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New Style Of Bonnets

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Ydlow Tuscan and Lo'horn atraws aro the li':uliiif styles. as boingadapted to the present desire lor ycllowsluules. Satin straws, with ycllowish tingo and saliu luster, aro also noticeable, yet Eerhaps not moroso tlian yellow Milan ntids. Theti tluro are fancy straws of botli high mul ov de -rees ; theso being quito oxponsive, anJ fonnod of iino yellow straw lace work, wliile in dcccoudiiiL changos wa discover nll marnier of fancy-colored straws. Sometimus these are of ouo color thronghout, being dycd in fashionablo shado of garnet, blue, etc., or, moro gcncraily display altcniationg of color, llero the colorad braids inay run in parallel rows, or bo dispose 1 in tripes, a, Por exiiiiplc, whcro fonr or live ii.irrowöolorod straws altérnate vritb an cqual uumber of yellowish ones, an equal spaco of yellow siraw only then appoarin, after whioh the eolorod alternatious a-e seon onca mora, This 3 quito a favorito idet, yot nut moro so perhapí tlian the dyeing of tho atraw ainturvals (hrouii lonnet, by vvlïicli rotular touches of the oulor appüar, but hol in any onu contimioa? braid. ÜUicr strawa are in ths nulurnl color, and woven in a ratlior subilued rougli-and-ready stylc', wiüle again wo see combinations of plaiuund tancy wcaviax, as, tor instaucO, whore tliu crown is of plain straw and tho brim l'anciiully wwuglit. It i; worthy of romarU that iíi a inajority of cases the yellovv ítraw wliicii combine with the colorad aro of the Tascan order, tuus evinciug tho partwlity shown sucli Ie iilinj ideas. Taronjh straws of evcry kind we inay observo at Unies the interweavin; of uasiimcro' colore, wbicli are reünud or bokl, aceordiug to the qualily of tho bounct, and soino white cnips are quito clouiiedover, not oiiiv by ciicsu citóinnero mixtures, but by linos oí otheí leatlmg colors, sueb as blue, garnct, etc. Gipsy ílíapus promiso to bocomc popular, esyuoially witli yonng ladiea, tu vvhoin tue coquetry ol' wliich tuey are capa O 1q is espuüially auapted, and they will be founU bacominy lo man y faces. They ure to bo placed rathei' i'ar back on tho liead, tiiu sidos pressed down and tied by riubonstrin3,which forcea the front brini quito hih over the foreliead.. tioit black ciiips have wide round brima and this siylo of hat inay bo worii lar oaclv on tlio head, fonnin a sorc of halo, or the briui inay be caujcit in vai'ious fanciful ways, being veldom disposod twice in tho s mie ïnanner by tno imaginativa modiste. English walking üau re.ippcar with modidcation, tor they novy slopo down t'arüier at the back and in front, and the bruu rolla up sonievvhat hijfiier and bro.uler than lormerly. Turoans are seun bat to a liiuitcd extent, and aro cuieily in black stravv or cnip. T[E Lulaxde.- A cottao bonnet of Frencli chip, trimmei witn a sasli or casUinore noooii, eonibined in front wit.i a lilung of oid gold satin. Au Oitrich plumo of dariier gold slr.ule completes tne triuiuun of iiie crown, in enua u.-o twaKtod ttuJ Lriiumod with lace. The New Cottage. - This is a very tasieúil modilioatiou oi' weliknuwu cottajjo shape. The orown is tnuiuied Wiui pearls, arraiij-ed to represent of wlieat, and aurrouuded witü a coronot of olii gold lace. A garland of imguonottes i; carried compietely ruunii uie brim, and tho fice is irnuiucd wituashirring oi'cir mi satín aud a Büeut' ojt' uiiguonottc. The-rtriiiga uie in kcupiiy wii.i the general stv.o ol the bonnet, bei'n m.itK: oi' ilhtsion, and embroidcrod with gold, poaiis and CaeniUü. Anol nor very novel design is a turban or Pursiau silk in Oriental pattern, wiili a .sasii and ribbons of old yold s.uiii, and two heavy osirich plumos of contrasUng coloi'8. A golde:. scimetar U passed thi'Ovigh tho Msii at th j front, and eiihauc % tho jauutÜWSi of tho eii'oct.


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