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City Scavenjcer. The undersined otlors his services asBinvenger. Vanltá, Üesspools, &c.f &c.t cleaned to order or by the teaeon, ;it reasonable pnces. House draina made tu order. Vaulta made, (orders may bc lefc atJ. H. Nichei'a Mout Market. Btate Street, 47 Houth ïhayer Street, ot mvd6 througli the I'ostoöioo. Work will be done as oheap as the ebeapest, and all orders prompt I y ftt tended to. W1LL1AM ACTION. Estáte of Morris Gregg, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wfi-ditennw, ss At n gesülor of' llie Probate Conrl Au theConntj of Waghtenau , holdeD :ii tlie Probate Office in the city of Aun ïrbor, on Tueewiay, the first flay ol Juno, in the yt;ar one thousiui't eïght huüdred and tihty. Present, Wílliaiu D.Harrlwan, J udge of Probate. In the matte uf the:8tate of Murria ü dcceas'rl. On Rruiing :irul ti!ii:r the peni ion, öuly veHfied, of Auirnata Gregst piaying tm be may be Hconsed to Bel! tbe Efceal Estáte wnereofsald deceaeddied seixed. Thereupnn it is ordereA, thui Satur'liiy.tlie twenty eixth flay tf June iiwtant, at ton o'clock in the fovenooa, be nsaigned for the hearing of said petitimi, and thftt the hei is at luw of aiikt decensed, and mII otherpprwpa intereeid io snid estáte, are rcqnirod tn appear at & sewinn of siiid cauri, then to be holden nt tlia Proba OtKee, io the city of Ann Arbor, lu Baid county, and show cause, if any t here be, wliy ilie : niyc-r uf the petitioner nhnuld nol be lyranted: And it im fnrther nniew-l, fchat said petitioner ! pivo notine to the peimmfl interested in Bftid edtnte, o'" the pendency of ni1! v !H n, nnfl tlie hearing tiu'ieot' by caBeinfra eopy oi this ovder Io be publislied in ih.' A.n Akbub Augvh. b nowepapei printed un-1 ei eafftt d In saïd county, tïirre nuoceceivfc: weekt presiona to Bid day of hearíiig. WILLIAM I). HARH1MAN, (A tmocopy.) Jude oi Probate. Wm. G. Ioty, Probate Register. IJstafo of "VViïliam Myers. QTATE OF MICHIGAN", COUNTY of Washtenaw, bs. At a session of the Prohate Tourt for the County of Washtenaw, In. Men at the Probate Office, in tbe city uf Ann Arbor, on Saturday. the twenty ninth day of May, in theyear out; thousand Mffht hundred and righty. Present, WiHiain D. liarriman, Judge nt Probate. In tbe matter ol' the estáte of Willitnn Myers deceased. Charlea IT. Eempf, cxecutor of the last willnnn testament oT saiU deceased , oomes into court and representa thíit be is now prepared to reuder hls Üniil iceount as such exf-entor. Th reuponitt" oi-dered,that8atiirdfty, the ninotoeDlli duy of June next,at tenu'clock in the forenooit, be ansian ed fot exoraining and allowinsr such ncfDiiMt, iü.'ï that the derlaees, legatees, and beirs al Ibw of sald deceased, allothor p raosa inttrestvd in said etstate, ure required to appeaz at a &ea■ion of naid (?ourt, then to be lioldenat the Probate Oüice in the city of Ann Arbor, in said eountv, and ihowennse, if :my therebe. why the sftid account should not bti aliowed : And it ia further ordered, that Paid ext-cator pive notiee to the persons aterested in sriid estnte, of the peudency of said account iind t,hc hearing thereuf, by oaitnng ii eopy of this ordei to be pubhshed in the An.n Abbor Aiïais, íi newísii).er printed and clrculatlog in sa id counVy, two uccessive weeks previous to said duy oí hearing. "WILLIAM D. nAKRTMAN, (A true enpy). Judge uf Probate. Hm. G. DuTi, Probate Register. Roal VNtfitp for Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0 of Wat'Tcnaw, ss. In the matter of the esuue of ÏA.vaiï STellnig minor. Notioe is hereby eiven, that in pur'unno of an order gnnted to the unrïcrsiirrir.i cnardUn o lid minor by the Hou. Judee ot I'n.liate f ir tiie coiiutjr of Wushtenaw, on t:ie third üij uf lune, A. D. ÏSSO, thore will bc 8'lil at public Tendue, to Ilie highest bid li-r, at tho eait front di.-or of the oonrt Imuse iu the city of An i Arbor. in the county of Vnshtenaw, in B&i.l .stt.te, 011 1 rjl-DAY, THE 1'WKiNTÍETH DAY rF JULT. A. D. t RSO, at ten o'clock ín theforeuoon of that day (subject to 11 enoutnbrances by mortgfl oi;cnvi-c existing at thetiuje of the sale the following describid Real Eslate, l wit: The equal undivided one f-ixleenth part of the northeast qurirt?r of the nt.rth eoat quarter oí' section mimber eightecn iu towníhip four south oí Rangtoi eat ti OTk) in Michigan containiug forty ocres ol land be the fame more or less. Duted JiineUrd 18S0. ALBERT r-.'KEI-r.OGO, Gnar-Han. LYMÁN WHEELER O3J1 BOSTO3ST, Teacher of English and Italüua CULTIVATI01T OP THE VOICE, Will lócate in Detroit during a portion of the summer of 1880, and will be preruired to receive pupila on and after June 2Slh, at C. J. WHITNBY'S Mtisic Store, Itooms 40 Fort Street west. BES" As Mr. Whceler can reeeive but a limitf.d NrjMHKr. of etndetits applications ahould be made AS SOON as COSVmnXNT either to him, 161 Trcmont Street, Boston, or at the Muaic Store of C .T. Whitney, Dí'iroit,, whi're a book for signaturoa wil] be kept and full particulara given. 21-6t To my I'ricinl and Patrons: I liave now in stock a fircat Varié ir"i !■■■ na Buj s' Hn:aiid Caps, andlknotv itnillbcto your interest to makc your purc1iacs of me. 1 ni deícrtiiiiicd to ínnrr a ;,-co:i maiiy soüís lilis Sprimsr and Sumiller and liavc made prices that will inure it. As I stated in iny advertiseniciii last Winter, Ihcie ivas no excuse for bigh prices t!i;it was so lunch talked of by orne, and alrcady tlicreis bcfíinninjr to be a decline in prices. Since return home, I have made some heavy iiurcïiascs at f rom IETS to'ï'WIC.vry percent, less than thcy werc boufilit for earlier, henee ui j absence wal a benefit to me f inancially as well as pliysically.- I candidly beliclcvc I am scllin;; suits from 50 cents to $2.0O cach less than any other House in the State of jTfichigan,and Ilats from 25 cents to $1.00 less cach. I have opened a Uranch in Dcxtcr. for a short time. as an outlct for the heavy pur chases I have been making: reccntly. Don't tliink of lui} ins accnl's wortli until you have scen my stock. JOE T. JACOBS, The Clothler. GET Y0UB PI10PEEÏY IN8UEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. -t South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - MICH" The oldest agoney in the city. Es' iblished a quarter of acenturyago. Kepresentiiig thE followiug iiistclasa oopiuani' t: Uomelnsn ranee Co. of N.'Y., Assets over $ii,000,00( Continental Ins. Co. ofN. Y., Assets over Ï3,OOO,OO( Niágara Fro Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets Sl,412,40( Girardot Pa., Assets over Ï1,OI)0,OOC Oriënt of Hartford, Assets $700,00( Comniorcial Union of London, Assets $3,000,0(!( #S" üates low. Losses Hberally adjusted anc proniptly paid. C. H. MILLEN. TL1 he Universal liath. P "" Pr-. Rfiductd W"J OW BsttH RnmwdI. ■ Stxdfor chutar. E. J. KNOVVLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. Forstilcttt the Drug vStorc of L. S. Lerch, Cook;s Hole! block ; also by C.Eberbach& Son, South Main 3tret ; &pd also by the roanufactnrer, E. J. Knowltiii, Nfl - 1 Korth Btate Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. to wbiu mII corrcspottdenceahonld bo addreupcd. JACÖB HALLER &. SOiM, DEALERS JN WÁTCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spectacles, PLATED WARE AND GOLD PEM 2-i South Main Street, .asrnsr aebob, migh. tF" Bpocïnl fittention given to rcpairing watclics ocks,and jewtlry. A ET EMPORIUM And Artisí's Supp'y Depct. 217 fFoodward Avenue, Detroit. ANDBBW -f. BKOTT, Proprlotor, Dealer in Picture Frames, Lonking Glaseos, on Palntlnga, Eiigrnv'.iiKs, riiroiniis, AriisI's Materials, i!:'. Arl Spociilltles. FRAMES RE-GIUIED. Iggs! Iggs! Eggs! TUI? PI.ÏBOCTH KOCKS, oneofthe bettbredftof poultry, ia on sale !y WM. BUS] Superior, P. 0. ld dr esa Aun Arlor. Frice $2 pi-r dozen, or 93 for twodosen. Tbla la tlie Oorbin, Ne-winftton, Conn., breed, among the best l'urcggs and table. JU). T.rsH baon siile, price 75 cents, t1e bonk of 1(10 pages on Plymouth Rocks, containing fu] directioiis for raattng, breeding, care nuil ma mem uf this viiricty ni fowls It ts nn admiraBl woik for amateurs. No one. eau afford to be with out it.. O PEINO FASHIOXS - OF- Choice Rnillinery GEEAT VAEIETT, -AT - HUGO HiLL'S, 78 Wooá-waiá Avenue, DETROIT, MICH. VftllSliT &&!oM will save mnnejr bj I OUlig ríOn atteudingthe Business College at KALAMAZCO, MICIl. Send for Journal. W. F. PARPONS, 21-13t I lent. (lONSIONlUEftTS OF BOOTS AXB j ÜUUKS, at Wholesale, fot Cash. Sold on MAnufactoreTS' account WITHOUT i.nü'ii:!; l'MICK, to cover moncy adrancea PbiVATJB gai,es daily. Special nttention to orderb ACCT1ON Tnesdays at 10 oV!i'cl; a. m. W. I). ROEINSON & CO., Con?JKn( es iind VhuleaJe A nol ioneera 21- 4t 182 Jeffurecn Avenue, Detroit. ÊSfIH THi WORLD! AUD BB-CARB. SOBA 'WMeh. is tlio samo tliing. Impuro Salcraíns or Dï-Carb Soda (wiiicli is tño sume l liinc; ) is ofa slicïitly lirty %viii í c color, i i muy appear ivhitc, eiamlncd by iíself, but a COMPARISOiV WITH CIIUKCH i CO'S " ARM ANDHASlIIEIi" BKAS3 will thow tlie diíTercnce. Scc that your Saleratas ana Ba.lifng Sodn. is wíiiío and Iun.1, as chooM be AI. I, SIMILAK. BCBSTANCSS tiseci for food. HouselcooTiora ttIio prefer bread ciada with ycaat. will improve ita qulity, jnake it riao better aad prevent it from Bnuriag. by Bolding cno-lialt'teopoonful of CJiurch & Co.'s T:oda or Faleratus. Bo sureandnot uso too inuch. Tlia nso of tbia with Bonr mllk, in jrc!erc:ií'e to Etóiu Powder, saves twenty limos i3 cost. See one ponnd packago lor valuable informaBou aadread cai'eíully. ■____ PAINTS, 01LS, ETC." rnuii LABGEST AM1) BEST STOCK OF 7 7 Vamislies, ALLKINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH 77IÏTDO"W GI.ASS AU Sizes. