Ruined By Indorsing Other Men's Liabilities
Woinen moro l'requontly comimt suicide lroiii disappoiutment in love, and men from loss of moncy, thau fi'om any otlier cause, which aatght , diente that theif sex is sentimental, mid that ours is nuercenary. The nutnbor of men wlw havo destroyed theiusolves during tlic p:ist yeir for fiuancial rea gons is very noticeable! One can hardly read newspapers from any part of the country without obsorvlng a report of sonic sucli case, and it is remarkable what a proportion oí" men havo been rnined by indorsin tor thoir friendsf. Olie of the latcst inBtances is that ot' Henry Schaefer, a florist at Los Angeles, Cal., who shot hiinself throngh the head in a summev house. 11e lel'ta uumber of lottors, in whicli lie said that, as he was growing ohl anti was beavily in debt, he feared that he could iiot support himself much longer, and he wantod, tlierefore, to quit the world. lic is re presen tod as a wariir-hearted, generoua man, who had once possessed a handsonie pvoperty, but wlio had lost it by indorsing for l'riends, ol'tcu in botter circuinstances than himself. J Ie; had hardly means enoujrii to defray liis funoral expensos. Of Uow many men this is the historyl ïhe mis tor tune is that most ofthose persuaded to udorse are kind, sympathetic t'ellows, who are reil u ceel to poverty anddospair lirough their very kin Inriss rand sympathy; wliile men hard and sellishgo tlirough the world prosperiug aud prosperous, and die ol' faultlesa oíd age. Wlien men iudorse tbr oncanother in the way of business, it is a commercial transtction, an I is so tm.lerstood. The prospect of failure and loss of raoney must bo taken into account. ]!iu when a man iudorsei foi-another without any equivalent, without any hope or thought of reciprocity, morely for accommodation, as it is termod, and is 'd tn take up the paper lie has utiorsedand surrender his jropeny to such end, it Í8"l)itter enough. There is a poplar treeaboiit oighteen inches Lu diameter, in Troy, Alabama, which was standing ereo't ten years ago. A short tiino afterw&i"d the treo feil and lay prone on the grouud tbr a considerable pcriod, du ring which time a part of the top was out up and used tbr fuel. Xo huillín agenuy has sinco interfcred with nor in any inanner attomptod to movo it, and now it stands erect and is growing bautifully. At the New York Art Stndonts' ! Le ! fue ree int ly a Chinaman hiki beou iuduced to pose in his nativo eos tumo a.s a model for the portrait class, but I suddenly lic eau ;lit sight of a skelcton hauging ir' ir by, and thiuking himself in a dissoctin-room, and unablo to understan.l any explanations, the Cc lestial rushed a bout in terror until a ' student opened the door, whca lio ! quickly vauishcd,
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