Items Of Interest
Tu Franklin County, Texas, horscs are killed by búllalo g'nats. Countess Henkel, onc of tlie richest women in Europe, is now tlie owner of the fotnous peai-1 necklace formerjy possessed bv the E tn prosa Eugenio. It was sokl íbr $72,000. Tlie oongregation of' the Firtt Methodist Ctiurch ut Atlanta, 011 tlie nppeal of tlieii' pastor, subscribed over $17,000 in aliout an hour und n half, to be expended on the chureh ediflee. The capital employed in raihvay uhdertakings ín Great Britainaiul [relaud is L560,000,000. That employed in America is L1,200,000,000, in Germany, L200,000,000, und iu Frattce, L210,000,000. Two negroos, who had huilt a fire on the Macón and Brunswick Bailroád, Georgia, to waru approachiug tirina anaína t a wreek, went to sleep on the truck, allowed the íh to die out, and were run over by a train. General Garibaldi is to have a cliariuing gift f rom the [taïian colony at Montevideo, in the shape of a iitinialure Bteamerof ten tons burelen, tilted up eleantly and luxuriously, and ealled '"The Lion of Caproru." John L. lïeady was shot and killed while at work in his field in Baker County, Georgia, by unknown parties. lic killed a niüii nanied Fitzgerald in VVoi'th County, Grcorgin, iu ÍS71, and escaped, and it is believetl that his assassin.s woie fl'ieudi of B1itzjfeiiald. Jay Gould lias purchased a bout two hnndred acres of highly iniproved land and a maguificent white inarble re.sidence said to have $.300,000, and known as "Lyndhurst on. the lludson." Mr. (rould will occupy the villa during the snininer. Thero wa3 reoently killed in the Kèntucky lliver a catfish weighing one hundred and SCVenty-elght and u halfpounds. A man while in a boat run upon the lish in shallow water, and wai almost overtuvned, The fish was then killed wlth an oar. A hardware nierchant of Centrevil Ie, H. I., more than fifty years of age, visitod Providence to deposit S'J.OÜO in one of the banks, but insletid went on a sjirec," and faillug into the hands of gambJers was fieeued out of $ü,000 before he was rescueil l'roui their hands by the pólice. During' the course of some excavations and leveliugg whicli have been carried out within the historie lines of Plevna by the BuLgarian (iovernïneut sixteen cannon and ten thous md musketa have been founil, whicli Usïnan Pusha causad to be buried before he surrendered to the liussians. In Behring Island the Swedish Arctic explorcrs claim to have discovered the future dairy farm of the remóte Kast, and say that auglers who have used up the European rivers may tlierc flnd excellent sport. The rivers abound in trout and salmón too unaecustomed to liunian enemies to be Uraid of thetn. Rockolltng olckol at $2 per pounj, the flve-cent piece is worth a eent and a qua r tor. [t weighs 77 grains and a fraclion. The proportions in the coniposition of' it are 7j per cent. ot' copper aml 'ib per cent. of nickel. Copper is reckoned at i'S cents per pound. i i'. tlu'i], a uiokel ñve-cent piece is lost, the Government cleara tliree and one'ialf cents on the issue. The flrstannual report of the Society for t Ik Encouragement of Moderation in Drinking con taina gome figures that will stirtle the extremista who iire skeplical about the mócese ol'men who began work on the principie that half a loaf is bettor than no bread. More than twenty-two thousand pledges have been secured through the ociety's efforts, and one-fourth of these bound the signers to total abstinence. Beyond this, howcvcr, four thousand raen have pledged theniselves ot to drink dui'ing business hours, and th ir teen thousand agree not to "stand treat" or be troated. Oswald Puckeridge, a retirad publican of Minster, Englnnd, has been genteneed to six: weeks' hard labor tbr causing the doath of a valuable dog. The prisoner painted the dog all over with the Liberal and Conseiyative colore, and the animal was poisoned throu;h licking the paint off. The prisoner gave notice oiappial. A bar of gold has been brought to Hal i fax, N. ., from ihu recently discovered leud at the Moose Itiver gold mines. It weigha thirty-four ounces clev. 'ii penny weights and ninety-oight grains, is valued at $ ióO, and represents a hundid and thirty-six days' labor of live men from twenty tons of quartz. Fashionahle ladics in bnr eities and villages should be informed that ftishiniis in doir flcsh change as well as fashionsingarmenta. The little blackand-lan Terrier lukealmostdisappeared from the fashionablo world of England. The Collie is now the most connnon pet of the gentier sex. Puga are quoted as holdinjf thcir own, and ïoy Spantels are looking up. Therc was quite a broezo in Atlanta, Ga., the ot her day, over news of the fludiug, in the üeoochie Val ley, Whilo County, of nuggets of pure gold, weighing all the way from live pennyWeiglits to four liuiülrci-l and Cprty penuyweightR The gold, it seelis, is fouud in the vegetable garden of a farmer who, with í wo hands, at an expenso uf$160, rook out oi' the garden four poimds oí' pure ore, or nine hundred and gixty penny woighte, The llrst volume oi Kossuth's Mcm(liis, to appcar simultaneously in Englisli, Germán and W igyör, will show, it s said, thai Napoleon 111., on suinmoning iiiiu to 1 aris in 1M;), oü'ored liim natiualization and a senators;! p. Wiiile refusiiig tliese, ICosguth agreed t(. usi' ',t tnflueuce ui tavor of Fr.ince and BaixUuia in the impciulUtg war, whepeby lie offendud Mnzziiii, viotor litigo and the Fl'ench liepublicaus. A Cnnary bird had quite an extendel trip nrnong tlio mail baga on the Maine Central Kailroad. U was in a sniall wicker cage and in somo way got mixed up with tlio mail, so that it w;:s placed in oue ot' the bags with a lot of papers. This bag was tbrown off at Drunswick, and the bird went to Wiscagset and rcturned to Brunswick ayain, whoro it was taken out uuiujurcd and as lively as ever. . A lhir,l-oi'-a-iciitury plant is attracting inucli ftttention at G-rcenville, Juis. Tliirty-throe years ago a lady, now iviiti in (reenvilie, was married, and this plant was in bloum aml soine of its tlovvei'3 graced the woddiu{ brcakfast, The owncr Ims carefully tended the plant ever siuue, and it has bursL into flower for the llrst time sinco the wetldiug day. Towflk, the new Kliedivc of Egypt, is as ccononiical as his gjre was extravagant, lle discoverod not long ago that liis venerable fathei' liad carned olí' a certaiu collectioii ot' ooins valuod at $8U,UU0, which liad been purchased with .state money, and the ivlu'dive iutends tu rebuke tilia want ot' econoniy by placidly subtracting the item trom hls iather's allowauoo during the next twolve nionths. An lngenions aml simple apparatus for making a bcll ring at any predetenuiued Uour of the day is described in a recent uunibor of JL'lHectricite. It comprimes a lena by uteaus of which thu solar raya are couceiitrated and directed on metallic strip, which is susceptible ot' very rapid and great dilatation. The result of tlie dilatatiou is eloctric contact, giving passage to a battery current which rings tlio boíl, Although the sim may be covered by clouds, its caloriñc power is nevor diminlshed so much as not to dilate the strip. "It would bo intore-iting," saya M. Desinarets, who describes it, "to know -vvhat tlie action ot' the nioon Would be, through a leus ot' high maxnifying power, on a very sensitivo strip. Tliu apparatus Would, pci-!iaps, loo, be susceptible oí graduation with a view to studying the radiating power oí' the sun."
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus