Fort Gratiot Resolution
Washingtox, May 81.- The following is the i'iül text ol üie joint n solntion relating to the Fort (iratiot military reserve, which was passed by the Senate to-day: Resolved, That the Secretary of War is hereby authqrized to sellalloí the FortGratiot military reserve remaining uñsold or undisposed of, and lbo valué of said remaininf reserve shall be appraised by a board appointed iy theSeeretaryor War,consistingof three competent and disinterested offlcers of tho United States Army, and tlie price at which the same shall be sold sball not be lesa than appraisedby said board, md the síile sball be made only under tbe direction and approval of tlie Secretary oí' War, and the City of Port Hurón is hereby authorized to grant said railway company the Jight of way tbrough tbe easterly portion of tbat part of tbe military reserve ffrítnted to said city for use as a park, and known and described as Pine Grove Park. It will be remeinbered that tlie original resolution introdnced by Mr. Ferry provided for tbe sale or lease of a certain strip of tbe reserve not exceedin; 100 feet in widtb. When tibia proposition carne before tbe Senate some montbs ago Mr. Conkling made very empbatic opposition to it, ontbeground that it was not good public policy to dispose of a mere strip of the reserve, thereby injuring tbe valué of the remaining part. Mr. Ferry's resolution was in tbe face of the express recomuiendation of the Secretary of War. Seeingtliat be was badly beaten Ir. Ferry asked tbat the resolution be rccommitted to the Committee on Military Affairs. Thia was done, and tbe eommitteo subsequently reported the resolution in the form in which it was passed to-day.
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