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A Smart One

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The boys teil a pretty good one down at Corning', N. Y.,about a yottiig l'ellow in commercial lile named Blak ie. Blakie? Yes, Blakie. Uc sras in the hardware line. One day, when tlie boss was at dinner, a country man camo Ín to buy some mits. líe í'ound an nrticle that suited liim, and wan led a dozen. Yovtng Blakie lookcd at tlio price list and found they wero listed "25 cents a dozen, S9 off." 11e gave a low, inverted whistle, and then, with a sudden inspiration, he handed the customer 5 cents and told him he could buy the ntits at the otlier store. "Bf George," lie said, when ho was tellingthe governor ot' the tmnsaction, "I thought the best thing I could do was to save the mits anyhow'." - - -- ■ When the days lengthen the Empress of Austria rise.s at li in the mornuig, and goes to her mass in the priviue chapül lier apartineuts, tíhe next proceeds to the suibles and riding school. lier tavorite liorses know well her light step and clear voice, and groet lier approacli witli a sort ot' aft'octionate ueighing. öhe often takes her exercisc lor hours in one of the ridiirj; rooms, especially ii' her sister, the Queeu of Naples, is presout to accoinpany lier. and tlieir only attemlant is an old Irishinau, who is chiof horse breaker of her stud. She loves not onlv to train her horses to lurap bars, but also to develop thoir inleíligoiKio by teaehing theui to feteh a pocket haudkerchief or other articies.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus