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- Everybody is busy. - The picnic seasou approaches. - Census enumerators begin work June 7. - Twilight drives are pleasant at Ibis Beason. - i'otato bugs are putting ia an appearance. -lee cream and soda water are fairly In demand. (in lay and July 4 come on Bunday this year. -The blossom-laden apple trees hereKboul u-;vo protnise of a good erop. -Mr. G. W. Cropsey is in want oí n gir! to watt npou boardörs at his restaurant. -Chas. Bennett of ward flve is suffering from a broken leg caused by jumping from a wagon. -Baptist church people wlth Snnd&y school added exeane to Put-ia-Bay, Saturday. June 5. -A meeting was called last evening at 8 r. m. to provide for celebrating the national anniversary. - Tlie Alpha Nu literary society hold their annual banquet on this evening, at Hangsterfer's hall. - Ypsilanti, Dextcr andChclseabrass bands me expected to furnish music for the temporalice convention to-day. -From expert measurement the distance between the üniversity and Normal school is ascertaiued to be 6 and 9-100 miles. - .V Missionary festival will be held in the Germán M. E. church next Sunday morning at quarter past ten. Every body invited. - U -v. J. T. iunderland made happy two hearts May 18, vis: Elias C. Eednan of Hazard, Mo., and Miss Esther T. Geer of Ann Arbor. - It is said that the M. C. railroad lias all the regular passenger business it can do and will not be able to furnish traína for excursions this summer. - Arrayed in the handsome new uniforma Company A will attend Divine service as a body, at the Episcopal church Sunday to listen to the pastor- regimenlal-chaplain. - Tar vvalks are so cheap. their durabllity so lastinjr. and the improbability of their being ripped up by students so excellent, that many have been put down in the city lately. - Bobert Dmmmoftd died on Saturday, May 22. at 70 years of age. lie has been a resident of Ann Arbor for 25 years. His funeral took place from the residence of Mis. G.D. Hill, Sunday. -The one-hnndredtb anniversary of the founding of Babbath Schools by Kobert Railces will be commemorated by exercises by the Sunday School of the Methodist church, Bunday evening, May 30. -The Yoiiiijr People's Association of the PiesVyterian chnrch wil] give v.n i-e cream and strawberry festival in the church parlorsthis Fridayerrcning. They invite their friends to come alid enjoy with tliem the fruits of the sea80)1 -The ladies of St. Andrew"s ehurch will huid a sale at Araiory II;11 this vening for 1 bc benefit of their chiipel and rcctoiy ftrod. Rc-freshmeuts wil! be provided. Admittance five cents.- Doors open at 7 r.M. AU are cordiaily invited to attend. -We tern union teiegrapbic manager Mr. M. S Puleipher informs us thathis on days of national eonventions give Oie ballots and other important nev.s from botli Chica?-! and Cincinnati assemblages without any charge or collection. -Prof. Reynold's mesmerlc entertaïnments were lightly nttended last week, as were those of Will Carleton. 'ii fací is people v,il! not spendan evening in doors uniese the aitraetion is uuusiially strong. The weather is too warm, and larga or even small audienees ought not lo be expected at this tea son. - A. W. a-id ,T. W. Ilamilton tender the nse of thetr oflice during the existence of the Chicago convention, that mti-tbird tonners may have a private place for mourning ver receipt of a dispatch announcing the nomination of Grart on the flrst ballot. We advlse the young lawyers to provide a supply cf crow and. if there bo sufficient juantity at the dry goods stores, lay in v. stork of crape. -The concert of the Tnvnjï Men's Musical Society, given on the evening of murudayof mst week, was well atlendpl by ui appreciative audience. The entire programme waa fully carrietl out with grcat precisión and feelinjr. The piano boIo by Prof. C. Scbaberle was of the hlgl est order ;.rd descrves especial ínaise. The Young Men'i Musical Society is comnosed of nire young persons of this cily. and their concert has given proof of tln-iv iiiigence and the care of their director, 1 rof. C. Schaberle. - Three things the Common Council ouht to provide f or at the next meeting. The digging out of the well on south side of Court House and place a pump therein for public accommodation; the enlargiiiRof the sidewalk between the corner of the Chandler House and tlie Post office, and the re-building or repairing of portions of thesvlewalk on the Btreet leading to the Central depot. In the interest of health, comfort and goo;l repute of ourhandsome city. the Counoil ought not 1" fa il t provlde for the prompt accomplishment of the above. -Our musical readers wül hear wlth gratiflcation that Lyman of Boston, the wel! known teacher of 8inging, i to lócate so near as as Detroit during the coming aummer. Mr. Wheeler is one of the most popular teachers in the country, and a large numbar of prominent arüsti have lieen liis pupils, among them may be mentioned Annie Louise Cary, M. W. AVhitney, the lasso. Miss Jennie Sargent, Sig Zenoni Fran Miller, Madame Edna Hall an( others. It will be remembered that a&Ir. W. was associated wlth Cari Zerralin, Dudly Buck and Carlyle Petersileaas instructora in Uie Normal Musical Instituí e holden in Detroit during 1876 and 1S77. Many of the best sinters of that city and etoewhere availed the-nselve-s of hls pr ifessional services. and all speak of him In toe highest praise. A nutnber foHowed him to Boston, and have been stodents of his pince that Mme. We bespeak for Mr. Wheeler a warm weleprae from the musical fu ternity of Detroit and vicinity.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus