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MooiiEviLLE, May zí. -Mr. and JIrs. llinun Mcliride- a son. -Mr. Arthur Conde is very sick with typhoid íover, and under Dr. Oakley's care. - Wheat nn-l oats are lookiiig wli and ttaere is promise of abuudance of fruit. -Mr. Eltncr Conde was taken Monday evening witli'pleurisy and pain in kis side and had a hard chili. A phyaician was called. - TÏu; recent rains have made it a growing time but has hmdered corn planting. S"me farmers have trot almost done while others are plowing., May 26. - Xelson Taylor and wife, u sou ; dated May 2(rth. - W. W. MeLanahan is in 'Milan again for a short time. _B. F. Tilomas has moved into rooms in A. J. EramaiTs house. - Wm. llitchcock has moved into rooms in A. (. üiaman's house. - Preparationa are being made here for a Sunday school concert soon. -E. A. Reynolds made a trip to Flint last week. rm business for his father. -A. J. Braman has moved intothe house belonging to Thomas Braman. -Charles BEnham haa moved hito the rooms over B. 1'. Thomas' billiard hall. -Mr. Baluss Lntends cutting out his stock oí stsve bolt during the present week. -A. Gardner -vent to Monroe last reek on one of his peiiodical iishing expeditioBS. - Mrs. Tewksfoury hns moved lier dress making business in Miss Green'a milliiiery establishment. -Charles Wilcox has sold his farm of 28 acres to Mr. Lander, f rom the vicinity of Oakville. Price paid was SSOO. -Charles Burch has moved intn bis new barber shop. In connection with shaving and hair-cutting he wül sell candtos, cigars, &c. -Charles Rice trom East Milan.has moved into a house oa the farm of Daniel Case. Mr. Rice is emplbyedby the Brlck and Tile ('o. -Lemiwl Canfield frora Cliira.cro, arrived In Milan on the 2lth, on a visit to his brother Charles Canfleld, who is very low with eonsuiuption. -Mts. Tliomas, wife of B. F. Thomas oi' thia place, diedon Siay20th and u-as buried at Belleville. The funeral sermón was preached here on last Sunday by Tlev. L. P. Tompkinsof Dundee. -Mr. Baluss proprietor of the stave worka here, carne hiere from Ypsilantl, where he Uves, on the lSth to see to bis business, and while here he was taken sick and was obliged to return home on the next train. The disease proved to be the small pox, with which is now very sick. -Dr. Maclean lias been within two weeks past at Chicago, Caro,Leslie.Ietroit, FpsDanti and Adrián on eonsultation business. By arranging with liia colleagues and travoling nighta the Dr. does nol pciniit his duties toward the rniversity to suffer by his absence.


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