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LYMÁB WHEELER OIF1 BOSTÓN", Teacher of Knglisb and Italian e1 T "NT i-T "NT C3CULTIVATION C? TH3 VOICE, Will !i V'iH Drtroil inrlofl portionof Uwnimmel nf 1n(. :i"l will tic prermr Q t relí jiupi'a on and ..[tor .luns !8lh, at C. J. WUITNKY'S Muite Btore.Koom 40 Fort Street west. Mr. .Wtii'i'liT Clin nocivo hut a i.imttkd s,v: ::; i: pttuleijts atlioaiionH sbould h% niatiu Ás soon ■:- r"-s i kiknt Uier K. l.iio, 161 Trrtnoul ikc I -iiin. er at the Xlnstc Btre of r. .. Wlui ,,, y liitiiit vlietcaMxik fw iumitiiiM 11 he k. í i ml fi 11 particular gtven. 21-0t 'I'o usy Friend jind Patrom! I hare now in íok a irent Varietj' Wens' and ISoy' HalsBndCiips nndlkuow ítwillbeta your Íntere.t o mulle yonr ptirclinses of mr. I mi determine to more a gooi! nuny Kootls litis Sprutg nnd Suinmcr mil hare made príces tïiat will insure it. As I sfated in my advertiseiii e 11 1 last Winter, tbcie was no cuso fr nlffb that ivas so lunch talked of 1V some, and airead y tucrcUbeífinniíiír tobe a. decline in prices. Since my return home, I have made ome uenvy purchases al f ron TEN liTWHÜTÏ percent. Icss tban tiiey vrere bou;ht for earlicr, licnee my absence wai a. benefit to me fi!. iullv a. well as pliysically.- [ cundid I y bclieleTC I nm fcclling: lalt! frem 50 cents to $3.0O cath less tuaii any otlicr House in the State of Michigan, and Ilats fioni 25 conisto t.1.00 1 eacS. I nave opcnetl a Brandt in Btxtcr, for a suort time. as an outlet for tlic ncavy purenuses ! have been ïuakius reccsitly. Don't tltinkof buyinffiiceni's. worth nnlil ronliare secn my stock. JOET. JACOB", Tbc Clothier. FAIRBANKS' SCAI.ES TUK STANDAUD OF TUE WUKLD. ECLIPSE WIND EV3JLLS '111K BTK pNQÜST MÜ.l. MAUK. SAI'KM'TO UtIY. Bccause Warriiuieii ilie ljest, auü Wartanfes il Stibstautial. CONTAÏN8 AI,L IMniOTEMENTS. Pi-i t I.ovtt, Qualiiy oiisiilorí-ü. Senil für Vríce I lt descriWIng anido ramea. Fairbanks, Morso &. Co., Chicago. Estáte r ƒ.!■. C. Öarkhardt, Sen. TAXIS OF MLCUIGA.N, CÜUNTY O it K'nl i '.s. At ;i ssiimoi ihe Probate :onrl lor 11' Ooimty ot VhteiiKW, holden in liu Probad1 Oltice in the city ol Ann Arbor, lusday, the twenty-fiftli tUiy "! ■ ay. 10 the e -i .m'.' ilinnMnd c ■■ himdvMl nnl e . lity. ■ r,f.Vi!li;ui: IJ. :l ivnin.u, J i rubate In thv matier ui the estáte oi John C. Bark11 f Sen deceasrd. oi: uimI ;. .■ ■ p Ition, dulyverified, 1 Eminnel Mann, adtniiiisttutor, pravü'g tiia! le.miiylie llcftistd In m-11 the real ette wnreol ■:ii! dectabtü Jied uized iur purpusen i ■ ion. Theriupon il is ouliTed thut Tuesduy. tl" wenty-seeund day ol Junenext, at ten i'clck In foreOOOU be assi-ítied íor tlie honrfng ol unid petitioií. nuil tbat il:e hi-irs at lw ol mild leceased, uud nll other persoite intertjsted in id tsiiite. nví lequired lo ppe'ir ut a sessiun uf fni 1 C'iiurt, then lo be holden at the l'io'i:iUUHieein tlie cuy ofAnn Artiol.mld show Minse. hp, wli tl'.e prnlrr f Ule petitiuwei ihouíd nol b(?runted: And it i further onlerxJ Int sinl peiirioner fílví óotieeto the p-r-nns ín -pstM! in .lid esliile, of tlif pindencv if -ííiíu petttion. and tlie henrin? ihereot. by i eopy olthtsordéi to bepublialied tntlx -nn ',mu. Ai: ii" . a newspaper orinteii aml ciroulnted íti s;iíi count) lurte aucccissive weeks pvevious to aidd 0Íhe:1"nS' VVILUAMD.HAR.UMA.N. (A truecopy.) Juilífe ot Probate Wm.G.Düty Prohnte Uesisiir. I-Jstate or Samuel W. Dexler. TATE OF M1CH1GAK, CÜUNTY O oí Vahti At a awaioo ol lira 1'robaK cuín fortlie Couuty of Wiwbfeüiiw, boldfii ;it ti. Probnte oilii' in : :. " cit . of Aun ArW. on WmItks .i,v twoatysixth diyuf May, in tlie y car one thousandei:,'ln himdred and eigMy. Preseut, Willla:n I'. Harriinao, Judge ol Protiate In the matter of the estáte of Samuel W. Dexter, deceased. Milliasent nexter nuil Wirt Dexter, exrciltnra of thalaatwill aud te tomen I oí' s-.iid deretKd, oonie luto court aml represent tliat they are iet pre i.uiid iu reader then Bnal accouut as sneh txocutors. . .... . , . ... Tlicrenpon it Is orderod, that vveanrHjay, me twentj-tliirddHV of June ten o'elock in the assigned for exainlniug and allowlns such act ount, and that the devisees legateea nnd hetraat law ot' suid deceased.nud all Mber perious interested i" said estute.are requirió lonppear a' a s.'oiiin of said court, then to be holden ai the Probate Ofliceinthe city of Aun Albor, in ald coiinty, and show cause, if a'nv therelie, why the said ccountshould not be allow.d : Andit is further ordered that Baid executorsive notlceto theperw interested in said estáte, of the nendcnry of salo aocounl and tlie hearing ihereof. bj causlog a pupy ot this order tobe pul)Mbed in the AS Ai;u"ii Au'ii:s, a néwspaper printrd and cireulatfng in saideounty. tlireesuccessive weeks previous to said ftrueoopyí WILLIAM D.H ARRIMAN, .Indgeot Trcbale. Wtt.G. Ioty, Probate Register. BstHte if I li.alxtli Iane. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY K ol WnshU'iiiiw, s. At a sessi"n ot tlie Probate i oui t for Hie ('ouiity of Wasbteimw. Holden at tne !'yii!iteUi!i''e in the'city of Ann 'rbor, on gatnri!;,ï,tlie twenty-8ecoéd day of Muy, in the jcar one tboua ,nd eiirhi hundred rnid elgbty. Present. William I) Hiirrimun, JudpeofVrobate. In the milt tei ol the estute of Elizubeth Laue, ■ ii iRcd. . . ... , On reüditi!? uncí nunetne peuuon, amy vrmni ol' .a.ücfl Sage, pmylng that a crtain Instrument nw on'lik iti t'nia eoart.purportiDg to be the laat will ind testament of enid deceased, may te ailmítted to probate, andthut he or souie otUr suitiibl.' person nmy be appoiuteci administmtor wjtll ths will annexed of raid estáte. Thorsupon it iordered,tlmt Monaay, the 'wen tv-Hist day ot June next, I ten o'cloek in IM . ienoon,be nssi-nerl tur the bearln of siud petl leu imt til"' tin ("levipees.liígn'ees.nnd hen it luw ol si'nl deco."P'J ana nll oiher persons imeresUd ir .nirl est;itt-, un .-'iniveH lo iippenr t ■■ sesión o BHid Courl, ti.en t. be '"Jen l tbe Piobntf offlce, in the Cilv of Aun Avbnr. :■'! li"W c:ine, il n there be,whythi prever of the pfftUnioi should not be uriinio.!: AikI it is fnrther onJCTefl th" hmíi! petitioner ene not ice to ttir persone inicieN,''1 i:i tnid etnte, o tlie pendenoy ol suirl peliHon. mthI the henrin? th-ma 'y onimne r cepy f Ihn nrderto bu publislied n theANN Abbok Ahodb, ii newspiiper pnnied nd circuluted in íaidcounly, tbree Bucccssive -eeks previims to 8id duy ol WILLIAM D, nARRIMAN, (A true copy.) io Ipi' of l'robate. William O. Dott .Probate IlgitL■r. Kslnle f .1 s I'.ush. