BUSINESS DIRECTORY. l maker. Roo noa over M.ick k Sehmul's dry ftaifoton. All wort promptly and satiülHctorily etecuted CIitimCK T1MKGR. AUmnfy at and Sollcitor in Chancrry. Ypiilnuti, Mich. DB. TVr.OK, ATTOENEY AT UW, Uhclsea, Mii:h. Dill,n IHffiV, TI. O., PhvsiYinn Ati'l Surjpnn. tHi"p nnd resHenee. 71 Haren itreet. nn Ar'-or. OIRce houro froin 8to9x.M. tad frnm 1 to 3 P, M. WH, r irKinv, rntist. ntt rorncr Miin 4 WmïMlUton streed, nver IWn & AM's -tore, Aiin Arbor.Mieh. Anesthetics iidtnin litered If dfsired. EN. :OOPKR, UI. D., A'-cniKhPiir and ftynMCologUt. Office coru er Main and Huronstreets. Ann Arbor. pi ÜOHIRBRRI.C, Tenoher of the PlmioJt fnrle. Pupil attain the nVsiren skill In iñino-p'avin y ;i iTtemtiir roursp of ntmc pm. Fnr term-i, apTly it rpsidcnre, Vo. t'J Wt Lih'rtT 'ri-et. Vnn Arbor. Prompt altcntion paid to piano 1 u "iiiir. OBA.WKB, runovuiT & cokiuv, Attorneys at Law E. K. FHTTRAIIFF, Jiistice o! the Peee. All liminí'S-í pro'iintly at1endd to. Ollioe Xo. 8 B.ut 'V;n:iiii;iun street, Kinscy and Seabolt's block. HEXRY E. HILL, Attorney at Tnw, Dealot iu Real lístale and Insurance Agent. O8lce.No. S Opera House Block, ANN AUBOR. pttEDI'KICK RHA11SE, ATJCTION"EEE. Wil! attend to ;ili salea, on short notire. at reKQiMe chr'4e. For further particulara cali at the ÁftOCl OfPICR. pl'ltOPEAN HOTKI, Yps;i:niti,-JIich. New House, FirRt-Clis Tahl.'. Clean Beds, Low Trices. W. BC. r.Kwts. Pmprlflto! J. NICKELS, DEALKR IN FRESH AND SLT MHATS, Ui mis, Saxisages, Larri, etc., ITATESTIIRRT 0PP08ITE VOKTÏTWKSTCOR[ÍER OF ÜJflVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders prompt ly ulied . Farmers buing mefttfl tosell give biin a cali. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIÏÏG3 BANK ANN AKJÏOU, MICHIGAN. Capital pH ld In m .OtOOO.Oí' Capital security - 10O.0ÜO.00 Transacts a general Banking Rnsiness; bayi an lells Exchanges od New Vork, Detroit aiul Chicago; lells ijflít ürafts on all tlie principal cities of Kurope; aho, Holl-i PaMsae Tickets to Liverpool, Lon don aod Glasgow, via the Am-lior Line ol' Bteani ihips, wiiose rates are lower than must otuer first ctM Uu es. This Bank, already havmg a large business, in vil f merchtnts and others to open accouuts with tln-m With the asan ranee of most liberul dealing cousU ent with safe banking. In theSvina;s DoiptrtTr.'1!)! tntoxi fifwld wwi' laounlly, on the first ilavs of Jwnnüry and Jnl 01 si! mini 1 hat were dejosited tb ree inombs prcTloi1 to rij, isp ii -, tb na affording ibe people of tb is cll] iti rouiity a perfectly safe depository for Che fu:ide, togt-tht i witb a fair return iu inferst for tlia me. Honej to Loan on Approved Bectirltles ■■■ LtïcroRS- Cl rist iftn Mark, W. ' Wlnes, V ' Harriraan. lanicl Hlacock, II. A. BeiU, wii Und U'illard B. Öiuilh. ÜKKICi HS : CHitiSTIAK MACK W. W. VINI. PreAttlf-nt. VW Presiden CHAS. E. HiSi'O'K. Caahier. EMANUEL 1Ai ' and Pharmacist. 1' lOU . ' ■ sr.tElil, ANN LRBU1I b:t8 ■! h ;'.H. H V.'ll elPct.l t'íOk Of FÜRE DRl'iJS. CHEMIOALS. CHO1CE PERFUMES, foilft A r(ir]c, bnulder Bnien, Trunse, &c. wbii-1; w nff'Tit'iritf tl priceH I" -ui thf limp-, KT I'liv ' ir.ns' Piescripüons carefully prepiired all hooi. UBERBACQ & S0, Öruggists and Pliarmacists, 12 South Main St., 'Hrt on hand a large and well selectrd stock o DEUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMIOALS, DYE STüFFS, A-rtists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Arttclea, Trussrs, Etc. Spemal atli-ntionpairl lo tlip fnrnisln mr of Phy ". Ohemlsts, fihool.-t, with Philosophloa M Chemical ApparKtnn RohcmlunflicmlcaKilas-l: T"'. Pomelaln Ware, Pure ReHwnm, c'c. I hvsirians' prescriotious (arefulw pri'narcd at I " liour. Abstracts of Titlos. ]1 partie who are desiroun of üscertHininfrthe "Mition of the tltlo to their lanrls, or prirtieu who "'"Uto loan mo noy on real eatrf wili dowellto ?i'll 'il the Register orHce and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. id bor,k are o fnr anvanced that the Rejrister Urnnh on horl noticr a Perfect Statement as to the Title rtniïi f"??1 of Ian(I 'n wMemir County as , ffwn by th original reoonls. C. H. UANLY, Register
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