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MEDICINAL. To Nérveas SulTei-ers - Tlie Orcat Europiuii Kemedy- tr. ,). B. Slmpson's Specüic: Medicine. It Ib a positivo curo fi.r Sptrmatorrhet, Semlnnl Weakuess, lmpoieucy, and til diseasea sultin;? .... „ . f"".i Self-Abs tioE. Mental Anxipty, aftbe. í-'V if""" "'' ?íü","" ' T) .ni ''w ' :lMls "i Bick i.r -■'■;- ! ''''"■.ïiy""'1'1'""' yiWí VMkJí uiH:m c.-uly -rviive. Vá 4' Ég ifSK-iíC" Tbe SpccIHo '-&'■ witíi wonderfiil sncceas. Pnmpliletí pctit frcetoull. ■ ■ for 1 hem and fret fi'Ii pnrtieulare. Prloe,.Seciflc, 8Ï.00 peí packugc, oí mx paokRea tor $5.UD. AilliK-s ;;li cuder? lo. .1. II.SIMIÍON JlEDJCrNE C ., Nos. 104 and I0G Maio cjtreet, Bufttilo, N. Y. 1 or.s.tli. i ti Aun Aibor by Kberbaeb & tíaii, up by uil üi'Uf Mista evexrwheie. NÍRVOÍSDÍBJLÍTY. GKAY'S SI'ECIKIC MEÜICINK. RADE MjgK-ThePrfat Iin-TRADE r-"-p nfe s- ' Ji 'lIi uní;lIliTlK L-'jre jTí w W' iF WeTkne"" KHl J W ygw ensfslhat follow Si Before TaMnggiS Univeral Laeaitude, Pain in the Baok, Dimness of Vision, Premature Oíd Ase, and monyother disonase that lcad to lnsanity, Consumptiün aud a I'rematnre Grave, Ful! particular in our pnmpblets, which we desire to send íree by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggiatsat $1 per packüge, oí six pückapes for Í5, or wíl! be sent by mail on racflipt of the monorJ'v addreseinK THE ORAY MEDICiNÈ CO.. No. 10 Mechanica' Block, Detroit Mich. fl"Roldin Ann Arbor by all Druggists, and by druggista every where SCQVILL'S BLOePlLÍVER SYRÖP, a lieerless remedy for Scrofnla, White Srcllings, Cáncer, El-ysipelas, Gout, CJironic Sores, Sjifliilis, Tumors, Car built les, Salt Blionm, Malaria, Bilious Complaints, aud all diseases ar Impiire Condition of t!ie Biooi!. This Grand Remedy is a coiupound of vearciablo extracta, the chlef of which are SARSAPAR1LLA and STiLLINGIA. ThocnresefTected by SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND LIVEll SYRÜP are absolute and their record is undisfigrured by l'ailure. For sale by all Druggistg. MOTT'S LIVER PILLS, Ths E?eat Gattartio VcgstaUe Esgulator, They rectift torititi of the iiver. They ffive tone to the Stomaeh. They act, without yripiny, upon the botvcls. Tliey Remove bile from the blood. They puriy, regúlate, inviuorate the body. They cure all bilious contplaints. ROÊËRS WORM SYRÜP instantly destroys WOEMS and Ia recommended by physicians as the best WORM MEDICINE In use. BAKEB'S PÜH HUCti for JfltlJY and ISEdlST. ' For External nnd Internal Use. The greatcst Pain Reliever of the Age. Tor sale by nH Druggists. JOHN T. HEXKY, CÜEK1S & CO., eOLE PliOPRIi:'XOBS, 24 Collese Place, New York. ïaxhüOD: HowLost, Bow Restore. ,ji 0 Just publishcd, a new edition of Dr. =ig Culverwoll'g Celebrnted Essay on HESr the radical cure (without mediciné) of ra Bpbïmatorrhcba or seminal Weakniss, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impotency, Mentil and Pbysical Incapaeity, Impedimenta to Marriaite, etc: also, Coxsomption, Fdlepsy and Fits, inrtuued jy stlf-iudulgeuce 01 sexual cxtravaganoe, Aro. The cclebrated author, in thig admirable Essay clenrly a thirty years succesil'ul piactioe, thal tbealaroiiog oonsequencesoïaelfabnse may lie rnilically rared without tlie d-inirerous use of internal mcdioineor the npplic-ation of the knife; poiutiníí out a mode of cure átono simple, oertaio and effeotual, by meana of which every sutleror, no matter what his condition ma bc, may cure lümseli cheaply, privatelT, and radical! t, This Lacture Bhould be in the hands of evcry you( n and every man in tlie land. Bent, nnder seal, in a plain enrelops,to any addi'ess, post-paid, on reeeipt of six cents or two postagestamps. Addiessthe Publishcrs, THE CÜLTERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Office Box, 458G. THE REfiDY FAMILY SOAPMAKER: LEWIS' LYE 98 PER CENT. PURE. (Patented.) FINEIY POTVBEHED. IIIGHLY PERFUMED. JZh stïongcst and pnrest Lye made. Wil! mnke 12 ixmnuV of the boot Perfumed Hard Soao m 20 minutes wirliout boilin. P The best -lyiuei-softcner inade. The best clisiHiectaiit. Ino aro somo of tho ntlrnnMei obtamed by usins Lowis' S8 Per Cü" t. PüwS5ed g First. It ia paelced in an Irnn can with JBlnr BI'P or remtivablo lid, eaaüy taken off naltr &nci 'eVIn=r Oio contenta exposed, thereB& W Bannfí tile trouble, aunoyance, and 1 mML - -u dang-or (f rom íiyiu particles). as t 'aU&f witn othcr Lyes, whicü, beiny HU1 R ji foliil in the cans, must be MuMELA brolíen with a iiainmcr to get wHSEC í i-yo out. i HA AA "" I beinsr a flne tEBPl BP9wder( you can remove tha ■HfRV i'l anl [iüur out all the conBHHk tents, beüig alwaya ready for aBËBsSL Thlrd. A têaapoonf ui or more can be mí H ntsod. a ,in water-softeuing, scrubbmg-, B J-. ald tne lid returned to the can and ■B thi-reby savo the balance of contenta. Hl vith olherLyes all must be dineolved ■ TEM oiice and usert in a short time, or tho ■Bg Btrength ia grone. oAdaSS Foürtli. Absolute vurity. Frea .,. m . fromallttdulterations. toníySn.SKhTr111 ta frm rarïi? ?" iall,"ro !ï IxwbüiIo in mnkini? Soap ?r' follo'vocf9 a "'vle directioiiü given Scvcnth.' Ona can of this Powdered Lve is loda 'wenty pounds oL Hal Soda or WasMntf Kiíflitli. One can of this Lye -n-ni naponifyone Ev,i!;iiTFo?fersta1ísUicrCouci!iitratcd AffiSr1 cent strone:er tuft of the harfeat(traBPnfUlS 6Often a cioSesi;;1i!B.ferpcffl!, wiU ttor MANUFACTURE! ONLT BY G.T.Lewis&MenziesCo.' PHIJLAD1XPHIA. [SS5SS=======n WILLIAM BEID, IwTiHV ?IBlOjiVJl WholCKiilo & Retiül dealer in ■PIAAHnKBKMMN FKKNCH & A.MKR1CA.V I Pi Ifif i Ha.akj . Blld nd Eoueh Plaw ror i ■ B Bf 1 n vWii s,kí Lí?h"' Cut !i"d ' ' ;ihiIII H 1 Bllll 'I'-' uli Bilvep Platea [J " H l'A'll Sash "nfH ""il GerHMnAflAAkJI DUia Lookinf; Clasa Platea, II Vi i 8 rt Tff W y jl I'eai aíl üii, Colorí, tutty, il 1 1 BlrHM0lrl ' ' 0I I'1 want IvlnJrii j rlVil or "ybiug, wrltg for esti-■J mates. 13 & 14 Congrees St. East, Detroit, Mich,


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