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY O oí Wasliteuaw O. Kotlce Uhereby glventhal byanorder o) lh Probate Cowrt for thsfountj ot Washtenaw, raad i the twenty-flfth ilay al May . D. 1 80, lx mooth from that date were allowed for credttors to preaenl theirclaimsagalnst Ihe estáte ol James Bush, late or :uil eounty, deceased, and that ;ül ereditors of said deccaBed are reciuired to present thelr claim tosaia ProbaK Conrt, at ti1 Probate Office In the city of Ant Ar bor, forexamlnatinn and allowanee.on or before tlie 'twentv-iiitb d:y of Jíoverobw next, aml thl such claims will wfirard beforesald Conrt, on Wedntsdny the Iwenty-flfth duy of Aiiiiimt. and on ThnrsdsT, the twerity-Ufth day of November ii"xt, at t"'n o'i'lock in thi forenoon of eiich of siu dois. Dated, Ana JUH. 22w4 Jude oí Probat. ART EMPÖRIUM And Artisl's Suppiy Depot. 217 Woodward Avenue, Detroit. ANDKi.w J. ui'.ow. ProprlCtor, Doiilor in Pletnre Framos, l.onlíiiig RlaRSCS, Oil raintlnirs, Eiignwliiirs Cliromns, Artisl's MalertaU, and Art Spcciiillles. O!. FRAMK RE-tiILK. Iggs! Iggs! Eggs! T11IÍ PI,T!ttBTII KiifKS. nnc of tlie host breed of pooltry, 1 oè 1 ''.v WM. BD8H, P. O. n-idross Aun Ariior. Frica 12 perrioEen, orï3 fur iwodozcn. fhis s the ('orbin, Ni Miuiflon,(.'onn.,bretd, amoug the best for eggs unJ mUe. MT! BÜ8K hw on al, prlce 7Í cent, tlio honk if'lin'p:i',-.-so!i l'ijrinoiitk Rl, oootidiirag ruil lirectlon for mulins, 1n;edln, rare mid nwngemont of ttils Tnriety nl lov.ta 1' ta an itdminil.le woik fov maieutb -No vueuui aHoicl tü i,ewnliuut il. ql'IlIXa FASHIONS - OF - Choice Wlftfincry - IN - GEEAT VAEIETY, HUGO HILL'S, TSWoodwarrl Avenue, DETROIT, MirH. Youngleni1 Business College at KALAMASOO UICH. Bend for Journal. W.F. 1'ARSONS, 2i_iHt l'iesiilt-nt. COK 81 NIH ERTS OF HOOtl A Mi, at V hol' s:il, foi Canh. SoM on Mftnufoctnrer" account WITHOIT' 1,1 11 i IE I l'lllti;, 10 cover moncy ud.iincc 1'mvATE '■Ai.Ksdaily. Bpectol niUM.tion to oidei AtcriON Tuesdayï t 10 o'cinck a. m. W. D. ROB1NHON & CO , Coiiiigm es niiü w holexale Aucii. meers, gi-lt lS2Jeffenvp Avi-nue, Deiiuit. EVEEYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Boss riiotographer of Ann Arbor. Fmirtli Street, East of Couit . Horsc. lt flcof Theüniversal Datli. i . 5 _ I4SÏ BATBS li, ft) ÍÜ7' ' "ïf ÏS hatkrOMM. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor, Mich. Fórrale it the llnu Store of I.. s. Lfvli lk'i ilotfl llock ; 'l-o liy l'.heib'rli fc Pon. i-'outli M-.-iti Street ; and aleo by'tfce mmmlaetarer, E .T. Knnwloii,No 24 North State Sireet, Aun Arlior. Mich. 0 Wliom nll correpondtc!lionld he nrtdrpssed. PAINTS, OILS, EÏb. rpiIK LABUËSV AiMD eest' stock of PAINT f-M% 1 fallí! ö í'a 4' i'liaWj ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMERICAN AND FBEKCH WTNEOW CLASS All Size. Q and 28 East Washington Slreer, AInK AEBOE. HW f! v: 3-U1 T.-tCES. Witbuu & ■■' : '.' is i'.uliirt'. YeI.LOW VI. . .-Al.l.t'tt' l OMPI.EXION, lAWB OF Al-i' CITE, DïKMA, ,-HK1J.KADAI ÜK, U1J.IUÜ8KJ5K-', r.ll CuKSTlPAtion. is llie renu't 01 a complaiuing LlVKB. MAKCKAU'S Livkb ahd Anti-Biwoot Co.MPOUND is acknowledgeU ;is a sure care lor tlie enlcebled sv.stcni. Poasewing "CASCARA SAGRADA," wiih ether mt-ritorioiu ingredients, makes it an inlallible r.niedv lor TH te Circulamos, purifying the ISlood, and rewtoring tu Perfect Hkalth the cnfeeljIeJ nvstem. 