p. MP.M. 8 lfl!l205! 6 10 TOLKDO 10 ' C 3058I0 (MHMt'Ift Ncirtli Toledo 0 ; 7 3 ") 8 07 8 20 12-22 B 2;i Detroit Junclion 0 2-17! 7 58 8 29 12356 30 Uawlhura ! 0 4 2 33! 7 48 8 3" IJ 48 B 40 Sumaria i 9 3. 2201739 '"', 1 10 6 5 Lulu I 9 l! 1 58 "24 8S 1 ül 7"0 Mourne Junctloiil 9 14 1 i 7 iö 9l 1 :í.i 7M Dumlct 9 9? 13: 7 10 f I6j 157 7 il Azulia 8W 11". 6 n.ï 9 30 2 27 7 35 Jlünn 8 4: 12 SI' 6 41 9 37 2 40 7 42 Nora 8 S' 12. "8; r :',! 9 45 2 5". 7 47 Urania 8 3C 12 2.1 6 28 946 3 17 758 I'ittsfli-ld June. 8 2 12 OBI C 18 1(1 nj_3 4ö 8 lol AK.N AKWHi !."n[ll4' fl (l.ï All trains run by Colqmbua time - 7 miuuU's faAter thaij Ann Arhortnue. J.M.ASIILEY, jB.,SuP3iintendeut. DETROIT, HILLSDALE ANI. SOUTH WE8TEKN RAJ1.EOAD. To take eflect April 4, 18S0. OOING WEST. QOISO EiST. Mix.iMiiliExpT ixjvMiiiiïMiy 1 ! BTATIONB. ( M.'A.M.'P. H. A.M P M. I'. M. 7 30 S ■.-, r. 45 Ypeilftr.t: 1040 5 1. .10 SCO s ... 12 IMttsfleld June. IOS 418 7 ÍS 8 3ii ■ ; 6 18 'Baline 10 16 4 4. 7 12 SI I B15 6 30 nridxtwHter 9 5 4X3 8 3 ""■ DS-ij 648 Mnnc'iesler 9S5 4 ÍS 6 SO 1(0 112.'! f 221 flillaiiiue 7 3 2 45 S' 1 15 U3H 8 30] Banket ;.i' !:w 2 ÍS Train? run by Chicago time- 20 mioQtes slüwpr thanCulumbus lime. W. F. PAKKER, Supt., Ypsilunti. pANABA SOITIIKRN R'Y I.ÜVI'S. V' The ünly Aniorican Koute Throngli (.'amida Trains leave M. C. 11. K. Depot. Detroit, city time, as followeí: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagoer car to Boíton. I'ast Diy F.xpress, daily, 12 noou, Wagner car lo New York and Lioslon. l.i.'htniífn Kxiiress, ciaily except Sunday, 11 10 p. ia.. Wagner car to riuílylo and Roehester. Toledo truins leave 7 50 a. ni. exeept Suuday ; 3 10 p. ni. duily ; 6 50 p. ni. exeept Sunday, For Fayette 6 ao p. ni. except Sunday. S3 I"or informatiun and tickets apply to H. TV [layes, aKent II. C H. R., Ann Arhor. M. O. RflAriI. Pass. Agent. Detroit. FllANK E.SNOW, Gen. I'ass. and Ticket Ael. Detroit. OREAT WEKTKRN llill.WAYJ Depotbfool of Tbiid iind lirub-li streets. Detroit time. Detroit time. Lenve. Arrive. Atlantic ExpiesB, J4'0a.m. ílo.oOp. ni. Dny Express, S.35 a. ín. u.3O p. m New York and Boston Expreps, "7.00 p.m. tS.45n.ra. Detroit Express, 12.4ó Steamboat Expresa, 7.00 a. m JDaily. 'DailyexccptSundar. tExcep) Monday. S For informa! ion and ticket? apply lo H. W. Cayes, Agent M.C. It. K., Aun Albor. W. H. KIRTH, WM. EDGAR, VVesttru Puss'r Ag't. Geneml Pass'r Agent . RETINTA. IMRANC1 COMPM Capital, - $3,000,000 Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includ'" Re-Insuranca Reserve. $4,735,092.86Net Surplus over Liabilities, includin Le-Insuranue and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. M ACK , Agent. Ann Arbor. Bakery, Crocerv, AKD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constnntly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &.c. J'or Wholesale and Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI XiOXTK., J. M. Swift & Co's nest White Wheat Flour Kye Fhmr, Buckwlieat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, c, &c, c. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GEOCEFJES AND PSOVISIONS conslfintlv on liand, wliich will be soid on as reaB ermias at osy otber house in the city. ash paid for Butter, Egge, aud Countrj ProJucö generally. flffi Goods delivered to any part of the city with out extra charge. KINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. J7ARM FOR SALE. Forty ñeros, cultivable every acre, and located about two miles northeast of the títy ín Ann Arbor township. Water running thiough it the year round, within six rode of barn. Goed house and barn. Orchurd of 1U0 trees. For unie or exchange for city propeity. Apply to r. M. BURLINGAME. 22 Thompson St. Ann Arbor, Ftb. 10, 1SS0. 7-tf LEGAL N0T1CES. Ksfalo of .lolni o. Groszfftgcr. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O ot Vn.shtei;iw. bs. At ii sossionof iliePiül.ate Court for ifct Coonty of Waahtenav, holden at the Probate Ottiee iu i.he city „i Aan Arbor, on rueaday, the tv., „tl, dayof April, in the yeni one thotwitiKi eigh hundrtd inri ei:lity Frenen t, WiUiiimi). Hiiirinuui Judueol Probute In the matter of the estáte of JobuC;. Orocz' iDffer, ileeeafifd. On rendltiK and filintr Uie potition. vcrlfled of John Oenrge Koch, utDiiuhti'ator, pmymt' thnt lie pmjrbe liuo:sed to uU the renl estáte wheruoi sttul deocsaed died neis ■. 'l'heieppon it la ordcred I tbat Wediwada the twtnty-slxth day of Maj-next, ut ten o'rlock in the forenoon. Ie asi;iiMl for the hunrlnc o) luid petitiwn, und tliat tlit at mw oi ntd uecetiwd, iir.d ui] otlier pvrnoin ïntii-rated in lutideatate. re rtqbnrü to'urpcar at n aehioti of raid Coart, Uien to be holden uf the Probate Office In tbcityofAnn Arboi.nnd hnv -hufp if iinythere bc, wli tb pnyT of tl, e petitioiier sinul.l not biifrnnted: And il ir fnrtfaei ordered tli-it id pelitionvr fclv uolise to the p.-rtonv ,„. terested m W aatnte. u th. pcndin.v ot .aid petition, and tlu' henrii-p thereof. by en ín o n nopy of thii ordM tn bc pnl lúbed in Ote A A,i. n AROO-,n newapnper nrhite. Htld (roulalfc: intuiid county.tlireoBUCCuSBire weeks previeras to raid dur of liearmg. WI1.LIAM n.HARBÍMAN IA true copv J .ludue M Probate. Ww.G. Qmn Probatf Bfgiaier. Eatetfl of James ISush. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OufWashiennw bs. At a sesxioi. of Ihe l'rol'nte Courtfoi Uountj ot Waahutiaw. hotte ut the Ptohnt.i in theeity of Ann Arbor on Taea.l.iy, the tweiity-sevcnth dny ot April, in the year one thousand eiyht hui.dredand pighty. Preienl, Willinm 1) rtarrimnn. .udpc of Prcbate In tlie matter oi the. estáte of Janiea Lusb deC(rm-(i ' On and Hl-np th pelition nnlynrUitf, of Caroline Husl; pryiii-r tlnil tldniirrfofriition of mlj estafe niay bu ginnlcd lo heror sume other nuitable perron " Thcrcupon it is orden d. thnt Mondar the twenly-tointh day of May next. at ten u'oiock in the forenoor: , be aasipm-d foi the hcaril.i ol unid pptition.und tlmt Iheheimat law o) aniddi cerned und ttll ntherperaon interi stui in s.irl lstiit, Kri' reouired hi appenr at aen-ion cit unid conrl theu to bc holden ut the Preliati office in (!.e city nj Anr Arbnr, aud show cnndc. il any ibete V. wliy the prnverortlie petitioner -linuld not be piüntod : ind itiïfurther orderedtliiil miil petitiouei five ni ice tu the persona Interentcd in s;iid tstnte otthe lienriency of sani petition and Ihe 1.,,, , - in..' thereof. by m copy of tlilpordei lol e linhlished in tlip Ann Alilloi: AluiUS. ;i priuted und cirsulnted n id coimtr. thrre siicecsaive week prcviouc t.o sük! dnr oí hCHrisr II.LIAM D. HAHKIïrAN, vv ;?';?Py-)n u Jdce of Probate. VVm. O. Ddtt. Probate Register. Estale of Kellogg- minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUXTY of Wnnhtenaw. At a sepsion oí the I'riil nte rourt forthe oum y of Washtenaw, holden Ht thi Probate office iu the city of Ann ArbOT, on Tnesdny. thelweuty-sevenlh diy of April m the yenr ouh thoupand eiht hundred and eiahty. Present, Williiira D. ff .rnman, JuíIl'c of Prt bn'e. In the matter of the es'.ate of Liz:e Ke;lo"i_' minor, " "" On readinpnndftlins the petition, dulT verifted.of Alhert C, lvlloup, ptaylaK that he ni.-iv te licenied tu seü ccrtain ri] estáte belongiu" to said minor. Thereupon ït is Oldered. that Tueiday.the twenty-tifth day of May najjt. Kt ten o'cli.ek in ion doob, beawivned fin tin hparins oí saai 1 1 - tlon, and thiit the ucxt of kin ot said minor, i.mi i!l nther persomintereited in saii estáte, are roqmved to appear it a pension o: ni( Conj t. tl;en to be holdeli at Probate Office in the city of .Am Arhor. and how cause, it' anv tlu-re be, wliy thípmyerof the petitionpr ahonM m,t be granted: And Li i curthei' ordercd thllt saiil petnionnr üive nolice to tlie persons intereRted in said estáte, oí tbt pendency of said petition mvl the beiuínií thprouf. by caurim? a c-py of tiiis order to be pnblisïied in the Ann Ai:nojt Asous, a newspai er primed and ciicul.itL'd in mid cüunty. thie suceessivo week pievioua to said dy ot h'i-ii". W1LLIAM D. HARHIMAN, f A true copy). Judüe ol Piolute. Vm. O. Dotï, Probate Uegifter. Kstiiie f Selrten Marvin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY kj of Waslltenaw. ss At a srssiop of the Probate ('otirt loi ttie i'oiintj of Waslitenaw, holden at tbe Probati' Otlicc in tbe city of Ann Arbor, on Fii-1 iy, tlio thfr'ieth lay ot Apiil, in tlie year one tliousand Pitilit lurniri il aini t !L2 hty. Present. Williain ÍK liurrinian. Judp-e of Probate. 1 11 the matter of the estáte of Scldcn llarvin, deceasetl. Cometo k F. EJill the administrator of said ersr-t minos into eourt and rrpicscnts tliat he is now prepared to reiidur lúa final account usgurh administrator. Thereupon it is orderrd, that Saturriny.the twenty iiintli dny of May next, at ton o'elock in the toreuooo, le tsaigned fui exuníínrpg and alloinp sucfa íiccount, and tbnt the heiía at law ot stiid deowfeed, md all otherpencns interestetl ir said estáte, are require.í to appeftr at a serien of brííI cuurl, tlien to be holden at the Probnte Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said eounty 'infl show CHUe, ií any llifre be, why líie suul icüount should nnt be allo wed. And it u fuvj er ordeied, tlit;t said adminiatratoi ptvt notioe toihe peisons intoreslt d n wuid entnie.of tlie pendppcy of eaid account, nd tlie hearing ineieof by canvin-s h copy ol thi#oider to bc pnhlinlied in the Ann Arbob Auüus. h newsp.irei printed timl iñrculatinff in unid r-dunty, tinte aue ' ceisive weeks prrvious to s (d d;iy 'ot hpnrizui WILLIAM I. UARUÏMAN, (Atrnecopy.) Tude ol Viobute. Wh. G. IIott, Probate Register. Kstivte of Mitrla xoitl. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTNTY O of Witslitennw, ss. At a session oí' the Probate Oourt for the iiounly of Waafatenaw. holder. ut the Probute OtHefl lú iherityof Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the thirtfGöth day of May, io the yeai 'Hif thonsand iigbt huïidrcfl Jiiid eiunty. Present. Villinm 1). tíaníraan , I die .t 'róbate. In the matter l the estáte of M;uU Ford, dicfttwed. Ün retidinf? 'inri fllinr the potition, duly vrifled, of Charlea H. Richmond, admiuistrator, prgying that he may be liuensed to s'll the real estale whereot t-aid dici'a&t'd rlu-d seized. Thereapon it ís "ordeml. that Tnesday, the "iírlitli day oí June nexl at ten o'clock in tht fore -io;n, bf issi-n-M] tor the heariu at fwtition, and that the beirs af law ol iaid deccased, ;ind all otiicr pgtvsku interneted in said cbtnte. are required to a;i ur at a ession 01 sttjti ■:ourt, then to be holdt-0 ' the Probatf office hi 1 'ie citv of ;ir, rbor. and .ho% cause, ií an; there be, v ly the pruyer cf the peut ion er sboul not be granted : And it is t'urther ordered tlwl said p.'titioncr iive noi ioc to the persons inteiested in a.tid estáte, ot the pendency of said petitiun, nud the herina thereot'. by causinfr a copy oí' this order to be pubíishd in the .nn ArborAhous, a nmpaper prioted and ireulatod in aaifi county, Ihreesuccesí-ive previoug to said day of hearing1. WILLIAM n. HAKRIMAN, f.Vtrupeopy.) Jndge oí Probate. Wm.ö.Dott, Probate Ueïstcr. Comniissioners Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. (JOUXTY of WashteDaw. ss. ïlie nnderbfjmed haring beeo app'i nted by the Probate Cuurtfor said l nunty. Commiüsioner to rect'ive. examine, nud adjust .ill claims ind demanda of nll persons agaiimi the fatate of Willium Dillon. late of said cnuuty dceased, hereby (ite notice that eix momhs from date are aü order of said Pinbate { ourt, lor creriitora to present their cluiins against the esbate of eaid deceasod, aud that rhey will meet at the ofliee of the Juclj;e oí ljob:ite in the city of Ann Ardor, in said eocnty. on Wetlnesda;, the twentypjghth day of July, and on Tlmrsdav, the tweutyeighthdayol Octoher next, ut ten o'clock a. m.. ot euch of snidduys, to ïeceive, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated, April 28, A. D. lSSi. KI IHU B. POND, TïiUMAN B. GOODSPEED. THÜ-MAS NINtE, 19w4 Comniissioners. üÉST IN THe WORLD! AXD BI-CARB. SODA Wtich Í3 tlio samo tliinj;. Impnro Pnlrrnína DI-Carb Soda (whu It j tlic saluei .i '. mr, j ia of a. slight. ly dirty ivJii.o color. It may appear white, eiamimd by iiself, bat a. COMPARISO.V WITII CHÜKCa Ü CO'S " ARM ANDHAEIMEU" J3UAN3 v.ill t:io dificrencc Sec thot yonr Salcratus and Cakfng Soda. is wliito and PURE, as clioald be AI-L S:?IIIiAJi. SÜECTAHC"9 uscd for food. Houaelicopere who prefer bread xnade witïi yeast. will improye its quality, raako lt ris better and prevent it froin aouriap. by adding one-balfteaspoonful of Church & Co.'s Soda or Baleratus. Eo sure and not use too inuch. Tho üso of thia witll eour milk, in preierence to üakinjj Pov.-dor, Bavea twenty times its coat. See ono pnund packago for valuablo iniorm tioa aad read careiully. JACOB HALLER & SON, DKALEHS IN fATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spectacles, PLATED WARE AND GOLD PENS 24 South Main Street, ABBOE, ZVCICIÏ. ■ Speoisl attentlon giren to rfpnirlng watche docks, and jewelry. LEGAL NOTiCLt Clihncery Sul1, OTATE OF AUCIIIÜAX, THE ' kJ cuit Conrt fur tl;e County oí Woshta ( íiüiir'Tv. Luthér James, ceitiplainiiit t tino Kour, Allied J. Bucboz, Couiad Kiai,, (lililíes H. Hheppard, delmdanls. 'a nursúi,," nnd by virtue of a decree of suiii court m el mi. nd t.n the 19lh day of April. l8.i. iu 'Iiéalo oniitledcnuae: Kut Ice is bereby giren il.utl.i , sell at public anctiou to the ]iitrli-t. biil.ter T MOSDAY.TllK FOURTEKKÏH DAY oí JtKI 1.V' 10 o'ciock in forenoon, at tne tiist front da theC'uurt Houneiu the city of Ann Albor cu, - of Washtenaw and st:ite of Michigan, tlie' lotie ' ' ine depcrilied real estáte, bcin sanie nnd di.stiil.'.l n 8ajd dien-o, ti. i-r, Bl-ÍD'' a i'i. certain trac or pnicel olí md t ,j nnd dvscrli asfollowa, i, vit: The norlh fiMwnal haf 8C.CHOI] No. sixtnwn (ir,e sobth rsnae six east i ! the townohip of Northfield. counly ,T Washi., I indtteot MK-Ligan, except the ,ihi.,: úeeilrifi t,he córner tlieilr lid alma triangular piice of land convoy, d Ur ! L.Shepfiard lo Williara (Jook l.y deed d..t"d v' voiuber 13, 1S.W, and of reoord in the counh'!l n iishteniiw contalnroxiu nll three huLdicd J tliirty--ij neren of land inore or less. Arbr, April 28, lsín JAMES MoMATIOX, Circuí' Court CommisRÍon-r m nnft k Wasfatenaw Couuty, Michigau, John J. Cíott, Esq., rsolicitor íor CoinptaiiMta.t, Mortf;iifi:e Sale. DEFAULT HAV1NÜ REEN MAL in thecondilionsol a cenain 111.1rt1.ise 1, . n! dute tlielirst day of .lime, in the jear ol j Lord one eight hundied and atVenl niaae ni.d executed by Cliauncty H. Mili.,, ,' hanih M. Milieu of the tlty of Ann Arl..,r, . of Washteniiw and Btalc of Michigan, to Ar, Hice of plaw, and recorded in Ihe oí the Kenister o Ileids of Wasliti-naw coii, . Riores&ld on the tenth day of June. A. I) i; b]4 o'clock p. h. of said day. in IíImt v „r ,„ . caí es, 011 nnge 585. Aid the amount rljum. d 10 cuh at Ihedute of thls notice is thirtreu l,n„. ilri'd dollars, and no proceodint' in or eouii havlng been instituti-d toiecover I he sanie or Mí purt thereof: Notice is Ihirefore herel-y riven lh;if by virlne of the 1 ower of si'b m m ,1 nioti.' cupe con 1 ais d I ! a;i sdl 00 Sítcrdav 1. 1 WELFT IJ DAT l Jv.NK, 2 O'l loc k In ll.c 11 ternoon of suid c'av to the. Ijipheat ki.lder at It n ui li door "I tl i (.ml House in the city 01 Ant Arbor. coiuily of Vithteiiaw atorrfaid, (that Mm tlit.' building wherein the nircuit en rt fir V teaaw couuty is htlil,)all that i.ertair. piece or wr. cel of land situnte 11 the city o( Aun Arbor, luSj COUDtyot WaslitfDuw and state ül Micluií.in. an'ií deM'ribed as ImIIowh, to wit : I.ot nu'uber jiinc -o] in biock number nvtn ifi outh of ifnron trpet range Dtimber tliirteen f13 cu-t, arcoïdinp to r-. tnrdi (i pint of e. II. Millm's purchase of the mmi' ia t 1 arl of tbc I and Cnm] any's uddltloa lo t. k 1 ity oi vUin Arbor as rrcuideri in the Kegistei's üi flceiif Washinaw o.mnty, Michigan. Datcd, Maren 25, USO. AMAMU ItirE, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Attorncy lor Moitgagec. CUancevy Siile. State of Michigan, tbe Circuit fottjv for the CoUDty of WfUshtenuw - In Chinrery. h 'li . .lames, complulnaDt. v tdwin LutherMcGse kuif V. Mc(ioe. .lantén C. Sirtice, Chailis II. Km üeuli. n Keinpf, James li. Wntton, Jane A ( gL aijd David Weiland d'frni'ants. In piiiatjauc' nii by virtue of the dec-iec of ttiis ouri inailianil ei. tered in the above entitkd cnuse o" the 7th jy oj -}ii! A. D. liO, ii.e uiidr rsi;'nedT ... oiTciiltrtffimf coministionerin and for .sait.1 County ol 'jth Huw. will m)1 ut pllMic vendue, to the hi:ln. ; 4". t the sr.ulh I1011I ilour n( lhe( onrt H-W the city of Ann il or in saiit coun . on tl.e 2tli 0a of Juni nc xl ut A liirli ternoon 01 smi dny. tl c fi-llowing tn wi' :; cfi Lulu piH'fsonnccl.söl l:tiid st tu ate h üliip ofSharu. Cuuity o! Wavhteninv vic!i2;m nnd doscribed as fnUnwa viz: il.y ■ bwest qimrter oí tho nritb-wrst quurtor of .- twemy-two (2 ), the north-weft qnarfr rf Y uorth-west quatter of st'uiion twcnty-seven (27; & twnty-fonr s ofï of the wcsi side of tht we hult oí the boutb-west qi nrter of B-ciion numi.;tliiriy-ftnir {:t) in townghip numhcr thrte biioUi gf ranre uuraber three ast containing one hunürd and iour acres f lan'l be the saiue tuoreo.lesaai dsctibed in -;;iil dt-cree. Dilted pril 9 1560. FHKD A.HUNT, Circuit Court (ommii-sioi er, Y:i:-Ml'HHW CMimt , Mk1 Geo. W.TuRNBci.r., Complaii.aiitVSolicitor Iïcal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN1 CÜUKT 0 of WHnhtetiow, as. Tn the matter of the Esof Willi;m Merormïck, dcceaspd. Nr.tke is lio glvn thl in purt-ntinreo ai'oj i g ;snied t unilersigried ar!rniiistiHtoT de bonis iJ)n with ' wíl] anr-'xtd ni the estáte of bnid WíIJiam McC-rmick, ! , he Hou. Judye oi lJnhate for ihe Cju " 01 V iBhtciiMW, on tliè tlnrd daj of"3s.;ril, ; ISSii, tl.eie wij] be wld nt pnMIr veu. t.e, t. i '■■■!■■ -f Hfldrr. a the non tb d'or ": hf ' i House in the city uf Ann Arbor, in the' county of Wasliteiiaw, in Raid suite, on Satckday, thi JWEN'i Y-Sf.PUND 1AY OF MAT, A. D. 180, M tïi o'clock in the loreni on of that dy fsutjcct to 11 onrmnlirar.cfs by mortpage or othf'rwi e pxintipjf il (l)e linie ot the leatli of paid decesid) Ihe folliinte descjibeö real estáte, to wit: The erjtiaï undi. vidcd half of n xarreï of land commencinj? in ths center of the roñ lettdine froni Ann ArHtr toJaeki son Ht a p'iïu fwrly-nine f29) rods we-t ff v.m aid roiirï eni'-ii. s Il) eas lint' oí .ection thirtv iö in towns; tv.o t'2) i.rutli of jfliTf pïx (6) ftt thence rorth iítí dfpTPes pflsr fiftp n (1-) rnd. and t went y 20J link? thf nrp rast ore and ot e half "lJ-) mds. tlici er i-otith ?ix f() d arfes west to 3id irn( tht'ncp west to (lip plage of beginning for the pur posi of aemmon alley to the parties and tlitir hcirs and nf-siirrs. jIso the whole of n piore of hnd nt the northwept corner of ?rd a!ly ahove ticst i ibt '1 and running1 the nee s'Uth -(HOP) drpn ee and thirty ($ ') minutes wi 1 venly-two 2-.') rods. thencc uoitli sïxty-t wo aufli half 62í d' eiers wot to the west line o,' Uk) p:is( Vial f "of tlie nnrthrast qrarter ofeaid Becfftn thirty foOi. thpnce nnrth on said line to the north line of sii'd setion, tb moe enst on thp norlh line f said st'ction flfty-four roda, tbfncp sou tb f" dffjrees f asi f-aralfel to the east line of satd 4tc (o h p'ini at the nortlieant rnrrr of said a. (l'.eiicp west (np nnd one lialf llK) rada to pi; fp of hes-inning in the townslup oí Ann Ai r, Vabtttiiv (ïnunty, Michigan. April :i, 18.v0. NORMAN B. COVFBT, Administrator de boni non ith the will anne Mortíjage Sale. DEFAULT HAVIXG BEEN MAI)i" in thu coiulitioiiH of a eer tuin Tnortnge b i ir date tlie twenty-fiiat tlay of January, A. 1876, made and execuiwl by Chauiicey li. Mïl an'1 sarah M. Millenhis niie. of the city ol' Ajfl bor, in the county of Washtenuw imd Btr'e Michigan, to Wlliara H Parker ot l.nwel, MmrluiHftts. and reionled in the ottice of ihe Kej fl Dneds of vVrtshtenaw eounlv afoivenifl tin -t entcenth diiy of J h, A. D. lTS, at 11 40 o'cïoc; a. m , in liber 5fi of moi1gai?fs on pnc 2", nndittif aniount claim ed to be due at the d ite of tb is du' is fourteen himdred aud twenty-five dolluri d' twenty-fipht cents, also thirty dollars as nasonnbl bolicitor's or attorney's lee, in addition to nU other legal eosU if any procecdings shonld aá taken tofureclose thls montage, and no proevfd inirs at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thureof Notice i tbereiore hereby iven, ibnt by virlue of the power oí sale in t=ail mortace container, I shall bcU on RaTUKDAY. TIIR SEVENTKENIH DAY OF ,TULT N3T, at two o'clock in the aftc-m-on oi" said day t public rendue to th hig-hest bidder, at the suuth t'iont door ot ihe Court Honse in the city of Aun Arbor. cmnty of Washtenaw afore?atd (that helng the buildiim whtrein theircuit í'ourt for ahtenw is liclfli. all those certaiu pit ces or pareéis ot" l;íid sitúate in the city of Arm Arhor, in the countyoi' Wahteüaw and'state of Michigan, and describe! as í lïeing lüts o. fonr, five aui sijc in blnck No. six (R) aceontinpr to a rceordci pl-tt of Rnnsora S. Smith'a 2m1 addition to said city o.' An n Arbor ns rcorded in the Register's office Oi rfaM comityof Wyshtfnaw. Dated, April 22, 18nO. WIIXÍAM H.PARKKR.Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. Sint ir Süie. STATE OF MICHIGAN jGOUNTT uf VashUnaw, ss. By virtue oí a rit ot e'ecutlon iasued oat of and under tlieseHl of tho circuit court lor the cnunty oí VVayne, directed nd delivered to tlie theritf ot W ishteti .w i'ouniy wherein George Bahcock is plaiiitiff aiul J .hanna Gu'zman is deit'tidnt. I did on th f" ,-;lrst r'ay of April A. D 1880, levy pon all "ihe riifht fit Ie i4 nd intereBt ofthedefonu.nt5ithereiii mime Í in and to the fnllowinff described lleaJ Ka at t ' rc imrcel of land comtn?DOfng two chains umi fc7" flve linka, south of the south-wrsT corner o. . vw addition to the city of Ypsilantirthence east threa ehitins. thence south one chnin. tïienoe west ihrcO chnins. tlienec notth one chaiti tothepiiice of boiiining in the eity of Ypsilanti, rouu'y of Washteiniwtiiid state óf Michigan. Which property 1 sliall exposé lor su Ie at public vend uu ïo iiie)Mhe bidder at the south door of the í'ourt íiuiise in 'ho ei' y of Aun Aiborin sjtid county on Fririay .hf slghleenth (18) day oi'Juue A. L. 1880, atteno'clc in the forenoou of taid dnj . JOHIAH S. CA SF, Sheriff." By TV W. Th 'WP8 'N, Deputy Sheriff Clarence TlNRFh, Flíiiniííf's Atty. Bfltate of Sarah Ann Lathrop. STATE OF MICHIGAN, UUUNl of Wju-htemiw, 88. At a sestion of the i obtuJ Courtfor the County of Waslitciuiw, hold' tl Probnte Office, 'n the city oí Ann Arbnr. ■ im sduy, the eleventh da y of May. in the yéor ont thonsand eiirht huudred hiiü eighty. Piesent, William D. HHmniHn.Jude of ProDate. In the matter of the eatttte oí baiah Au". Lathrop. decesed. ün readiug and filingthe petition, duïy verifiM. oí Mary E. Kleicher, pruying thnl Frederick Alher, or some other suitable percon may be appoiütet inimiiii.stiiitur of said o.latt'. Theroupon it is ordered, that ' .onday, seventh day of' June next. at ten o'elock in t: ibiviKKtii, be Rsaifiued lor the hearing of aaid pe tion, and that the heira :tt luw of 8iid deeeasf and all other persons iuteiested in said estáte, t required to appear ut h sension of said court,tht to be holden at the Probóle Othce in the cuy o i Anu Arbot, and show cause, il nny there be, wï , I the prayer of thepetitioner Bhould nol bFgmme? And it is fuithcr ordered that oid pet'iione: notice to the persons iutereptcd in saifiV t.ite _. i. pendency of said petition and the h . . ? ti I by cmisinsr n copy of tlus order to be :'■' ie theANN Arbor AliC.U, a newapaper l circulated in ernid county, threc sueoessivb Wie. I previous to aiiid rtj of heaiing. WILLIAM D. HAKItlMAN, ( A true copy.) Judge oí Probut.' ■ 'A ■ ;.; . I )r.Tv. Probnt Regipter. Kstatc ot Jaoil) C. Gwinner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, 88. Notice is hereby (fiven, I that by nu order of the Probate Court for the I ty of Washteraw, niade on the ten th day ox aT A I). 1RSO, six nionths frnm thnt dale were I allowed forcreditors to pr-sent their claims agiinat I theestate of .larob C. Gwinner, Inte of sald oounty, I dtceasod, and that nll creditors of eaid decea...c. are reqnirtdto present their claim to said Probat I Coiirt, at the Probate Office iu tlie city of Ann Arbor, for oxarainatknand allowarce, on o.' belor 1 the tenth day of November uext, and that -nuce I claims will be heard belore' said Court, on Tuesav, I the tenth day of August, and on Wednesday ttie I tenth day of November next, at ten ocloc IB I the forenoon of eacb of eaid days. üated, Auq Arhor, May 10, A. D., 1SS0. W1LLIAM I. UAKRIMA, jOTfi JudRS v( Probate.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus