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- JuBtice Kearney of Pinckney, spent ;i few days in the city last week. -Chas. "VVentzell of law class '7-5, of Detroit, is stopping in town visiting old friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Douglas returned last week fi-om a southern trip, the latter quite UI. -Mr. and Mrs. Cocker leave the city on Momlay to sail for their native land - England. - Ttev. ,1. B. Gilman is nnnounced to deliver the Decoratioa Day address at Manchester. - J. F. Thomas of law class "73, started Monday for Minneapolis where he expecta to reside hereaftw. - Mrs. Sophia Hutzel of tliis city, returned on Monday l'rom a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Steinbach of Chelsea. -Miss Nettie Davis of Aylmer, Ontario, is sponding a few weeks in Anti Arborwitliher friend. Mrs. Prof. Meek. - nis. Franklin and Allen attendert the animal meeting of the State Homeopathie society held in Jackson last week. -President Angelí is in Washington awaiting instructioni preparatory to going to the land of ConfuclUs to diplomatize wlth the wily Chines. -The Misses Clara and Xellie Colman, both of wliom have been teaching at South liend, Ind., have returned home in this city to spend the summer vacation. -Mis. liever and a sister Mrs. Burt Stoll. returnel on Tuesday trom a visi! to Mr. Schilling of Sebewaing, Mich. Mr. Schilling was the first Germán who settled in this county. -Mr. Benjamin Cable of Ropk Island, Tl! . ; ; in town the guest of the Zeta Psi (raternity. Harvoy Wright of Toroaio Univereity was a guest of the same fraternity over Sunday. -Superintendent Perry and Prof. Payne of the University, attended annual meeting of city schooi superintendents held at Jackson last week. Prof. Payne read a paper. -At the Adrián District Sunday School Institute to be held at Bidgeway. June Sth and 9th, Rav. Mr. Alabaster is annbuced to lecture on "Bevelationsfrom Ninevab. aad Babykm." -Dr. Mficlean contemplates a trip to Europe just after the close of the University, to be absent two or three months to visit his old home and acquire rest f rom a practice that has overtaxed his time and attention. -Prof. M. L. D'Ooge, of the State üniversity, was in the city yesterday examining our schools to tind out whether the gradnates s!ioild bèadmttted to the üniveraity on diploma.- t loldwater EepuUican. - Clarfcson X. Potter of New 3Tork, while in town on Wednesday, received several of the leading demócrata of the city at the office of Judge Ilarriman.- They were highly pleased with the lal poütician. Mr. l'otter expressed himself hopeful of a democratie victory this fall. - Y'e understandthat Mr. R. A. Beal of Ann Arbor, bas an agent in tliis countv outside the city who is on Uie still-hunt for the Governorship. Ilis agent'a name is said to be Mosher. It maybe lie will get therebut we imagine he is rtoomed to disappointment if he is connting upon it very strongly.- Coldwater Republican. - Henry Manh,eldest son of Emanuel Manu, Esq., of this city, and book-keerer in the dry goods house of Mack & Schtnid was united in marriaije las! evening by Rev. Mr. II. F. Belser, to Miss Mary Wagner, daughter of John Wagner, Esq., residing on Washington Btreel . About forty of the nearest relaives froin thisand Detroit cities were present at the nuptial ceremony. May Mr. and Mra. Manu's matrimonial voyage be one of unalloyed bliss.


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Ann Arbor Argus