75 cents per uoitle. Town's lironchial Syrnp cures all L'ing, ïliroat and Cücst ilisuapes. 75 ev;nts per bottle. Fakrand, Williams & Co., Wholesale Druggitts, Detroit, Agenta. páranla by II. J. BttüWÏ A IO. 'xsËir ÍBí (l'scrlpt)oi) of everypersonaloi familTose. wilh over 1.200 Uliiütrnliiiii. W !'l all Bood1 at wlioles:'e pricps in qn.-inlities ÍO -uit tht1 narchiuar. The only histluition ii Amelle wlio ni-iUe lilis tlii-ir sprinl bnsinfss. Audres, UONÏiiOHKKÏ WAKI) .. ■il Si 'i'i'J Wubiisli Ave., Cblcaga. 11L Pt'ice within the reach of A if. Most popirar liooics siticë prlntinjf -was inventedi The ruil and Complete Lcctures of Co!. R. G. Inersoll, No. 1. Mistares of Moses. Nn. 2. Skolli. Xo. 3 Ghoat. No 4. He!l. Nn. S. Llbertyof Mnn. tornan end Chlid. No 6. God. No ".Intelectual Dcvelirninent. No. . Ihimnn Hitrhts. No. 9. Heren fier. Ño. 1. Eeli(rioulnloleiane. Nu. 11. Heretio anl Herrsio. Ko. 12. Col. InBorsull's Vlndicalion of Tlios. l'ninp. NaJ8. r'ra lor Indlvidiialiiy unil Arrnipnmf nt of t'ie Church.' Ne. 1J. Tb Bellvlon of Onr Ony. No. lö. Peraonnl reiin Tcnied No. 10. The l'hilosoplier of Beuson - Bumboldt. PRICE 5 cr.STS EACH. Col. tngersoll and his Chicago Critics A Lcature by Iicv. Jame K. Appleby. ■price 15 Cents. Snerchol rbaile?twrt Tarnell ut the Exrnsition Bnilding, ( hicwre, J''i bmary s:i. I8S0. I orether th t sl'ort BtojtriphT ot his I.ite, witli I.ii.-c Portrait and AutoRrui.h on Cover Pge. Pï.ce K!e. Fu'l liort of Orand Ke-Üjton of tlie Poldieri iind Sa;imsof II. p l.nto Vï.tr, 1-eld nt Cbicaga Nnv I! to I. 18'". indodlBB fl tx"ecbw. an1 thof o! i"il H. ;. Iiii'cr-" I. ' ol. Win. K. ila. Samuel L. Hpm'iiK 'Mik TwainV Bpaeoh on BabiehX Prire ï" Cent. " Life ml Trip Around the World of Gen. Graut." 1 Cents. "Last Speech of Senator Znch. Chandler," tré BioirrBpbleal Kktch. wTth Lnrpe Portrait of Mr. Cbandl' r on Cover Pif?e 5 Cents. Common Senne, Essay on Hreams, The ReIlsloa or Diitm, in on volume, by Thoinus Palue. PP1OE2Í CEKTS. Anti nf II, f ttbovt sf'it pett-jxnd vpm recript ƒ flrtee. Actnts wanted in every City aud Town. Liberal Terms. Address i r. W. CAEKOIX, tUl Kanrtoïpl! S.,'liicM, 111. AT18EAS7 HURÓN STREET. CASPAR RSSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, compriHine-PvorythiTitriT) tlie line t bottom pvices - :ind purcbi exelusiTely ft cash. Fiom alonBcxpericnccin the tralie, rctail and wholnalr, lie belitvo He can ecllüooaa as clieupus tlie obeapcati CALL AND SEE II1S PEICES All Gooils Wai raiited First-Class. ■ Farmer produce wanted for w'üicb the highei-t cu.-h price will be paiil. 2" Eemembor the place, 1G East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. EOWARD DüFFY, Wholesale and Jietail O-ZROCIEIR, A Largo, New, and Clran Stock ol Staple & Fancy Groceries A L WA YS OX HA ND ! ToRctlier wilh o full and complete stock of BOOTS, SHQES, AXD RCBBEB OOODS, A!so a rhoicr naoTtmcDt of I.nrtie' ani ';uii' riiilcinr-.r. 'Eulcry, t.lovtx, A.C. Specinliuducenif nis t)ilered cuih customers EDWABD ÜFFÏ, Cor. Main and Ann Sts., Anu Arbor. Bí Cdsh ]aid fornll Farm Products,


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Ann Arbor Argus