State News
- Alex. Xoble, of Cooperville, has the wonder of Ottawa county. He lias four sneep raising twelvelambs, three each' - Beporta i'rom different localities in the State on the wool market, state prices as ranging from 35 to 40 cenU - according to condition and quality. - The elegant new Conrt House of Montcalm County at Stanton, will be completed in all respects by the lirst week in June, andwillinallprobability be dedicated with great cereaiony and rejoicing on the 5th of July. - Last Saturday two men from Hart, Oceana Co., cut down a tree to capture some young eagles which were in a nest in the tree. The two eaglets were killed by the fall. They weighed ten pounds each. One of them measured a little over live f eet from tip to tip of hls wings, and the other measureü four feet ten inches. -Caro is putting on airs over a brass handcomposedentirely of youngladies. They will never do for campaign playing, as brass bands during political excitements are generally beaten out of theii pay, and derelietion of this sort in respect to the ladies would niake a vast amount of trouble. - Romeo Observer. - The mining oiiice of the Atlantic Mining Company at Hancock was entered about midnight Friday night by burglars, and a large safe, weighing about two toiis, was carried off in a wagon inlo a field a mile. away, and blown open. About $4,000 in currency was obtained, besides] some stock and bonds. The latter willlje useless to.the burglars. Pive persons, resident of . 1 ie mine, have been arrested with strong jvidenoe of Iheir guilt.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus