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Saline, June 1. - "Business is booming on the D. W. & S. W, road. - ïhey have the joists put in for the flrst floor of the new brick store. -Mr. E. A. Reynolds of Milan is in town on a visit to his father's fauiily. -Mr. M. J. Fanning made it lively for the old rummies on Sunday eve May 30th. . -Mr. W. Walker has moved from town on to the farm in Lodi known as the old Lansing farm. - ïhere are six hundred and eleven ñames on the Reform Club books of Saline, but . -Mr. Fred Cutler formerly of the Pollot House Ypsilanti retxirned to his home in Toledo this morning. - Wheat has come in inlarge quanti;ies for a few days past. We have ;hought that weshould starre to death, jut dont see how it is to be accomplished with the show that there is for living. -Wc took an invoice of Ann Arbor city on Friday, Saturday and Sunday ast and saw more building and other wsiness going on than we shall see in our town in some time to come. Bully for A. A.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus