The County
-Miss Minino Mains o" Dexter has a chicken with thf J3 perfectly formed legs and f eet. - Tranctions in real est ite of which there have been a greater number than usual this spring havo ceased almost wholly. - OnTuesday of last week Mr. A. Burkhart of Chelssa rocéived a sun stroke-while at work in Wood Uros.' store. -The graduatingelafS of Manchester"s unión school ave Jíissi s T-nlu Taylor, ('lava Merrtbhew, Florence Ide, Esther Bu8h; Ciarles Underkircher and lien Chase. - Prof. Kicharls x] B6VCT his eonnection with th 3 Clielsea unión school and o to St. Louis, Mieh., where he will receive a s ilary of í)ÜO to superintend its schools. - Woster Blo Igett, a rich farmer of Webster township, Washtenaw county, while 011 liis way to thc Ann Arbor temperance meeting Friday , was thrown from his wagon and severely and possibly fatally injnred. -The Whitmore Lake tteform Club will celébrate their flrst anniversary on Fiiday, Saturday and Sunday. Addresses will be delivered liy Prof. Wilson, Mrs. Schuyler, R. F. Frazer, of this city Miss CE. Cleveland, of Pontiac, and Rev. J. C. Iliggins, of Detroit. -The Jano meeting of the Washtenaw Co. Pomological society will be held on Saturday, the 12th, in their room in the court house at 2 i M.- There will be a display of Strawberries. All are cordially invited to afclend the meeting, and those having sample strawberries may bring them for exhibition. -James Eedman of Milan writes tlie Monroe Commercial: "I send you sample of wool sheared f rom my ramTriumph, this 26 day of May, by Charles Teal. Tlie fleece weighs 2S pounds exclusive of tags, of 375 daya growth. Weight of carcasa after sTnaring. 111 pounds. This sheep was br mght f rom Vermont wben a lamb, beiig'now three years Old." - Manchester's school board have engaged the following teachers for the ensuing year' at the salary as indicated: Superintendent- Prof J. W. Robinson, $1,000; Principal High School- Prof. C. F. Field, $500; Grammar Department - Miss M. L. llunt' S360; Intermedíate Department- Miss Atta Colwell, $320; Secondary Department- Miss Alice Richmond, $320; Primary Department Miss Anna E. Shekell, 320. . - A case of accidental shooting occurred Monday last at the residence of Jeremiah D. Williams who lives on Sauth Ypsilauti road Ann Arbor town. It seems that Fred. Stark, a thirteenyear old son of C. M. Starks of Webster was visiting Mr. Williams' son Mark, and the boys had procured a toy pistol withwhich they had been shooting at rats. Monday morning Mark Williams took the loaded pistol, which carried a few small shot, and pointing it at his friend, said, "If you were a robber now, I woiild shoot you," or words to that effect. In some manner the pistol went off, the shot taking effect in young Stark's breast and hmgs, inflicting a severe and perhaps fatal wound. Dr. Frothingham was at once summoned, and at last accounts there wsre hopes of the boy's recovery.- Register.
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