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. FAIRBANKS' SCALES TUE STANDAKD Oï THE W0KLD. ECLIPSE WIND MILLS THE STKONGEST MILL MADE. SAFESTTO BBY, BecanBe Warrantcd tlio Best, and Warrantee II Substantial. CONTAINS ALX IHPBOVE3IENTS. Frices Lowent, Quallty Consldered. Bend for Prlce List describing article wanted. Falrbanks, Morse & Co., Chicago. Trice witliin ttie reacJi of A II. Most popular liooks slnce printíijjí was Invented. The ï"ull and t'omplete I.ectiires of CoS. R. C. Bsigersoü, Xo. 1. MlütakeB Of Mi ?. No. 2. KkulK No. H. Gl.osts. No. 4. Hell. .. 5. láluTly of Man, Wom;ui an-1 Chiid. No. G. ' oüs. No. 7. Intellectual Developuient. No. 8. üman Rights. No. 9. Hereaíler. No. 10. Relfg us Intolerancc. No. 11. Heretfca and Heresles, o. 12. Col. Ingersoll's Viniii, ■ilion of 'J'lios. l'ain ■ No. 13. Plea forlndlTidualUy Htul Arraifrnmeo cf tbe Church. No. 14. Tbe Bellglon of Onr D ■. No. ÍS. Personal Deisni Denied. No. l(i. The Philosophev of Reason - LLuinboldt. PRICE 5 CF.NTS EACH. Col.'lngersoll and his Chicago Critics A Ijccture by thc Iípv. James K. Applcby. Price 10 Cents. Speech of Charles Stewart Parnell at the Exposition Building, Chicagc, J?ebruary 2-;, 1880. TogetheT with a short Biograpby of his Liff, -with Large Portrait and Autograph ou Cover Page. Fxice 10c. Full Report of the Grand lic-Fnion of the PoWiers and Pallors of the Late Wnr, teld nt Chicago Nov. lí to 15, 1879, índndlnp all speeches, and tbose oí ('ol. B. G. Ineersoil, Col. Wm. F. Vilas, Bamuel L. Olemens fMark Twain'a Speeoh ou liaticf)). Price 25 Cents. "Life and Trip Around the World of Gen. Crant." 15 I " Last Speech of Senator Zacli. Chandler," and Biofrraphical Sketch, lth Lartte Portrail of Mr. Obandlei on Cover P,'i(re. 5 OBts. Common Sensc, Essay on Pienms, The Reüirion of Dsisai, in oro volume, by Thomas Pnine. PRICE 25 CENTS. Arty of Ou abure snit pott-paid upon reertpt of price. Bi5" Js;ents vauted in erery City aud Town. Libeïal Term. Address i r. ir. CABKOIX, 1(!i nar.dJlphM,,(iiia{;o,IU. A fêLW GBOGEBYÏ AT 16 EAS7 HURÓN STREET, GASPAR RlftSSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, cornprlalnp i v i . I! np in the lim ut boltom pricts - BBd i'Ur.-hii.-t-d t'xclusively cush. From a looff experience In thp tralp, r-1ai] and wholpsalf. lic belii va tlecau siilltioous na chettpa the üboap it CALL AND SEE HIS PRICES AU (Joods Vfarranted First-f'lass. Farmers produco wnnted for which thf higïieBt cash priue will be paid. VW Eemember the place, 16 East Iluroii Streot, Ann Arbor. EDWARD DÜFFY, Wholesale and. Iietail aHOCER o A Lni-KC New, and Oln Stook ol Staple & Faney Groccries A LU A I'S O y II ASI) ! Toeether wilí full nd complete stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AD RFBBER HOODS, Alsn n rlinirf assortmcnt of Iinlii".' ni íícnts' l ndcrweur, Husicry. (loTr! Jtc. Bpeciai inducement.s olieri I CHSli cusluüici; EDWARD HUFFY, Cor. Muiii and Ann öts., Ann Arboj B" Cnsh paid for 11 Farm 1'riKlucls.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus