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Personal Glances

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- Our former fellow citizen Chas. D. Colman arrived in town Tuesday. Ho now resides at Washington. - Mrs. U. 1!. Wilson, daughter of the ate Wm. S. Maynard, is visiting the scènes of her younger days and old acquaintances in this city. -Dr. Dunster left for New York Satirday to altend the session of the American Medical Association. Drs. ïreakey and Kapp left for same place Monday. - Prof. Estabrook of Ypsilanti wil] receive S3,ü()0 per annum as president of the college located at Olivet, Jaton Coimty, and under the care of Congregationalists and Presbyterians. - Gillie S. Pitkin left the city Monday for his new home at Petrolia, Ontario, where he will engage actively in an exensive business with a relative. He was one of our most active young men, and his departure will be regretted by his hosts of friends. - Among Ann Axbor's representaives at Chicago 's "greatest show on enrth" this week are: R. A. Beal, A. J. Sawyer, E. 1?. Able, J. ï. Jacobs, Prof. Meek, E. B. Pond, and J. N. Jailey of: the Argus. The latter two went to kor]) the others straight. - Bishop Bowman, who presidedovef he sessión of the M. E. Conference held n this city luwt fall, will1 preside at :he session of the Michigan Conference o be held at Muskegon commencing on Sept. 8. Bishop Andrews will preside it the meeting of the Detroit Conference to be held at Bay City at the samo line. - On Wednesday evening Jndge and tfrs. Cooley save a farewell reception ;o Dr. and Mrs. Angelí, w-hich was argely attendeel by their very many Iriends of the uriiversity and city. Dr. and Mrs. Angelí, danghter and youngt son are to leave for San Francisco iext Monday, thence by steainer to .'.hiña on the 16th. The Dr. goes as Knvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of OHTgovörifment to China. The 'diplomatic residence in China will be at Jfekin. I was falling into a doze when a plain, Carmw-looking man airóse the aisle poked me witn hiscane and said, "IJeen ap in the West?" Itoldhimthat 1 liad. almost to the land of N"od. But that didn't seem to make any Nods to him, fnr lic, continuo. I: "Great country, tbat Westofours. 'j'ain't lialf appreciated vet. Greeley understood it, though. He could do for a young man. Ñow we had a young felkrw np where I belong- Huron countv. Smaiter'nawhip. üould do anythlng. But, bless ye, he hadn't no chance round there. Everything occupiedexcepthimself. Every place full. Folks said if he would only go West with all his talent he would soon be a big man. Ih would't listen to it for a long time- kept struggling on, but linally he went. This was iwo years ago. And now. si i (rising np in his seat with eagerness and animation, while I, catching Bomething of his enthusiasm, half rost myself), and now this young man, wh had no chance in the wortd in Ohio where do you suppose he Is?" f said 1 didn't know. (Besuming his seat) - "Damifldo either. We haven't heard ; woi'd from him Rince he lelt!"


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus