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Tnrpentino will remove ink from white woodwork. A solution of cyanule of potassinm 9 the best poison to kill iusects ofany dud. A pint of mnstftrá sced put in a l)-rel oí' eider rill preserve it sweet for evcral montlia. A sniall spray of wormwood, if Rocd on buttery shclves, will, it is laid, dcstroy or dí-ivo away ants. A mixture of oil and ink is good to lean kid boots with ; the first soi'teus and the lfltter blackciis thein. A símil teaapoonful of molasses 3SAaá to buckwheat b.attcr eacli mornng will make the cakes temptim-ly jrown. It may be laid down as a rule that all plniits of whíitever kind, if cut lowii and used as manu re, impart more oonstiüients to the eavth thun thcy iake from it. Ilorse-radish. - Tf horso-radish be preparad in tlie full as follows, it may be kept all winter. To each coffeecupful of horse-radish allow one teagpoonful of salt, ene tablespoonful of white sug-ar, ansí a pint and a half of good vinegar ; bottle and seal. "YY'hen it is desirable to filter water quickly, for inmediato use, einploy the followinjif niethod : Put a quart of clean water over the lire and just bring it to a boil ; remove it and strain it three or fotir times through a flanucl ; cool it aml keep it lor use m a covered jar or pitcher. To Clean Silver. - Nevcr put a partido of soap on stlverware if you woulil have it retain its lustre. 8oapsuds makc it look like pewtor. Wet a ílnniicl cloth in kerosene, dip it in dry whitini, and rub the platcd ware. Let it dry on it, and then polish with a ohamois skin. Sally Lunn. - To one cup of croam, oueeapof white silgar, and one cup of yeast (or half a yeast cake), ackl fioui' tbr a thick batter. It' wanted lor supper, mix about ten o'clock in tlie morniug. Whon it is time to bake ald a cup of melted bntter, and eiht egg-s beaten very light. Bake in tiiin loavea. To takc oil stains out of white cloth, make a strong solution of borax water - one tablespooiiful powdered borax to a pint of boiliiH,' water; place the cloth on a clean board or table, and rub tiie'oil stains well, uting a clean brush dippcd in the solution; i f the spots are of long standing a very little soap muy bo used with the borax water, using the brush tbr that; then rub dry with a clean, soft cloth. To Clean Ostrich Feathers.- White or light-tinted ones can bo laid on a píate and scrubbed gently with a toothbrush, in warm toap-suds, then well shaken out and well dried either by the hot sun or a good lire. At ftrst the feathor will have a most disoourtLgiilg appearance, and a novice is ait to think it periectly spoiled. But aftcr it is porfectly dry it should bo carefully curied with a penknii'e or gcissors-biade, and it will recover all its former plumy softness. ïhere is a boy in tliis city, says tho Rocbeafter Democrat, whoso bosoni is ülled with a pure and cilm delight. For soino olTence bis father took bis slod away f rom biin in the early part of the wiuter, with the promise that he should nut h;ive it a.',rain until anothor season, and the boy coniidently remarked to a friend that this warm weather was the best rig on the old man he had ever haard of. 2 The Adrián Presa sttggests as the act democratie candidate for governor he name of George 1'. 8anford of the Lausing Journal. In view of his record as ,i soldier, opposition to johbcvy. and that he would poll the coffibined votes of demócrata and nationálBourconteníporarybelieveshwouldiarovea formidable candidato.


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