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Washington, May 29. - Althoughthe Chicago conventïon wlll notbe cailed to líder until next Wednesday, its probtblc proceedings are already the one topic of eonversation in Washington. Four men, eaeh of Tvliom is a probable or a possible Republican candidato for .lio presidency, are here, and two oí' ;hem at least ale kept fully infonned of every manouver tliat is made in the preliminary Btruggle thatisgoingon ai Chicago. Witliin a day or two a telegraphic instrument has been placed in the prívate ollice of Secretary Sherman, at the treasury department, and thus he will te enabled to communicatie directly with his friends and supporters who are on the ground. FromSenator Blaine'a house also a wire runs direct to the Blaine headluarters in Chicago, and nothing that iffects his interes] tliere can take place without he isimmediatelyapprisedof it. Senator Bdmunds and Senator Windoni have made no such preparations, ind neither of them professes to believe that the presidential Qominatiania likely to strike him. hile Grant's headquarters it is rerorted, are at Dubuqne, Iowa, in ready indeaáycommunication with his friends it Chicago, he, watches matters there ■loselybxit is mum on political topics.


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