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JBUSTXESS DIRECTORY. MIS s. It .T'HIVS. FaiMonubío riW maker. Rooms over Koek & Bchmld'a tlry gooda jtnre. All wuru promptly and satiïfaotoril' executil Oï. VHIÍVCK THKUn, Attorney at Law aud Sollcitor n Clmncury. VpsIliiDti, Mich. DB. TiVr.OR, ATTOKNEY AT ].AW, Chelsea, Mlch. TOTT.O K14OLRAW, 1. I., Phv.Mnr. ' anl sura-im. OHlce ftnd ri'Hnre. 71 Uiuo itr :t, Ann Ar'inr, Oitice lioura frnm 8 t.o 9 a. tn.i fmm 1 to .", p. t. U H. JiCKSOX, Hpnlist. Otflce corner ' Main and Witiinrti)n streef, over Rach &■ Aliel's ítoie, Ann Arbor.Mioh. Anesthcticsadmin Istered f desired. E!V. cÓopkii, r. I., Anurattioor aad nrnaecologit. Office corn er Main and Hurón streets. Ann Arbor. n n. ..iKnrm.F:, Tnche-r nf iho fMano ' frte. Pupils Kttafn the desired slnil In :qn. -nWvinsr by ;i vstnmatir fnutse n{ intruc o-t. Ffir term'Tanrcly it Teitienc11, No. 12 f rivit.rnpt. nn Albor Prompt atteution paid 'a1 piano tuníiig. CR.V5IEIÏ, FRUE.VUFF & COBBIN, Attorncys at Hw E.K. FUTTEAUFP, Jnstlee ol the re.-ice. _ A.1I hqslnesi proraptly ttended to. O;íioe No. E:i3t VisUiutoa stree6, ttinseyand Seabult's block. IIEXRY E. HILL, Attorney at La.w, Dealc. iu Iteal Est;i1p aml Insurance Offlcc, Kb. 3 Opera Houw Blück, ANN ARDOR. PtEDI RlfK KRADSE, ATJCTIOIsTSEB. WHIat' i.l ti all sales, nn sliort nntice. at "-easonrle dn. ■-.■. F'ir furthor particular cali atlhr Alt';t'TF(-'TCE. Jg URO PEAN HOTEL, Vpsllantl, 5lch. New House, PiMt-CIn T.iWc. Clean Be.1s, Liow I'rifes. W. il. tiiwif, Proprletm H. NICKELsT" DEAl.KR IN FRESH AND SLT MHAT, M-'1S. ■i-ijiíjn.;. T.íi-il. ele., : - ' - ■ - OT, ■ ■ nieis li . ueaie i-e !ii al). THE 4UN AKBOB ' A.VN V.UIJOR, MICHIGAN. ■'■]! t m,! in . . . . - ■ .. , -" ilal secuiily ... , ■ rtnsactsa iraní ral Rnuktng HustoPss; buya aivi .Exc-hangpson New York, Dtrüll nnd Cliiia-r.: k-ht Draftg on all the principal cities of Eu. ; also, ■!! Pannge Tickets lo Liverpool, Lonf ■■ and Glasgow, via tb Anclinr Line f steamI ! s, 'vliase ratesitrii lower liian most other firstünps. T'iis iiank,ftlrt'Hdy haTIDg a iare business, in rite '!■■ aiitsand otliers to open account wiib them, - iiüttie assuranceof most liberal dsallag cousisut vlthuft banking. intheiivims Oi'p irt'i-.eiit. inicr.üi is psiij seml MBUïllr.nn the Rrsl day „f.ijniury and Jnlj on 11 'mis 'hal iv, Me depositeil (.hree rnontlia prevloiu u l .lays.lh usa Hor! i iiir ilic penplo ol ,-ily ..ud ourity a iKMl'.'c: ly saTe riepoiltorj fr t luir ia d, tugeihi-r with aliiir return in iuterst for the tutee, Money t„ i_,,an on Approved Secnrltles. Dhikctors- Ohrimian Maek, W.M'. Wlnea W "lian. Daniel Higcoot, K. A. Beul, VTn, moei, uu ■Hart ii. tjntitli. CBBISTIÜt MACK; w. W. MTXFS, - ent. ('resident CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. MANUEL MANN, Drtiggi;t.,and Phamacist. í SOUTH MAIN STREET, AXV AKBOK, has oí, h:md a well oelected stock oí PURÉ oKUGS. ■ MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, .'oilet Articles.Stmulder Bixcm, Trassen, c, whicl w offr-va f,r s;ile at piicos tc Kuit the times. . l'hvieians1 I'iescriptions carefuüy propnred ■ ti"ur8. ÏHSRBACII & SON, ggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St, ' on hauft a large and well sclected stock of .(.■GS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, j and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articles, Trnsscs, VAr. : ANO LIQUORS -i) p:i f.1 t0 tht ftirnlsMog of Phy ■ 'm ;ts School.ot-., wiil, Philoi-M -al ■ ncal Appiratti. B-ihcialn CherulonKilasitorcelaln Ware, Pure IV.,.. -rut „ic nic.ans' preecrlDt.iona mrefutly prepund t Abstracts of gilles. '.'tmlis who are dnsiroiiH of ascertnin in-r the '-mu of the tuin tu thcii land, or partisa who " loan money on real estáte wil] do well to 'Uhe Re! ig ottiee aml oonsult u Bftnareii St if Vh'raft Boolcs. ■ .. . .!,■.. .,. ir .ïvuic.d the Regiater UnKh on short DOtioe a IVfoot Statement ag to the Title m paroel of land in Washtenaw County Rs "yths original reooids. C. H. MANLY, Rfgiater


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Ann Arbor Argus