A Town Lighted By Electricity
- 1 lie city or wabasn. Indiana, makes the proud boast of benig the finst city in the world to adopt the ele. 'trie light for Btreet illuminaüon, and iis trial Bi i-nis to have proved.in a doublé sense, a brilliant success. Thecommoncounci! of that place, a few weeks ago, entered into negotiations with the Brush Electric Light ( kjmpanv, of ( ileveland, Ohio, for one of their dyuamo-electric generating machines of a guaranted eapacity of four lights of over 3000-can(1K power each. These four lampe are susponded trom the ends of two crossbars boltod abo ut halt'-way up an iron flag-etafl tliat rises from the dome of the eourt house. The court house itsi ■ ! i' stands on a rise of ground that, with the heigl t of the dome, gives the h'ght an e!evation of about 200 feet above the city. The generating engine of B-horse power is located in J.he cellar of the building. The contractwas that the lights should illuminate acircle one milt', in diameter, as lightatthefarthest point as it would be with a gas-lamp of usual Btreet size every hundred feet. The trial showed this requirement to be more than fnlfilled, aa it was light enough at much more than that distance to teil the the time on a watch or read coarse print. Over ten thouaand people witnessed the test. Every alley and backyard receives the ligot. A careful oomputation shows that to liglit the tOwnequaUy as well by gas would require 3 lamps to every square and would fake over 500 for the same área. These electrio lamps conaist simply of two carbon peneils about half an inch in diameter, arranged so that the current passes througb all four and then returns to the machine. Each lamp has two sets of these, carbons, so arranged that ff one set getsout of order the other lights automatically. The entire ratus furmshed by theBrush Electric Light company - lamps, wires and generating machines - eost si800. The cost of running the lamps when in actual operation is a cent and a half per hour, making the entirecostof illuminating the city, exclusive of wag.ee of engiaeer and fuel, löcentspernightof tenhours. The engineer, and fuel, and entire expense of lighting the town is estimated at $750 per year, while ( gas lamps, wbich would oniymakedarkness visible in the same arca, would cost 511Ü0 per year.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus