Memorial Day
Memorial day was observed in this city on Sunday afternoon, May 30, with the usual ceremony of music, military and civic parade. Marching from tho Court House to the Fiíth veard thc procession was joined by tho Ladies' Decoration Society, children carrying flaga and flowers, and a large number of citisensonfoot and In carriages. Arriving at the cemetery they proceeded directly to the soldier's monument where Company A fonned a hollow square about the mound when the children Bcattered their flowera and adorned the monument with wreath, crosses and many beautiful flora] designs, while they sang ander the direction of Mrs. D. M. Tyler a beautif ul patriotk Bong commemorative of the fallen héroes. The band tlien played a solemn and touching requiem and the orowd repaired to the speakers stand, where had the weather been favorable speeches would have been made by Ilev. J. T. Sunderland, Mrs. Sunderland B. E. Frazer, A. McReynolds, and others. The recent heavy rains however, the dampness of tho grounds, the cold winds and threatening showera made it expedient to dismiss the congregation, who went away disappointed at the sence of this the most valuable part of the service. The ladies' faithful and continued endeavors to keep alive the spirit of patriotism in the hearts of the people, especially the rising generation, will be appreciated by all good people. They deserve the tlianks of the community. ïlieir part in the good work was faithfully performed,but unpleasant weather has.thus two years in succession interfered seriously in the fulflllment of their plana. Some of the ministers who had promised to be] present had pnrposely remained awav, as it did not agree with their notions of propriety to observe the day on the Sabbath. But the general feel'mg was fully in sympathy with the time and occasion. The soldiers during the war had no time to rest on the Sabbath - our hardest fought battles, long forced marclies, death and dying went on, on the Sabbath as on other days. And it really seyiied pitiful that the simple scattering'of flowers and the songs of the children, beautiful and touching as these were, were the only expression rendered on that solemn and sacred occasion in commemoration of the noble anddevoted men, who consecrated their unselfish lives upon the altar of liberty. Upon no other theme are the hearts of the people so united in sympathy and devotion to one common cause. Those who cannot speak a good word for the noble dead upon Sabbath as upon other days have no genuine love of country. The present offleers of the society are: President, Mrs. E. W. Moore; vice-president, Mrs. Wm. A. Lovejoy; secretary, Mrs. G. II. Khodes; treasurer, Mrs. E. C. Curtis. Ollicers are elected annnally, their official duties cease on memorial day. Company A made a fine appearance in tluvir new uniforms and formed a most important element in the honors of the day. The band discoursed fine music, and as before stated all would have been a complete success but for the unfavorable weather and the nonapjiearance of some speakers who had promised to aid by their presence. The adies are not discouraged, howevcr. when they remember the beloved jersof tlieir houseliolds, and the difficul;ies and trials tbat feil to tlie soldiers Lot, tlieir own disappointment bears not i feather's weight in comparison, and come what will decoration day shall neverbe suffered to pass unremembered and unhonored while one lives to commemorate its sacred claims upon our gratitude.
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