General News
- The wheat harvest is in f uil blast in Texas. - The Kalloch impeactynent casa In San Francisco lias been ilismissed. - Imprpved farms in Dakota near prosperous villages can be liad at $10 per acre. -rTliere is said to be 863,000 persons in Ireland subáisting upon the bounty of strangers. - Twelve fatal cases trf sanstroké in New York and Hrooklyn cltiea wcre reported on Friday. - Two thousand five huadred headof cattle were shipped from Montreal to England last week. -Post Master General Majnard is a nativo of Massachusetts and his wií'e is a native of Vermont. - There are now more villages between Bismarck and Fargo, Dakota, than there were settlers in 187H. - Ex-Gov. Horatios Seymoui will deliver in address before the students oí Wells College at Aurora, New York, the IGth. - Tickets for an excursión trip from Chicago to San Francisco, Cal., and return are now advertised for sale at Chicago for SI ". - The widow of Josiah Randall aml mother of Speaker Randall, died on Saturday last at Philadelphia in hei seventy-seventh year. -Heavy bonds- The bonds require 1 to be given by the Executors of the estate of the late Edward C. Jones of A; cv Bedford, Mass., were $l,óOO,ü()O each. - A white married woman at Evansville, Ind., was so fascinated by the banjo playing of a wandeling negro that she eloped with liim. - A lightning stroke went clear through a Clark couhty, Ky., school house, killed a greyhound asleep urider the Hoor, but the twenty-five chiklren unliarmed. - Queen Victoria notified three ladies who were at her last drawing-room reecption. that she does notwtsh to see them again. They were in altogether too full dvess. - It costs f rom SI to $1.25 to produce a bushei of wheat in England. In Minnesota, and generally throughout the west, wheat has been produced at a cost of forty cents per bushel. -The cóurt of inquiry in the Whittakei case decided on Saturday that Whittaker must have mutilated and bound himself, and Gen. Schofield ordered him under arrest until the case is disposed of. - No less tlian lfi,noo head of cattle will be exported from Xew York City to Euroge within a week, orders to that effect having been received. Jno. Bull'a famous "roast beef of okl England" has become a myth. - ïen young ladies received diplomas last month, in the school of Oratory formerly connected with the Boston üniversity, and not a single (male) of the other sex. Are we to look in the future to the fair sex for our orators? - A hundred years ago the 19th of May, just past was the celebrated dark day in New England, which continued from 10 o'clock in the morning till night, sent the chickens to roost and made people think the end of .the world had really come. - Quite a stir has been crated at West Point by the discovery of a pair of citizen's trowsers in Cadet Whittaker'a room, rolled up in the slecve of hls overcoat. It is surmissed that the unhappy cadet was meditating ilight from the scène of hls troubles. - The ISismark Tribune states the yield of the Dalrymple farm, Dakota, for 1S78 to be wheat 111,933 bushels, oats 10,493 bushels and barley 8272 bushels, and last year there were used on the farm 126 horses. Twenty breaking plows, 47 stubble plows, 17 gang plows, Hl harrows, 30 seeders, 45 self-binders, (37 wagons, 8 steam threshing machines and 125 men were engaged during the seeding time and 328 during harvest. - It is announced by special dispatch to the New York World from Ban Francisco, May 3Óth, that Kearney stated at the Sand Lots he would leave Wednesday for Chicago to attend the Greenback convention. If it is his design to act with the working men he should haveieen in Chicago during the weck, and taken somo lessons from the machine laborera, that he may m re successf ully and satisfactorily run for his co-workers, the llepublican sideshow. - The sudden fall of Western Union Telegraph stock in the New York stock market on Saturday last, was occasioned by a report current in Wall street that the executive commttee of the company had determine i to reduce rates at all points on and afte? June 1, when the truth was, as state.] by the President, that a special committee had been appointed to equüize ratea for telegraphing based on di itance and not apon the importance of the tranamitting point, thus putting the patrons of the company apon a n re equitable footing.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus