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Europe Pouring Into America

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Tli liead of din American Enhansfe in Europe, Mr. Henry V. Gillij, of Lon Ion, .1 gentleman wlio is irood nnthority on intevnitional travel, and wlio is now on a visif t; thts country, sayg that the omigratlon movement in foreisyn linds, and particularly in Oi-cat Britian, is rising in! o proportioni so vist ai to sn?2st stirtlln1? possibilities. Tho matter i=? already attracting tbo attontion of B ritten statcnion, wlio aro becomin? appvehensive that a very important poi'ceijtaeofits laborinjj clawes will thia vearbe iot to tho populatiön ofGreat britain by cmizralion to America. Tho belief Is fre!ly exprossed by perions familiar with ocean travel that av i 1 1 1 i u eiliteen montlis ono million and half of souls will bo ullod to tho population of the ITnitcd States by ïramiration, and tiiis acquisitlon will bo (i':i hi y lier orddr than has been coinnioii heretoforo. 'l'iie t'uot that irmny English emigran s are already iirawinjT ou tho American Exclianiie in London for lettora of cnxtit au l dra Cis in sunis ; from L 1,000 to L5,000 is a sugestivo indioatiou of the kind of pcopie wlio aro this yoar seeking to bocomo a part of our nntion. American tourists anniiilly expend $100,0 u,0)0 to $200,000,000 in Kuropean light-seeiiu:, bui, U' onc-quarterj of the ii(!v i ■ ■ i mi 'rauta of this yoar ghall brini fruiu $j,000 to $10,000 a pieoa to America lor iuvestmeut, wc can aü'ird to lel iho travolinz exp account oí' roamiii ;■ Yankcos in Europa rise into ita hundred rnillions. The causes of tho inercaso of immigration aro apparcut. Good times in! America; Iwiíi times in Europo. Peaee in the New Worul: wars aud rumora oí war in ÜI1. üppro.ssion abroad, under monarch is; treudom boneath tho starry flag of our Uupublic. j ed to Iht'.so comidoration-i is tho powerful atiraction of the inany rich aud beautiful acres of tlio (Jnitcd Otates and Territorios - aett whicii are iu u doublé cuse priceless. A few months ago sevcral pcnonnd wcfc trieil at Nbvjrorod for burfiiirj; nlivc a womiii, uport the protoxt ihnt slie Itrul bewitcheü their cutt Intimi ixist spel b n pon thcir childron. These rulfinus wcro acquitted on tlic grouml Lhat Üiey liadactcd oonsciciitioiisly aiul in Rccordiiiioo with tho seiiptunil onlill'Uicc, "Tlioil sluik not :i wih-li tolive!" Tho tribunal of Ustjusli Ims reocntly, howovcr laken a snniowlwt moro ciilijyli tened view of a wituIiuiMl't oaso brought beforo it. O Ivnn A.lexeioff iiuii six woinen of lus villano proaociited a pcasant'a wito nanicil CharlamofT for unving, m they alleed iipcui oath, [ nj u red tlieir lioakli by Lho practico of 8orccry, To their surprlso and (Usconiiilui'o tlio couri aoquittud Charlnmoff, and denouiiced ! lic prosoc itor8 severely, scntcncin; tho woincn to four ïiion t lis imprisoiimeiit npiecc, und Alexcioíl' to flíty blowa with a


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