Mack & Schmid
lOO PIECBS O1 SILKS & SATINS AT PRICES tlint eaniiot fall lo carry COXYICTION! Vi e are sliowiug a complete assortment oí" BLACK SILKS, COLOKED SILKSf BL'K AND COLOBED SATIJÍS, SATINS DELïOJiS, ana SATINS DE LUXOB IVc let íhese goods advertlse ilicmselvcs. All ive ask s for ladies to come ani look at oiir stock and compare qiiality and rices wiUi tlioseof other houscs. Notice is invited to our mognificent FREISSCH AND ENGLSSH NOVELTIES ín DressGoods, American DressGoods, Union and Pure Linen Lawns, Lace ani Linen Window Caf aína, Napkina, Towels, Damnsks and Quilts, Cbintzes for FurnRuro Co-ícrings, Curtains ard Lamia luiim, new Buntings, new Ginghams, new Percales, a ilne display of Tery stj-lish DOLMANS, ULSTERS, SH0ULBER CAPES, BEDDIITGOTES JJSTJD STJITS, NEW SUN UMBBELLAS, NEW LACES, BUTTONS, FEINGES, AND EIBBONSSlake jour solecfions and secure the choicest goods and patterns AT THE PROGRESSIVE ONE-PRIGE CASH HOUSE OF riiory bare noir In Storo tlie LAKGEST and BICHEST Stock of DUY tJOOP ever sliown in Auu Arbor.
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Ann Arbor Argus