Rail Roads
-Work 011 the Toledo, Ann Arbor ml ortli Eastern Kailroad is progresIng to rapid completion between tliis city iind South Lyon. - Thursday of last week the contractr bröke ground for the Mackinac & Aarquete Railroad at Point St. Ignace, and the people in that neigliborhood reoiced greatly thereat. - The construction of the road-bed of he Air Line R. K., from Pontiac to íbchester. has been commenced by the contractor. Nearly 100 men are now at work and 250 more are wanted. - It is reported that, the managers of the New York Central, Canada Southern, and Michigan Centra] Rail roads contémplate operating a fast train between Ñew STork and Chicago in opposition to the fast train recently put in operation between those two cities by the Pennsylvania Central railroad company. Tlic fast train will run over the lludson River, New York Central, Canada Southern, and Michigan Centra] rail roads., and it is contemplated will make the run between New Vork and Chicago in about Uventy-six liours.and the trip f rom New York to Detroit in about nineteen hours. The N. Y. Central put on the fast train yesterday. "My friend," began a sertous individual bo ealled in at a cotton dealers the other day. "will you give me a few moments to talk about your future'' " Futuresj' no, blasl yourfutures,I'm doing nothingbut a spot business now, and blanked little of that. There's Charley S. up stairs, he'll talk 'futures' with you from July to eternity- good tnorning" - and the cotton man rushed out, jeaving the good clergyman, who was inexperiencea In the slang of the trade. speechless with astonishmeut and he savcd u)i liis remarks on llu future for a future opportunity.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus