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Real Estate Transfers

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J. L. Gillespie to Jane M. Williams. Ann A.rbor city real estáte. $8,2-50. A. E. Wisewell to Anna T. Ilollistcr. Ann Arbor city property. $52,000. liariua S. Wqod to Daniel Hall. 160 acres in LodL $4,820, D. O. ïall to J. II. and F. J. Stone. Ann Arbor city property. S2,Ü00. Catherine IJrenner to Simon llorth. 10 acres in $800. Elfza S. FrBnch to A. A. Frinting and Pubüsliing Co. Ann Arbor city lot. $1,700. William Boyce to John Jioyce. 4U acres in Ypsilanti town. $1,000. Amos Spokes to John J. and C. Frank. Saline village lot. $800. Samuel W. Dexter by executor to Seaman O. Thompson. i)exter village lot. f125. Zina V. Bnck to Aurora E. Cooley. Rawsonville village lot. $00. John M. Slater to Thomas Taylor. Ann Aibor city property. S300. Joseph Eiseieto Cajcilia Eisele. Ann Arbor city real estáte, ifl, love and alïection. Aretus Dunn to W. B. Smith. Ann Avbor city real estáte. $540. Wm. i). Baneeman to John Byrna. Land in Sylvun. $31.5. S. W. Dexter to John W. Jones. Dexter village lot. $40. Peter C. Kanouse to James It. McKennan. 10 acres in Saline. $300. C. II. Dnterkercher to Chauncey Walbridge. Manchester village lot. 1,200. QUIT-CLAIM. Joseph Eisele to Caecelia Eisele. Ann Arbor city property. 1. Caecelia Eisele to JosephEisele. Ann Arbor city property. il. Jerusha P. 'oble to Ilenry B. Dodsley. Ann Arbor city property. 1,360.66. Ilenry B. Dodsley to David Ilennmg. Ann Arbor city property. SI. II. H. Brmkerbofl to David Mayer. Land in 8aline. S100. Samuel (i. Miller to Darius S. "Wood. l(i(l acres in Lodi-. S(i00. DariUB S. Wood to James II. Whelock. Ann Arbor city prouerty. SI. Donald Mclntyre to William Freer. 70 ucres in Bapenor. $1.